3 Amendments of Isabelle THOMAS related to 2016/2306(INI)

Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Recalls that improving the systems for collecting VAT and custom duties should be the highest priority of all Member States; welcomes the Commission’s proposal for establishing an EU black list of tax havens, which should be enforced by criminal sanctions with the aim of dealing with multinationals that evade taxes; welcomes the Commission's proposals for establishing a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base, which should enhance cross-border activities, reduce tax evasion and aggressive tax planning and open the opportunity to create a European taxation on multinational corporates through a common basic tax rate; recalls the need to resort to new own resources for the EU budget, such as taxation on speculative financial movements and on environmental and social drifts;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Recalls that improving the systems for collecting VAT and custom duties should be the highest priority of all Member States; welcomes the Commission’s proposal for establishing an EU black list of tax havens, which should be enforced by criminal sanctions with the aim of dealing with multinationals that evade taxes; recalls the need to resort to new own resources for the EU budget, such as taxation on speculative financial movements, on multinational corporations and on environmental and social drifts;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Considers that growth is still insufficient to create the jobs the EU urgently needs, especially for its young people, and that it is necessary to encourage more public and private investment in infrastructure and SMEs and to promote actions to tackle unemployment, such as the Youth guarantee;
Committee: BUDG