6 Amendments of Heinz K. BECKER related to 2014/2008(INI)
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital N
Recital N
N. whereas in this same context, the Petitions Committee has been working in conjunction with the relevant services of the European Parliament to develop a new multi-lingual web-portal which replaces the former, more limited, electronic facility for petition submission contained on the Europarl web-site; and whereas the new portal is designed to increase administrative efficiency while enhancing the transparency and interactivity of the petitions process for the benefit of petitioners and members of the European Parliament as well as for the public at large;
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Observes the variety of thematic key areas concerned in the citizens’ petitions, such as fundamental rights, internal market, environmental law, public health issues, child welfare, transport and constructions, Spanish Coastal Law, new Regulation on good administration, persons with disabilities, age discrimination, public access to documents, European Schools, Fiscal Union, and the Steel Industry and many more;
Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25
Paragraph 25
25. Points out that this final non-legislative resolution could bring forward new suggestions to make the Committee work more substantial inside the House by raising its profile as a scrutiny Committee; invites the newly elected Petitions Committee to nominate internal Annual Rapporteurs on the major policies, which are of concern of European petitioners, and to enhance cooperation with other parliamentary committees by systematically inviting their members (e.g. via e-mail) to those debates in PETI which concern their respective field of legislative competence; invites the other parliamentary committees to involve the Petitions Committee more as an opinion giving committee on implementation reports and other instruments to monitor the correct transposition and implementation of the European legislation in the Member States; stresses the importance, also in view of the ever- increasing amount of petitions received and their related undertakings, of enjoying a de-neutralised status in the Parliament's committee portfolio; invites the Plenary Session of the European Parliament to dedicate more time to debates on the petitions of the European citizens and the work of the Petitions Committees;
Amendment 59 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26
Paragraph 26
26. Highlights the need to reinforce the Petitions Committee collaboration with the other EU Institutions and bodies, and the national authorities in the Member States; considers its importance to enhance structured dialogue and systematic cooperation with Member States especially with the National Parliaments' Petitions Committees; creating such a partnership will allow best exchange of experience and practices, e.g. by holding regular meetings with the chairs of all national Petitions Committees; creating such a partnership will allow best exchange of experience and practices, a more systemic and efficient practice of petitions’ referral to the competent level and body and ultimately will bring the European Parliament closer to the European citizens' concerns; welcomes the establishment in Ireland of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Investigation, Oversight and Petitions, and the useful links it has established with the European Parliament in the course of this year in order to bring about an even better service to citizens; notes that parliaments in other member states are currently considering creating petitions committees or similar bodies, or that some have other processes for dealing with petitions;
Amendment 65 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 30
Paragraph 30
30. Calls upon MEPs in the Petitions Committee to adopt final internal rules to ensure maximum efficiency and openness in the work of the Committee and to make proposals to revise accordingly the Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament in order to consolidate their continuous attempts during the whole seventh legislature to improve working methods; calls on the Petitions Committee to adopt clear deadlines in the process of petitions in order to speed up the petitions life-cycle in the European Parliament and make the whole process even more transparent and democratic; underlines that this could put in place a defined lifecycle of the petition from registration until their final closure in the European Parliament, similarly to the existing deadlines for the work in process on legislative and non-legislative files; considers that these deadlines should establish an alert mechanism which automatically draws members’ attention on petitions where there has not been any action nor correspondence for a considerable amount of time, in order to avoid old petitions staying open over years without substantial reason; recalls that fact-finding visits are one of the key investigative instruments of the Petitions Committee, therefore an urgent revision of the relevant rules is needed, in order to enable the newly elected Members to carry out efficient visits and report swiftly back to the petitioners and the Committee on their findings and recommendations.
Amendment 67 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 32
Paragraph 32
32. Notes the growing number of petitions in the course of the legislative period and remains highly concerned that delays and response times are still too long throughout the registration phase and the admissibility phase in the process; calls for providing the Petitions Committee Secretariat with additional juridical experts and administrative support, to issue recommendations related to whether the petition lies within the competence of European law; considers that these recommendations along with petitions summaries need to be provided to members only in English first and then be translated in all official languages only when being published, in order to further speed up the first decisions on admissibility; expects that the launch of the new petitions web-portal will diminish the number of questionable submissions which are occasionally registered as petitions;