6 Amendments of Andrey NOVAKOV related to 2019/2068(DEC)

Amendment 3 #
Proposal for a decision 1
Paragraph 1
1. Grants the Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights discharge in respect of the implementation of the Agency’s budget for the financial year 2018 / Postpones its decision on granting the Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights discharge in respect of the implementation of the Agency’s budget for the financial year 2018;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 5 #
Proposal for a decision 2
Paragraph 1
1. Approves the closure of the accounts of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights for the financial year 2018 / Postpones the closure of the accounts of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights for the financial year 2018;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Notes with appreciation that budget monitoring efforts during the financial year 2018 resulted in a budget implementation rate of 100 %, the same rate as in 2017; notes with concern that the payment appropriations execution rate was low at 76,20 %, but acknowledges that it represents a slight increase of 4,09 % compared to 2017;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Notes the Agency’s cooperation with other agencies, in particular the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, the European Institute for Gender Equality, the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation, and the European Asylum Support Office, in order to achieve common policy objectives; welcomes the fact that, in addition, the Agency regularly supports other Union agencies to reflect obligations stemming from the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (the ‘Charter’) in their work; deems it necessary for the Agency to continue the development of strong ties with other relevant Union institutions; encourages the Agency to explore ways of sharing resources and staff on overlapping tasks among other agencies with similar activities;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Acknowledges the Agency’s existing measures, and welcomes its ongoing efforts in relation to securing transparency, in relation to prevention and management of conflicts of interest, and in relation to whistle-blower protection; notes that there were a number of cases of potential and perceived conflicts of interest that were assessed and mitigated and none reported in 2018;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Notes, in light of the comments made by the discharge authority with reference to the discharge of 2017 related to the legal proceedings brought in recent years against the Agency concerning alleged irregular recruitment decisions and the accusations by a former stand-by temporary judge of the Civil Service Tribunal of irregular practices relating to the use of the consulting servic, notes that the General Court of the European Union dismissed both cases; acknowledges, that the Agency is no longer in a contractual relationship with that judge and that it is contracting with other law firms for different cases in order to avoid one service provider monopolising the Agency’s requests for servica former stand-by temporary judge of the Civil Service Tribunal and notes that it took several measures to mitigate any potential conflict of interest;
Committee: CONT