10 Amendments of Jozo RADOŠ related to 2017/0122(COD)

Amendment 74 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 5 a (new)
(5a) Passenger transport is fundamentally different from freight transport. Bus drivers are in close contact with their passengers and need flexibility for taking their breaks but without lengthening driving times or reducing rest periods and breaks.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 140 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 11 a (new)
(11a) The legislative framework on driving and rest times should not act as a barrier to the introduction of autonomous driving systems and new operational opportunities such as truck platooning. Knowledge gained from future tests and trials will be essential to further clarify how legislation should be adapted to allow for innovative changes.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 167 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point -1 (new)
Regulation (EC) No 561/2006
Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point a a
(aa) vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible mass not exceeding 7,5 tonn-1 Article 3 (aa) is replaced by the following: "(aa) vehicles or combinations of vehicles used for carrying materials, equipment or machinery for the driver’s use in the course of his work, and which are used only within a 1050 km radius from the base of the undertaking and on the condition that driving the vehicle does not constitute the driver’s main activity; " Or. en (
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 233 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 4 (new)
Regulation (EC) No 561/2006
Article 7 – paragraph 3 (new)
In Article 7, the following paragraph is added: "A driver in passenger transport must take a break of at least 45 minutes after a driving period of four and a half hours. This break may be replaced by breaks of at least 15 minutes each, which shall be fitted into the driving time or immediately after in such a way as to comply with paragraph 1."
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 311 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5 – point b a (new)
Regulation (EC) No 561/2006
Article 8, paragraph 7
(b a) in Article 8 (7), the following paragraph is added: By way of derogation from paragraph 1, in the case of occasional passenger services any rest taken as a compensation for a reduced weekly rest period shall be attached to another rest period of at least nine hours or a weekly rest period of at least 45 hours.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 375 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5 – point c a (new)
Regulation (EC) No 561/2006
Article 8 – paragraph 9 a (new)
(c a) In Article 8, new paragraph 9 a is added: 9a. Paragraph 8a of this Article shall not apply as long as the revised 2013 TEN-T guidelines have not been implemented, which foresee rest areas on motorways approximately every 100 km in order to provide appropriate parking space for commercial road users with adequate sleeping and sanitary facilities and an appropriate level of safety and security.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 412 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 7 a (new)
Regulation (EC) No 561/2006
Article 13 – paragraph 1 – point b
(7 a) Article 13 (b) is replaced by the following: "vehicles used or hired, without a driver, by agricultural, horticultural, forestry, farming or, fishery or construction undertakings for carrying goods as part of their own entrepreneurial activity within a radius of up to 100 km from the base of the undertaking; (" Or. en 2131294ccbd9.0005.02/DOC_1&format=PDF)
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 413 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 7 b (new)
Regulation (EC) No 561/2006
Article 13 – paragraph 1 – point d – subparagraph 1
(7 b) In Article 13, the first subparagraph of point (d) is replaced by the following: "(d) vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible mass not exceeding 7,5 tonnes used by unany deliversaly service providers as defined in Article 2(13) of Directive 97/67/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 1997 on common rules for the development of the internal market of Community postal services and the improvement of quality of service (17) to deliver items as part of the universal service. to perform last mile delivery services." Or. en (
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 421 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 7 c (new)
Regulation (EC) No 561/2006
Article 13 – paragraph 1 – point p a (new)
(7 c) In Article 13, paragraph 1, the following point is added: "(pa) vehicles or combination of vehicles used for own-account transport which are used within a 100 km radius from the base of the undertaking and on the condition that driving the vehicle does not constitute the driver's main activity;"
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 422 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 7 d (new)
Regulation (EC) No 561/2006
Article 13 – paragraph 1 – point p b (new)
(7 d) In Article 13, paragraph 1, the following point is added: "(pb) vehicles paragraph used for carrying asphalt and ready-mixed concrete to construction sites;"
Committee: TRAN