8 Written explanations of Andrey NOVAKOV

Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund: assistance to Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Greece and France further to natural disasters occurred in 2023

As a sign of European solidarity with Member States that have suffered major natural disasters, the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) enables the EU to provide effective support to Member States dealing with the effects of natural disasters. The assistance from the EUSF is in the form of a grant to supplement public spending, and it is in the hands of the beneficiary state to handle and audit the way it is spent.Today, we adopted a Commission proposal to mobilise the EUSF and to provide assistance for six natural disasters (floods) that occurred in 2023 for an amount of EUR 1 028.5 million in total: EUR 378.8 million for Italy (Emilia-Romagna), EUR 428.4 million for Slovenia, EUR 5.2 million for Austria, EUR 101.5 million for Greece, EUR 67.9 million for Italy (Tuscany), EUR 46.8 million for France. A very broad majority adopted the report.The accompanying resolution conveys political messages, highlighting the increasing pressure on the EUSF budget as well as the need to shorten the time required for the processing of the applications. This vote is important for the EPP Group given the recent natural disasters that affected Europe (2024/2817(RSP)). I supported the report.
Moldova's resilience against Russian interference ahead of presidential elections, EU integration referendum

Today we voted on a resolution aimed at strengthening Moldova's resilience against Russian interference ahead of the upcoming presidential elections and a constitutional referendum on EU integration. The resolution's purpose is to reiterate Parliament's support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognised borders. It calls on the EU and its Member States to provide all necessary assistance to the Republic of Moldova to be able to strengthen its institutional mechanisms and it reaffirms the EU’s commitment towards the membership of Moldova in the European Union.Furthermore, the resolution calls for consistent support in the accession process through an increase of technical assistance and the adoption of a new growth plan for the country to support and finance Moldova in achieving economic convergence with the Union. The resolution also calls on the Commission to include Moldova in the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III). I voted in favour of the resolution.
The democratic backsliding and threats to political pluralism in Georgia

This resolution is aimed to express deep concern with the situation of democratic backsliding in Georgia, especially ahead of the parliamentary elections scheduled for the end of October. It calls on the Commission and Member States to investigate the severe consequences of democratic backsliding, given their donor role in Georgia. Furthermore, there is a call on the Commission to assess the impact of Georgia’s recently adopted undemocratic legislation; the implementation of the recommendations of the Venice Commission and the carrying out of the elections.The text urges that the Georgian authorities ensure the elections are conducted in a fair, transparent and free process adhering to international standards and reflecting the democratic will of the people.The resolution sends a further message that the upcoming elections will be decisive in determining Georgia’s future democratic development and geopolitical choice. Additionally, the resolution calls on the Georgian Government to impose sanctions against Russia in response to its war of aggression against Ukraine and to continue its previous policy of non-recognition of the occupied territories and honour its commitment to effectively enforce measures to avoid the circumvention of European sanctions.I voted in favour of the resolution.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2024/001 BE/Match-Smatch

This proposal concerns the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to assist Match-Smatch (Belgium) that is facing redundancies. The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund has been created with the aim to provide additional assistance to workers suffering the consequences of major structural changes in world trade patterns. After a positive assessment of an application for assistance from the respective Member State, the European Commission is required to propose to mobilise the EGF to the budgetary authority complementing it with a corresponding request for a transfer to the relevant budget lines. This proposal will assist 365 displaced workers' return to employment or entrepreneurship. The assistance to be provided amounts to EUR 2 661 564. I voted in support.
Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025 – all sections

Today we adopted the position of the European Parliament on the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025. The vote on the budgetary amendments is a vote of extreme importance when it comes to the budgetary procedure of the EU. The EP has voted to restore the budgetary cuts presented by the Council, taking the draft budget proposed by the European Commission as the starting point for its position.Priorities for the EP have been increased and the overall level of appropriations for the 2025 budget (all sections) will be at EUR 200.952 billion in commitment appropriations, representing an increase of EUR 1.235 billion compared to the draft budget. There have been increases in the appropriations for a number of important policy areas, such as research and innovation, transport, digitalisation, health, agriculture, migration and border protection, internal security, military mobility and others. I voted in support.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Germany and Italy relating to floods occurred in 2024

As a sign of European solidarity with Member States that have suffered major natural disasters, the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) enables the EU to provide effective support to Member States dealing with the effects of natural disasters. The assistance from the EUSF is in the form of a grant to supplement public spending, and it is in the hands of the beneficiary state to handle and audit the way it is spent.The current proposal concerns the mobilisation of the EUSF for a total amount of EUR 116 031 553 to provide assistance to Germany and Italy in relation to the natural disaster (floods) that took place in 2024: EUR 112 071 681 for Germany in relation to floods in May and June 2024; EUR 3 959 872 for Italy in relation to floods of 29 June 2024 in the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta.The accompanying resolution conveys political messages, highlighting the increasing pressure on the EUSF budget as well as the need to shorten the time required to process the applications. This vote is important for the EPP Group given the recent natural disasters that affected Europe (2024/2817(RSP)). I supported the report.
2025 budgetary procedure: Joint text

This was a single vote to approve the joint text of the agreement reached between the Parliament and the Council on Budget 2025. The joint text endorses commitment appropriations of EUR 199 438,4 million and EUR 155 209,3 million in payments. The Parliament secured EUR 230,7 million top-ups (fresh appropriations) to priority programmes compared to the draft budget of the Commission and 20 million decommitments remobilised. I voted in favour.
Regional Emergency Support: RESTORE

The aim of the Regional Emergency Support to Reconstruction, RESTORE is to assist Member States affected by natural disasters. It is purposed to provide additional, effective support and further flexibility to support reconstruction operations for Member States, regions and local authorities severely affected by natural disasters through the use of the ERDF. It is also aimed to grant flexibility for Member States in the implementation of the ESF+ to be able to provide immediate food and basic material assistance to people directly affected by natural disasters, as well as short-time work scheme for employees and self-employed. The new measures will apply from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025. This regulation shows the commitment of the European Parliament to quickly react and address the severe natural disasters that affected several EU Member States in 2024. I voted in favour.