14 Amendments of Monika PANAYOTOVA related to 2012/2167(DEC)

Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point g a (new)
(ga) apply the principle of proportionality - without underestimating the rules to reduce administrative burdens and facilitate streamlining of procedures; additional step towards simplification is the obligatory use of the electronic project application and reporting as well as the unification and standardization of documents and procedures for management and implementation of the operational programmes;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 122 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 58
58. Emphasises that the President of the Court of Auditors observed that ‘national authorities operate the first – and most important – line of defence in protecting the financial interests of EU citizens and that there needs to be a greater degree of commitment on the part of national authorities to the management and control of EU money’*1 ; underlines in this context the co-responsibility of the Member States for better spending; 1 Introductory remarks made by Mr Caldeira on 6 November 2012 when presenting the Annual report of the European Court of Auditors concerning the financial year 2011 to the European Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control. considers, in addition, that the active involvement of the national parliaments, through respective committees for oversight the use of Union taxpayer's money in the Member States (following the example of the Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control), not only at the level of the political and expert monitoring, but also in the programming process of the new cohesion policy, would lead to a lower error rate level, better transparency and democratic legitimacy of the process of Union funds absorption;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 130 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 64
64. Urges the Member States to identify, in coordination with the Commission and the Court of Auditors, those unnecessarily complex national rules in order to simplify them; notes that in this regard, the potential for elaboration of standard tender documentation on the public procurement procedures should be further explored;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 65 a (new)
65a. Urges the Commission to develop additional instruments to facilitate the process of consultation with beneficiaries and to strengthen their direct feedback to the national authorities, in line with the efforts to simplify the national rules and to reduce the error rate;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 156 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 88
88. Calls on the Commission to strengthen its coordination with the Member States in order to collect reliable data on the customs and VAT gap in the Member Statrespective countries and to report on a regular basis to Parliament in that regard;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 174 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 116
116. Is particularly concerned by the fact that DG AGRI considers that ‘in general Member States are improving their management and control systems for rural expenditure’*1 while the audit of the Court shows that 5 of the 6 selected supervisory and control systems assessed were not effective or partially effective*2 ; is of the opinion that such a big divergence between the assessments of the Commission and the Court of Auditors makes it difficult for the discharge authority to reach objective conclusions; calls therefore on both institutions to establish a data exchange mechanism in order to provide the discharge authority with coherent and credible data; insists on synchronized performance evaluation and/or backcasting for past periods in order to ensure a reliable database for future comparisons; is convinced of the usefulness of tripartite meetings between the Court, the Commission and representatives from Member States concerned when looking for common analysis; 1 DG AGRI, annual activity report, page 79. 2 The Court's 2011 Annual report, annex 4.2.Or. en
Committee: CONT
Amendment 199 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 132
132. Calls on the Commission to assist Member States in drafting comprehensive, meaningful and comparable audit control reports, including a chapter on the contribution EU funds made in the respective country to attain the EU 2020 objectives, both at national and regional level, considering each region's individual potential for development and its possible transformation in an economic growth centre;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 201 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 133
133. In this context draws the attention of the Commission and the Member States to the fact that under the EU 2020 objectives operational programmes should increasingly be designed in such a way that its sub-objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely and, consequently, the programme lends itself to performance audits; notes that the establishment of a common system of result and impact indicators would contribute to the evaluation of the progress achieved under the different programmes in the context of their effectiveness and efficiency and not only in terms of their financial implementation;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 202 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 133 a (new)
133a. Reminds the Member States that due to the strict time limits for project execution, a mature project pipeline is required, especially for major infrastructure projects, in order to start their implementation at the beginning of the next programming period 2014-2020;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 206 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 136
136. Calls on the Commission to assist Member States in rendering first-level controls and national audit authorities more effective by exchange of best practice and closer cooperation between the Commission, the Court and national authorities (‘tripartite meetings’); considers, in addition, that the national audit authorities could put extra emphasis on the follow-up of the achieved results and effectiveness of Union funds absorption, rather than applying only a quantitative approach, regardless of the final project goals;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 208 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 136 a (new)
136a. Calls on the Commission to start the preparation of a "best practices" manual from the current programming period, incorporating practical results, achieved effect and lessons learnt in order to optimize the absorption process and to decrease the level of error rates. In this regard the potential future beneficiaries for the next programming period 2014- 2020, incl. Croatia, as well as the candidate and potential EU candidate countries, would profit;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 213 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 140
140. Emphasises that it is the task of the national audit authorities to develop the necessary "internal immunity" of rules and measures in order to detect and correct errors committed at the ‘first level’;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 273 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 201
201. Regrets that the launching of the Strategy Europe 2020 in 2010 did not coincide with the time frame of the new programming period 20134-2020 and deplores that this will cause some delay in the achievement of the strategy, in those cases where the Member States have not managed to adapt their national and European funded programmes for sustainable, smart and inclusive growth;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 284 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D a (new)
Da. whereas in a situation of limitation of resources, caused by the economic and financial crisis, considers the need for the so-called "Intelligent solidarity" - the use of Union funds to implement reforms, observe financial discipline and ensure political and economic stability;
Committee: CONT