8 Amendments of Eric ANDRIEU related to 2015/2932(RSP)

Amendment 1 #

Citation 11 a (new)
- having regard to the sensitive nature of certain agricultural sectors in these negotiations, such as the beef, dairy, sugar and cereals sectors,
Committee: INTA
Amendment 2 #

Citation 11 b (new)
- having regard to the already significant number of agreements being negotiated between the EU and its main trading partners,
Committee: INTA
Amendment 9 #

Recital G
G. whereas for further deepening of the trade and investment relationship requires considering the conclusion of the EU- Australia and the EU-New Zealand free trade agreementwith Australia and New Zealand, the conclusion of free trade agreements with these countries cannot be contemplated if they adversely affect the ability of the parties to introduce, maintain or enhance their social, environmental or labour standards;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 23 #

Paragraph 4
4. Believes that the negotiation of modern, ambitious, balanced and comprehensive FTAs with Australia and New Zealand is a logical step in deepening the bilateral partnerships, further reinforcing already mature existing bilateral trade and investment relationships, and would help mitigate the diversionary effects of the recently concluded TPP;deleted
Committee: INTA
Amendment 33 #

Paragraph 5
5. Calls on the Commission to study in depth any additional market access opportunities for European economic operators offered by the possible FTAs with Australia and New Zealand during the scoping exercise and to weigh these against any possible defensive interests, also considering that both Australia and New Zealand have already comparatively open marketpaying particular attention to the agricultural sector, especially as regards beef and products made from beef, dairy products, sugar and cereals;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 39 #

Paragraph 6
6. Underlines that ambitious agreements between the three advanced economies must address, in a meaningful way, investment, and trade in goods and services (drawing on recent practice as regards reservations of policy space and sector coverage), and take into account sanitary and phytosanitary barriers, intellectual property, including geographical indications, sustainable development, e- commerce, public procurement, energy, state-owned enterprises, competition, anti- corruption, and the needs of SMEs and can benefit governance of the global economy by intensified convergence and cooperation on international standards without lowering any consumer, environmental or social and labour protection;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 57 #

Paragraph 8
8. Notes that a balanced outcome ineven if the agriculture chapters contain balanced provisions that takes sensitivities duly into account cand even if they boost competitiveness and will be beneficial to both consumers and producers; calls for t, the outcome cannot be favourable to the agricultural interests of the Union, particularly in sectors such as beef, dairy, sugar or cereals; calls for effective protection to be guaranteed for these sectors by using all possible means, such as the exclusion of certain products from the negotiations or the introduction of customs quotas. The inclusion of effective bilateral safeguard measures tocould prevent a surge in imports that would cause, or threaten to cause, serious injury to producers;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 67 #

Paragraph 10
10. Calls on the Commission to conduct as soon as possible comprehensive sustainability impact assessments of the potential agreements to be able to thoroughly evaluate possible gains in enhancing the EU-Australia and EU-New Zealand trade and investment relationships to the benefit of the population on both sides, and calls on it to assess the impact of such agreements on the outermost regions of the EU, particularly with regard to sugar production;
Committee: INTA