Activities of Davor Ivo STIER
Plenary speeches (32)
The need for the EU's continuous support for Ukraine (debate)
Persistent problems of anti-Semitism in Europe and of other forms of hate speech and hate crimes (debate)
Continued financial and military support to Ukraine by EU Member States (debate)
The future of European competitiveness (debate)
Situation in Venezuela (debate)
The case of José Daniel Ferrer García in Cuba
Strengthening Moldova's resilience against Russian interference ahead of the upcoming presidential elections and a constitutional referendum on EU integration (debate)
The democratic backsliding and threats to political pluralism in Georgia (debate)
Iraq, notably the situation of women’s rights and the recent proposal to amend the Personal Status Law
Moldova's resilience against Russian interference ahead of presidential elections, EU integration referendum (RC-B10-0072/2024)
The rise of religious intolerance in Europe (continuation of debate)
Empowering the Single Market to deliver a sustainable future and prosperity for all EU citizens (debate)
Establishing the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism and providing exceptional macro-financial assistance to Ukraine (debate)
Urgent need for a ceasefire in Lebanon and for safeguarding the UNIFIL mission in light of the recent attacks (debate)
Situation in Azerbaijan, violation of human rights and international law and relations with Armenia (debate)
People’s Republic of China’s misinterpretation of the UN resolution 2758 and its continuous military provocations around Taiwan (debate)
Situation in Tunisia (debate)
The devastating floods in Spain, the urgent need to support the victims, to improve preparedness and to fight the climate crisis (debate)
Georgia's worsening democratic crisis following the recent parliamentary elections and alleged electoral fraud (debate)
The outcome of the G20 Leaders' Summit (debate)
Reinforcing EU’s unwavering support to Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression and the increasing military cooperation between North Korea and Russia (debate)
Continued escalation in the Middle East: the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the West Bank, UNRWA’s essential role in the region, the need to release all hostages and the recent ICC arrest warrants (debate)
The increasing and systematic repression of women in Iran
Toppling of the Syrian regime, its geopolitical implications and the humanitarian situation in the region (debate)
Russia’s disinformation and historical falsification to justify its war of aggression against Ukraine (debate)
Preparation of the European Council of 19-20 December 2024 (debate)
Preparation of the EU-Western Balkans Summit (debate)
11th year of the occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol by the Russian Federation and the deteriorating human rights situation in occupied Crimea, notably the cases of Iryna Danylovych, Tofik Abdulhaziiev and Amet Suleymanov
Geopolitical and economic implications for the transatlantic relations under the new Trump administration (debate)
Situation in Venezuela following the usurpation of the presidency on 10 January 2025 (debate)
Further deterioration of the political situation in Georgia (debate)
Uniting Europe against actors hostile to the EU: time to strengthen our security and defence (topical debate)
Institutional motions (30)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the continued financial and military support to Ukraine by EU Member States
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on continued financial and military support to Ukraine by EU Member States
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on strengthening Moldova’s resilience against Russian interference ahead of the upcoming presidential elections and a constitutional referendum on EU integration
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the democratic backsliding and threats to political pluralism in Georgia
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on strengthening Moldova’s resilience against Russian interference ahead of the upcoming presidential elections and a constitutional referendum on EU integration
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the democratic backsliding and threats to political pluralism in Georgia
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the situation in Azerbaijan, violation of human rights and international law and relations with Armenia
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the situation in Azerbaijan, violation of human rights and international law and relations with Armenia
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on Georgia’s worsening democratic crisis following the recent parliamentary elections and alleged electoral fraud
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on Hong Kong, notably the cases of Jimmy Lai and the 45 activists recently convicted under the application of national security law
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION The shrinking space for civil society in Cambodia, in particular the case of the labour rights organisation CENTRAL
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION the increasing and systematic repression of women in Iran
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on reinforcing EU’s unwavering support to Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression and the increasing military cooperation between North Korea and Russia
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on reinforcing EU’s unwavering support to Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression and the increasing military cooperation between North Korea and Russia
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on Georgia’s worsening democratic crisis following the recent parliamentary elections and alleged electoral fraud
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on Hong Kong, notably the cases of Jimmy Lai and the 45 activists recently convicted under the national security law
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the shrinking space for civil society in Cambodia, in particular the case of the labour rights organisation CENTRAL
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the increasing and systematic repression of women in Iran
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the need for actions to address the continued oppression and fake elections in Belarus
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the need for actions to address the continued oppression and fake elections in Belarus
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION the case of Boualem Sansal in Algeria
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION Systematic repression of human rights in Iran, notably the cases of Pakhshan Azizi and Wrisha Moradi, and the taking of EU citizens as hostages
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION the case of Jean-Jacques Wondo in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on Russia’s disinformation and historical falsification to justify its war of aggression against Ukraine
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the situation in Venezuela following the usurpation of the presidency on 10 January 2025
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the situation in Venezuela following the usurpation of the presidency on the 10th of January 2025
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the case of Boualem Sansal in Algeria
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on Russia’s disinformation and historical falsification to justify its war of aggression against Ukraine
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the case of Jean-Jacques Wondo in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the systematic repression of human rights in Iran, notably the cases of Pakhshan Azizi and Wrisha Moradi, and the taking of EU citizens as hostages
Written explanations (48)
EU/USA Agreement on launch of Galileo satellites from U.S. territory
Izvješće iznosi prijedlog odluke Vijeća kojom se odobrava sklapanje Sporazuma o sigurnosnim postupcima između Europske unije i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država kako bi se omogućilo sigurno lansiranje satelita Galileo s teritorija SAD-a.Zbog otkazivanja dvaju lansiranja Soyuza i odgode programa Ariane-6, EU-u je hitno trebao alternativni pružatelj usluge lansiranja. Nakon procjene mogućnosti, SAD je prepoznat kao jedini dobavljač lansirnih vozila koja su kompatibilna s Galileo sustavom, dijelom Svemirskog programa Unije.Ključna komponenta sporazuma osigurava zaštitu povjerljivih podataka EU-a povezanih sa satelitima Galileo, zahtijevajući sigurne postupke za lansiranje satelita s američkog tla. Ovaj sporazum usklađen je s postojećim sigurnosnim protokolima između EU-a i SAD-a u vezi s razmjenom povjerljivih podataka.Sustav Galileo ima ključnu ulogu u potpori sektora poput telekomunikacija, energetike i prometa, također unapređujući prioritete EU-a, kao što su Zeleni plan i Digitalno doba. Sporazum je nužan za dovršetak konstelacije satelita Galileo i održavanje sigurnih navigacijskih usluga za EU.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Continued financial and military support to Ukraine by EU Member States
Prijedlog rezolucije Europskog parlamenta naglašava nastavak snažne financijske, vojne, gospodarske, političke i humanitarne potpore Ukrajini kako bi se omogućila obrana od ruske agresije.EU i NATO članice obvezale su se na pružanje dugoročne pomoći, uključujući novi financijski Instrument za Ukrajinu, u vrijednosti od 50 milijardi dolara. Rezolucija osuđuje rusku agresiju, naglašava pravo Ukrajine na samoobranu prema članku 51. Povelje UN-a i poziva na hitnu isporuku oružja, s posebnim naglaskom na isporuku oružja i streljiva.Ističe potrebu za korištenjem zamrznutih ruskih sredstava za obnovu Ukrajine te poziva države članice da povećaju humanitarnu pomoć, posebno tijekom zime. Također se poziva na veću međunarodnu suradnju i mirno rješenje sukoba, koje mora uključivati odgovornost Rusije za ratne zločine i nadoknadu štete.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Situation in Venezuela
U Venezueli su 28. srpnja 2024. održani predsjednički izbori koji su predstavljali priliku za prelazak s korumpirane autokracije na ponovnu uspostavu demokracije.Režim Nicolása Madura kontinuirano uznemirava, progoni i cenzurira aktiviste, novinare i organizacije civilnog društva, što je dovelo do iseljavanja više od 7,7 milijuna stanovnika. Režim kontinuirano krši uvjete iz Sporazuma iz Barbadosa, uz zabranu sudjelovanja na izborima pojedinim oporbenim političarima. Državno izborno povjerenstvo Venezuele pod utjecajem režima povuklo je poziv EU-u da promatra izbore i odbilo objaviti službene zapisnike, krivotvorilo rezultate izbora te lažno proglasilo Madura pobjednikom. Demokratska oporba dokazala je da je pobjednik izbora Edmundo González Urrutia, a u privremenom izvješću stručnog povjerenstva UN-a o izborima potvrđuje se vjerodostojnost dokumenata oporbe.Priznaje se Edmundo González Urrutia kao legitimni i demokratski izabrani predsjednik Venezuele. Poziva se EU i njegove članice da priznaju Edmunda Gonzáleza Urrutiju kao predsjednika. Oštro se osuđuje i u potpunosti odbacuje izborna prijevara koju je organiziralo Državno izborno povjerenstvo. Naglašava se poštovanje volje građana Venezuele na izborima kao jedini način uspostavljanja demokracije u zemlji. Poziva na okončanje obrasca sustavnog kršenja ljudskih prava. Poziva EU i njegove države članice da zatraže izdavanje međunarodnog uhidbenog naloga za Nicolása Madura.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Devastating floods in Central-Eastern Europe, loss of lives and EU preparedness to act on such disasters
Obilne kiše i snažni vjetrovi utjecali su na srednju i istočnu Europu, posebno Austriju, Češku, Njemačku, Mađarsku, Poljsku, Rumunjsku i Slovačku, što je dovelo do velikih poplava koje su prouzrokovale ljudske žrtve i štete velikih razmjera.Klimatska kriza dovodi do češćih i intenzivnijih ekstremnih vremenskih nepogoda. Europa je kontinent koji se najbrže zagrijava te se kao rezultat učinaka klimatskih promjena sve češće pojavljuju opasne vremenske pojave. Izražava se duboko suosjećanje i solidarnost sa žrtvama i njihovim obiteljima. Pohvaljuje se neumorne napore i predanost profesionalnih i volonterskih službi i građana. Naglašava se da su za postizanje cilja Pariškog sporazuma potrebni zajednički napori i daljnje djelovanje svih uključenih zemalja.Poziva se Komisiju i države članice da budu spremne poduprijeti svaku državu članicu koja zatraži hitnu pomoć. Poziva se na financijsku i tehničku pomoć EU-a pogođenim zemljama. Potvrđuje se da bi se buduća kohezijska politika EU-a trebala dodatno usredotočiti na prilagodbu i ublažavanje klimatskih promjena. Poziva se Komisiju da brzo predstavi europski plan prilagodbe klimatskim promjenama. Ističe se nekoliko primjera uspješnih mjera za sprečavanje i zaštitu od poplava . Traži se od Komisije da ocijeni provedbu postojećeg zakonodavstva o sprečavanju poplava u EU-u.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund: assistance to Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Greece and France further to natural disasters occurred in 2023
Ova se odluka odnosi na prijedlog mobilizacije Fonda solidarnosti Europske unije (FSEU) kako bi se pružila financijska pomoć Italiji, Sloveniji, Austriji, Grčkoj i Francuskoj zbog prirodnih katastrofa koje su se dogodile 2023. godine, uglavnom poplava. Ukupan iznos mobilizacije iznosi 1 028 541 689 EUR, koji će biti raspoređen između tih zemalja kako bi im se pomoglo u oporavku., a Francuska 46,7 milijuna EUR za poplave u regiji Nord-Pas-de-Calais.Svaka od tih zemalja podnijela je zahtjev za pomoć u skladu s pravilima FSEU-a, navodeći procijenjenu štetu i potrebne mjere oporavka, a sredstva će biti raspoređena kako bi se omogućila brza sanacija i ponovna izgradnja ključne infrastrukture.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
The democratic backsliding and threats to political pluralism in Georgia
Civilno društvo u Gruziji bilo je aktivno u promicanju demokratskih promjena. Vladajuća stranka u Gruziji „Georgian Dream” poduzela je brojne radnje koje potkopavaju europske težnje naroda, a najznačajniji primjer je zakon o stranim agentima, koji je utemeljen na zakonu koji je Rusija koristila za slamanje neistomišljenika.Predloženi zakon izazvao je osude gruzijskog društva te međunarodne zajednice, čiji je cilj potkopavanje Gruzije da se pridruži Europskoj uniji. Među gruzijskim stanovništvom još uvijek postoji visoka razina potpore pridruživanju EU-u, s više od 80 %.Parlamentarni izbori koji će se u Gruziji održati 26. listopada 2024. smatraju se prekretnicom koja bi mogla odrediti budućnost Gruzije. Europski parlament ponavlja svoju potporu demokratskom razvoju Gruzije i euroatlantskim težnjama njezina naroda. Zabrinut je zbog kršenja ljudskih prava gruzijske vlade i osuđuje donošenje zakona o stranim agentima.U ovom dokumentu se oštro osuđuje sve fizičke napade na političare i aktiviste. Poziva se gruzijske vlasti da osiguraju da parlamentarni izbori budu u skladu s demokratskim standardima kojih se Gruzija obvezala pridržavati. Potiče Gruziju, kao zemlju kandidatkinju za EU, da uvede sankcije Rusiji kao odgovor na njezinu invaziju na Ukrajinu i da provede učinkovite mjere za izbjegavanje zaobilaženja europskih sankcija.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Draft amending budget No 2/2024: entering the surplus of the financial year 2023
Svrha nacrta izmjene proračuna 2/2024 unos je viška iz financijske godine 2023. u proračun za 2024. godinu u iznosu od 633 milijuna EUR.Taj višak najvećim dijelom proizlazi iz ostvarenja viška prihoda u iznosu od 238,7 milijuna EUR te nepotrošenih sredstava u iznosu od 393,9 milijuna EUR. Prema nacrtu izmjene proračuna 2/2024, godišnja smanjenja paušalnog iznosa BND-a za Njemačku, Nizozemsku, Dansku, Švedsku i Austriju iznose oko 5,4 milijarde EUR neto. Unatoč reviziji višegodišnjeg financijskog okvira (VFO) i uvođenju novog instrumenta za pokrivanje povećanih troškova zaduživanja za Instrument Europske unije za oporavak (EURI), u proračunu Unije i dalje postoje vrlo ograničene razlike do gornjih granica i slaba fleksibilnost, koji su po svojoj prirodi nestabilni i stvaraju neizvjesnost.U ovom dokumentu pozdravlja se činjenica da je višak za 2023. znatno niži od viška iz 2022., što upućuje na bolje proračunsko predviđanje i upravljanje Komisije. Ističe se da proračun mora zadržati dovoljnu fleksibilnost kako bi se Europskoj uniji omogućilo da se nosi s nepredviđenim događajima i novim prioritetima. U dokumentu se ističe stajalište kojim se podupiru izmijenjeni prijedlozi Komisije i potiče Vijeće da usvoji te prijedloge kako bi se povećala vlastita sredstva dostupna proračunu Unije.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Draft amending budget 4/2024: update of revenue (own resources) and adjustments to some decentralised agencies
Svrha Nacrta izmjene proračuna br. 4/2024 ažuriranje je prihodovne strane kako bi se uzela u obzir najnovija kretanja, odnosno prilagodila rashodovna strana proračuna u odnosu na decentralizirane agencije.Nacrtom izmjene proračuna također se ažurira doprinos Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva za 2024. u skladu sa sporazumom o povlačenju, koji iznosi 2,38 milijardi EUR, što je značajno smanjenje od 1,52 milijarde EUR u usporedbi s procjenom uključenom u proračun za 2024. Nacrt također uzima u obzir novčane kazne unovčene do kraja svibnja 2024., čime se početna prognoza u proračunu 2024. povećava za 513 milijuna EUR. Nacrt isto tako predlaže brojne prilagodbe financiranja decentraliziranih agencija, uz neto povećanje od ukuno 12 milijuna EUR i prijedlog za mobilizaciju Instrumenata fleksibilnosti za iznos od 13,2 milijuna EUR.Dokument pozdravlja nacrt koji je donijela Komisija. Primjećuje da postoji značajno odstupanje od početnog predviđanja carina i doprinosa Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva te poziva Komisiju da ispita mogućnosti za poboljšanje predviđanja, što je ključno prilikom proračunskog planiranja. Naglašava se potreba za održivim prihodima za proračun Unije, koji je bio ozbiljno opterećen raznim krizama posljednjih godina. Ističe se stajalište kako novi prioriteti zahtijevaju nova financijska sredstva te prilagodbu proračuna decentraliziranih agencija.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2024/001 BE/Match-Smatch
Pandemija COVID-19 snažno je pogodila trgovačke lance s malim trgovinama, uzrokujući pad prometa zbog promijenjenih potrošačkih navika i prelaska na online kupnju.Male trgovine suočavale su se s poremećajima trgovačkih lanaca i dodatnim troškovima zdravstvene zaštite te značajnim rastom cijena. Kasnija inflacija nastavila je dodatno otežavati rad malih trgovina i učinila ih financijski nestabilnima. Istovremeno, porast online trgovine stvorio je dodatnu konkurenciju, a samo su se trgovci koji su se brzo prilagodili digitalizaciji i novim uvjetima uspjeli održati.Općenito, u belgijskom sektoru maloprodaje prehrambenih proizvoda 2023. zabilježeno je znatno smanjenje obujma prodaje. To su dijelom uzrokovale povećana prekogranična kupnja i e-trgovina.Opisane posljedice naštetile su poduzeću Match-Smatch, koje se bavi upravo maloprodajom. Zato je ovaj zahtjev usmjeren prema njihovih 513 radnika koji su proglašeni viškom. Sredstva Europskog fonda za prilagodbu globalizaciji koristit će se za usluge informiranja, profesionalne orijentacije i pomoći pri traženju zamjenskog posla, također za prekvalifikaciju i poticaje osnivanju poduzeća. Time će se pružiti podrška ponovnom zapošljavanju otpuštenih radnika. Povećanje zapošljivosti i konkurentnosti pojedinca na tržištu rada osigurava financijsku stabilnost, neovisnost i povećava kvalitetu života.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Discharge 2022: EU general budget – European Council and Council
U kontekstu postupka davanja razrješnice tijelo za davanje razrješnice želi naglasiti važnost daljnjeg jačanja demokratskog legitimiteta institucija Unije poboljšanjem transparentnosti i odgovornosti te provedbom koncepta proračuna temeljenog na učinku i dobrom upravljanju ljudskim resursima.Prema članku 319. Ugovora o funkcioniranju Europske unije (UFEU), Parlament ima isključivu odgovornost za davanje razrješnice u pogledu izvršenja općeg proračuna Unije. Prema članku 317. UFEU-a, Komisija treba izvršavati proračun Unije na vlastitu odgovornost, vodeći računa o načelima dobrog financijskog upravljanja.U ovom dokumentu izražava se duboko žaljenje što od 2009. Vijeće nastavlja odbijati suradnju s Parlamentom u postupku davanja razrješnice. Isto tako, što je 12. listopada 2023. Glavno tajništvo Vijeća još jednom obavijestilo Parlament da neće odgovarati na upite Parlamenta i da Vijeće neće sudjelovati u raspravi koja je zakazana za 25. listopada 2023. Naglašava se prerogativ Parlamenta za davanje razrješnice u skladu s člankom 319. UFEU-a i ustaljena praksa koju je slijedio Parlament tijekom dvadeset godina davanja razrješnice svim institucijama Unije te se izražava žaljenje što Vijeće više od desetljeća nema političke volje surađivati s Parlamentom u kontekstu postupka davanja razrješnice.Poziva se Vijeće da nastavi pregovore s Parlamentom na najvišoj razini što je prije moguće.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025 – all sections
Nacrt proračuna za 2025. godinu predviđa odobrena sredstva od 199,7 milijardi eura u obvezama i 152,7 milijardi eura u plaćanjima, uključujući posebne instrumente, ostavljajući 31,0 milijardu eura rezerve u 2025. godini.Uključuje sve veće potrebe za plaćanjima za Kohezijske programe za razdoblje 2021. - 2027., sada kada se odabir projekata postupno ubrzava. Proračun kao prioritete prepoznaje financijsku sposobnost Unije da se nosi s nizom izvanrednih izazova, prije svega s ničim izazvanim i neopravdanim ratom Rusije protiv Ukrajine, neprestanim migracijskim pritiscima i njihovim uzrocima, odgovaranjem na krizu na Bliskom istoku, te jačanje naše sposobnosti odgovora na prirodne katastrofe i globalnu konkurenciju u ključnim kritičnim tehnologijama i materijalima, kao i jačanje naših obrambenih sposobnosti. Ulaganjima se doprinosi okončanju ovisnosti Europe o ruskim fosilnim gorivima i ubrzava zelenu tranziciju. Također, proračun obuhvaća povećanja za digitalizaciju, program jedinstvenog tržišta, zdravstveni program, svemirski program te zaštitu granica, unutarnju sigurnost itd.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Electronic value added tax exemption certificate
Ovom direktivom mijenja se Direktivu Vijeća 2006/112/EZ, tzv. Direktivu o PDV-u. Pritom se uvodi mogućnost prilaganja elektroničke potvrde o oslobođenju od plaćanja PDV-a za transakcije koje ispunjavaju uvjete za posebno oslobođenje u skladu s člankom 151. stavkom 1. te direktive.Trenutno je propisano da se potvrda o oslobođenju od plaćanja PDV-a i/ili trošarina mora obraditi u papirnatom obliku i vlastoručno potpisati. Za oslobođenje od plaćanja trošarina je već omogućena elektronička obrada dokumenta, a sada je potrebno istu uvesti i za PDV.Ovom promjenom omogućava se državama članicama kvalitetniju prilagodbu digitalnom dobu i osuvremenjivanje usluga. Stoga je ovo samo jedan od iskoraka u digitalizaciji javnih usluga i smanjivanju administracije. Također, ova promjena će donijeti brojne benefite uplatiteljima PDV-a, ponajprije doprinijeti smanjivanju administrativnog opterećenja i troškova administracije. Pritom se čini i mali iskorak u smanjivanju stvaranja otpada.Prelazak na elektronički oblik, osim praktičnih prednosti, omogućit će državama članicama da ispune obveze prema zakonodavstvu EU-a, koje zahtijeva uspostavu tehničkih mogućnosti za elektroničku obradu dokumenata s elektroničkim potpisom prilikom korištenja internetskih usluga koje pruža javno tijelo.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Faster and Safer Relief of Excess Withholding Taxes
Ulagači u EU-u suočeni su s dvostrukim oporezivanjem prihoda od vrijednosnih papira u prekograničnom kontekstu – prvo u državi izvora (kao porez po odbitku na bruto prihod), a zatim u zemlji njihove porezne rezidentnosti.Države članice često koriste ugovore o izbjegavanju dvostrukog oporezivanja za smanjenje poreznih stopa ili izuzeća, no postupci za ostvarivanje tih olakšica su složeni, skupi i dugotrajni, što često obeshrabruje male ulagače od prekograničnih ulaganja. Prema nedavno provedenoj anketi približno 70 % malih ulagača koji bi imali pravo na sniženu stopu poreza po odbitku nije tu stopu zatražilo, a njih 31 % se odlučilo prodati svoje prekogranične dionice iz EU-a.Različiti administrativni zahtjevi, dokumentacija i niska digitalizacija postupaka čine proces zahtjeva za povrat poreza izazovnim, a uz to postoji i rizik od poreznih prijevara, poput slučajeva Cum/Cum i Cum/Ex. Ovi slučajevi pokazuju kako zloupotrebe pri povratu poreza ugrožavaju tržište kapitala EU-a i pravedno oporezivanje.Europska komisija stoga predlaže standardizirani sustav za porez po odbitku kako bi se pojednostavili postupci i osigurala pravna sigurnost ulagačima. Novi prijedlog Komisije usmjeren je na učinkovitije postupke povrata i mjere protiv poreznih prijevara, uz očekivane uštede za investitore od oko 5,17 milijardi eura godišnje.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Amendment of the EIB's Statute
Europska investicijska banka suočava se s problemom trenutnog omjera zaduženja, koji ograničava izloženost EIB Grupe na 250 %, ograničava mogućnost ulaganja u kapital, uključujući aktivnosti Europskog investicijskog fonda. Na sjednici u lipnju 2024., Upravno vijeće jednoglasno je odlučilo povećati ograničenje na 290 % kako bi EIB Grupa mogla bolje iskoristiti svoju kapitalnu poziciju i podržati ciljeve EU-a.EIB sada traži od Vijeća izmjenu Protokola br. 5 Statuta EIB-a prema postupku iz članka 308. Istovremeno od EIB se jednoglasno očekuje jačanje uloge u smanjenju investicijskog jaza u Europi, jačanju produktivnosti, kohezije, klimatskih ciljeva, sigurnosti te geopolitičke autonomije.Kako bi ostvario ciljeve, EIB traži pokretanje postupka prema članku 308. Ugovora o funkcioniranju EU-a kako bi se izmijenio Statut EIB-a. Mijenja se članak 16. stavak 5. Statuta koji postavlja ograničenje na ukupne dužničke operacije, odnosno omjer zaduženja, kapitalne operacije i posebne pričuve.Stoga bi izmijenjeni tekst članka omogućio da ukupni iznos odobrenih zajmova i jamstava banke u svakom trenutku ne premašuje maksimalni omjer u odnosu na njezin upisani kapital, rezerve, neraspoređene pričuve i višak iz računa dobiti i gubitka. Taj će se ukupni iznos smanjiti za iznos jednak iznosu upisanom za svako vlasničko sudjelovanje banke.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
UN Climate Change Conference 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan (COP29)
Rezolucija predstavlja korak u prepoznavanju globalnog izazova pred kojim se nalazimo. Pritom, Europska unija pokazuje liderstvo kroz postavljanje ambicioznih ciljeva, poput smanjenja neto emisija stakleničkih plinova za najmanje 55 % do 2030. godine.Međutim, ti ciljevi moraju biti popraćeni konkretnim politikama i financijskom podrškom za prilagodbu i ublažavanje klimatskih promjena, posebno u zemljama u razvoju. Nužno je priznati da EU ne može samostalno riješiti problem, već je potreban kolektivni napor svih zemalja, uključujući najveće emitere.Osim financijske potpore, održivo upravljanje prirodnim resursima poput šuma, tla i voda ima presudnu ulogu. Šume su nezamjenjive u sekvestraciji ugljika, dok zdrava tla i učinkovito upravljanje vodnim resursima jačaju otpornost na klimatske promjene. U urbanim područjima, prirodna rješenja poput zelene infrastrukture mogu ublažiti učinke toplinskih valova i smanjiti emisije. Podupiranje ove rezolucije odražava nužnost globalne suradnje u usklađivanju financijskih tokova s ciljevima održivog razvoja i prijelazom na ekonomiju s niskim emisijama ugljika.Europa mora nastaviti biti predvodnik u ovoj borbi, potičući veće ambicije na međunarodnoj razini i osiguravajući koherentne politike koje adresiraju međusobno povezane krize klimatskih promjena i gubitka bioraznolikosti. Samo zajedničkim djelovanjem možemo osigurati održivu budućnost za sve.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
EU actions against the Russian shadow fleets and ensuring a full enforcement of sanctions against Russia
„Flote iz sjene” ili „tamne flote” označavaju brodove koji koriste skrivene taktike kako bi zaobišli sankcije i krijumčarili zabranjenu robu poput nafte, luksuznih dobara, oružja i tehnologija za obranu.Ove flote, koje često čine neregistrirani ili lažni brodovi, koriste se za zaobilaženje međunarodnih sankcija prikrivanjem svojih aktivnosti. Pritom se stvara složen problem za vlasti u provedbi sankcija. Takva praksa ugrožava sigurnost mora i okoliša.Nakon ruske invazije na Ukrajinu 2022. godine, koja je rezultirala sankcijama, tankeri koji krijumčare rusku naftu postali su sredstvo potrebno za opstanak ruske ekonomije. Time se otvara mogućnost korištenja ilegalnih metoda za potkopavanje sankcija. EU je uveo niz sankcija kako bi izolirao Rusiju, ali one gube snagu ako se sankcionirana roba krijumčari putem flota iz sjene.Važno je da EU odlučno osigura provedbu sankcija i spriječi ilegalne aktivnosti koje potkopavaju podršku Ukrajini u obrani od ruske agresije. Efikasna provedba sankcija ne samo da pomaže Ukrajini nego i penalizira Rusiju, umanjujući njenu sposobnost financiranja sukoba i širenja zloćudnih utjecaja na druge zemlje.Samo dosljednim djelovanjem možemo očuvati sigurnost i stabilnost u međunarodnom sustavu i zaštititi ukrajinski narod.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize MON 89034 × 1507 × NK603
Zabranom genetski modificiranog kukuruza MON 89034 × 1507 × NK603 štite se načela zaštite ljudskog zdravlja i okoliša. Postoji opravdani strah da iz korištenja ovog kukuruza proizlazi pretjerana ovisnost o herbicidima te da će se pogoršati zdravlje tla, kvaliteta vode i bioraznolikost iznad i ispod tla, kao i dovesti do povećane izloženosti ljudi i životinja, potencijalno i putem povećanih ostataka herbicida u hrani i stočnoj hrani.Prvenstveno, podaci ukazuju na to da upotreba ovih biljaka dovodi do povećane ovisnosti o herbicidima, što uzrokuje razvoj korova otpornih na herbicide, stvarajući ciklus koji može dodatno degradirati zdravlje tla i bioraznolikost. Također, radi se o proizvodnji u kojoj dolazi do pojave glikofosfata, herbicida koji izaziva brojne kontroverze te se sumnja u njegovu kancerogenost. Stoga su potrebna daljnja istraživanja prije nastavka šire upotrebe.Odobravanje ovakvih proizvoda može imati dugoročne posljedice na zdravlje ljudi i okoliša. Istovremeno, nedostatak podrške od strane država članica i ranije rezolucije Europskog parlamenta jasan su indikator nesuglasica u vezi s odobravanjem genetski modificiranih organizama.Uzimajući u obzir obaveze Europske unije prema međunarodnim sporazumima i ciljevima održivog razvoja, važno je usvojiti pristup koji promiče održivu poljoprivredu, smanjuje upotrebu opasnih kemikalija i štiti zdravlje svih građana.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified cotton COT102
Sprječavanjem odobrenja za stavljanje na tržište proizvoda koji sadrže, sastoje se od ili su proizvedeni od genetski modificiranog pamuka COT102 štiti se zdravlje ljudi, životinja i okoliša.Postoje opravdani zdravstveni i okolišni rizici vezani uz ovaj pamuk, posebno zbog prisutnosti tzv. Bt toksina i gena otpornih na antibiotike, koji su uzgojeni kako bi proizvodili insekticidne proteine. Ovako proizveden pamuk, tj. ulje sjemenki pamuka može se koristiti u proizvodnji raznih prehrambenih proizvoda kao što su preljevi, majoneza, pekarski proizvodi, čokoladni namazi i čips, a sjemenke pamuka koriste se u stočnoj hrani.Iako je Europska agencija za sigurnost hrane (EFSA) dala pozitivno mišljenje o sigurnosti pamuka COT102, EFSA nije uzela u obzir pojačanu toksičnost Bt toksina koji mogu imati nepovoljne učinke na druge organizme i imunološki sustav ljudi i životinja.Također, prisutnost gena otpornih na antibiotike zabrinjava u kontekstu globalne borbe protiv antimikrobne rezistencije. Dodavanje gena otpornih na antibiotike, protivi se načelu sigurnosti prema Direktivi 2001/18/EZ te ugrožava okoliš i zdravlje.Prilikom donošenja odluke o odobrenju genetski modificiranih biljaka nužno je uzeti u obzir obveze EU-a prema međunarodnim sporazumima, uključujući Pariški klimatski sporazum i ciljeve održivog razvoja UN-a, te se voditi načelom sprječavanja nastajanja štete.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 88017 × 59122 and eight of its sub-combinations
Zabranom korištenja genetski modificiranog kukuruza MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 88017 × 59122 i osam srodnih genetski modificiranih kukuruza smanjuje se njihov rizik za okoliš, ljudsko zdravlje i ekosustave.Genetska modifikacija u ovom slučaju uključuje umetanje gena koji kukuruzu omogućuju otpornost na herbicide. Posljedica je pojačana primjena ovih kemikalija u poljoprivredi. Genetski modificirani usjevi mogu stvarati ovisnost o određenim vrstama pesticida i herbicida, što proizvođače uvodi u začarani krug povećane upotrebe kemikalija.Također, s vremenom se razvijaju rezistentni korovi, koji zahtijevaju dodatno korištenje herbicida, često u još većim količinama, što dodatno ugrožava okoliš i narušava prirodni ekosustav.Opasnost genetske modifikacije leži i u njenom potencijalu za nepredvidive i dugoročne posljedice koje se možda neće odmah očitovati. Genetski modificirane biljke mogu imati neočekivane interakcije s okolišem ili utjecati na druge biljne i životinjske vrste, stvarajući neželjene promjene u ekosustavima. Ovo može uključivati smanjenje bioraznolikosti, narušavanje prirodnih staništa te dugoročne štete na tlo i vodu, što su ključni resursi za buduće generacije.Važno je da se vodi načelom predostrožnosti. Genetski modificirani organizmi ne bi trebali biti široko prihvaćeni bez detaljnih i dugoročnih istraživanja te osiguranja da neće naštetiti prirodi, zdravlju ljudi i održivoj poljoprivredi.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize MON 810
Zabrana korištenja genetski modificiranog kukuruza MON 810 opravdana je jer njegova upotreba nosi sa sobom niz ozbiljnih rizika za okoliš, zdravlje ljudi i životinja.Ovaj kukuruz, koji je genetski modificiran kako bi proizvodio insekticidne toksine, može imati brojne neželjene posljedice koje nadilaze one koje nastaju prilikom korištenja pesticida koje poznajemo. Stalna prisutnost toksina u okolišu može značajno utjecati na biološku raznolikost, što uključuje ugrožavanje brojnih korisnih vrsta koje doprinose ekološkoj ravnoteži i stabilnosti tla.Daljnji problem proizlazi iz činjenice da genetska modifikacija stvara ovisnost poljoprivrednog sektora o određenim vrstama kemikalija. Nastaje začarani krug koji rezultira sve većim korištenjem toksičnih kemikalija u okolišu, čime se dodatno ugrožava kvaliteta tla i vode.Posljedice toga odražavaju se ne samo na poljoprivredne površine nego i na širu okolinu jer akumulacija toksina u tlu ili vodi može imati dugoročne posljedice.Uvođenje genetski modificiranih organizama u okoliš otvara pitanje nepredvidivih učinaka. Ove biljke, osim što utječu na izravne ciljeve, mogu ući u složene ekosustavne interakcije koje nije moguće u potpunosti predvidjeti. Stoga je nužno pokazati maksimalnu razinu opreza kako bi se osigurala zaštita okoliša i zdravlje svih organizama, uključujući i ljude.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize DP915635
Genetski modificirani kukuruz DP915635 koji pokazuje otpornost na specifične herbicide otvara ozbiljna pitanja zbog mogućih posljedica na okoliš, poljoprivredu, te ljudsko i životinjsko zdravlje. Takve biljke, razvijene radi otpornosti na herbicide, postaju dio prakse uzgoja u kojoj se koriste sve veće količine herbicida jer su ti usjevi genetski modificirani tako da prežive tretman kemikalijama. Time su poljoprivrednici primorani koristiti dodatna sredstva kako bi uspješno zaštitili usjeve. Ovakva praksa izaziva herbicidno otporne biljke koje zahtijevaju sve više kemikalija jer razvijaju otpornost.Dodatne količine herbicida mogu povećati izloženost ljudi i životinja, bilo direktno ili kroz konzumaciju hrane, a mnoge kemikalije u herbicidima povezane su s mogućim zdravstvenim rizicima. Također, postoji nepoznati rizik koji donosi protein IPD079Ea. Ovaj protein nije prisutan u europskoj flori, a podaci o njegovom načinu djelovanja i specifičnosti još nisu u potpunosti poznati. Nadalje, pitanje herbicida i potencijalnih toksina nameće ozbiljnu zabrinutost jer trenutno regulatori tijekom procesa odobravanja nisu obavezni ocjenjivati ostatke herbicida i njihovih metabolita na biljkama. Zbog svega navedenog, regulaciju genetski modificiranog kukuruza DP915635 trebalo bi ozbiljno razmotriti. Potrebno je usmjeriti pažnju na dugoročne učinke ovih tehnologija na okoliš i ljudsko zdravlje.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize DP23211
Genetski modificirani kukuruz DP23211, razvijen za otpornost na određene štetnike i herbicide, otvara važna pitanja vezana za sigurnost. S obzirom na karakteristike ovog kukuruza, javlja se bojazan da njegova otpornost na određene kemikalije može dovesti do pojačane upotrebe herbicida u poljoprivredi, što ima ozbiljne posljedice. Ova biljka, koja je genetski prilagođena za preživljavanje tretmana herbicidima, stvara poljoprivrednu praksu koja zahtijeva intenzivnu primjenu kemikalija za održavanje kontrole nad korovom i štetočinama. Na taj način se povećava prisutnost kemikalija u tlu, vodi i zraku, što predstavlja ozbiljnu prijetnju zdravlju ekosustava i bioraznolikosti.Teško je donijeti pouzdane zaključke o utjecaju na tlo i kvalitetu vode te posljedičnim učincima na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Značaj ovog nedostatka posebno je izražen jer ovi proizvodi mogu završiti u prehrani. Uzevši u obzir sve navedeno, oprez prema genetski modificiranom kukuruzu DP23211 opravdan je. Dugoročni učinci ovakvih biljaka i povećane upotrebe herbicida nisu dovoljno istraženi, a moguće posljedice po zdravlje ljudi i životinja te okoliš previše su ozbiljne da bi se zanemarile. Upravo zbog toga, odobravanje genetski modificiranog kukuruza, posebno onog koji dovodi do povećanja upotrebe herbicida, trebalo bi se provesti uz procjenu i s naglaskom na održivost okoliša i zaštitu javnog zdravlja.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize MON 89034 × 1507 × NK603
Zabranom genetski modificiranog kukuruza MON 89034 × 1507 × NK603 štite se načela zaštite ljudskog zdravlja i okoliša. Postoji opravdani strah da iz korištenja ovog kukuruza proizlazi pretjerana ovisnost o herbicidima te da će se pogoršati zdravlje tla, kvaliteta vode i bioraznolikost iznad i ispod tla, kao i dovesti do povećane izloženosti ljudi i životinja, potencijalno i putem povećanih ostataka herbicida u hrani i stočnoj hrani.Prvenstveno, podaci ukazuju na to da upotreba ovih biljaka dovodi do povećane ovisnosti o herbicidima, što uzrokuje razvoj korova otpornih na herbicide, stvarajući ciklus koji može dodatno degradirati zdravlje tla i bioraznolikost. Također, radi se o proizvodnji u kojoj dolazi do pojave glikofosfata, herbicida koji izaziva brojne kontroverze te se sumnja u njegovu kancerogenost. Stoga su potrebna daljnja istraživanja prije nastavka šire upotrebe.Odobravanje ovakvih proizvoda može imati dugoročne posljedice na zdravlje ljudi i okoliša. Istovremeno, nedostatak podrške od strane država članica i ranije rezolucije Europskog parlamenta jasan su indikator nesuglasica u vezi s odobravanjem genetski modificiranih organizama.Uzimajući u obzir obaveze Europske unije prema međunarodnim sporazumima i ciljevima održivog razvoja, važno je usvojiti pristup koji promiče održivu poljoprivredu, smanjuje upotrebu opasnih kemikalija i štiti zdravlje svih građana.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified cotton COT102
Sprječavanjem odobrenja za stavljanje na tržište proizvoda koji sadrže, sastoje se od ili su proizvedeni od genetski modificiranog pamuka COT102 štiti se zdravlje ljudi, životinja i okoliša.Postoje opravdani zdravstveni i okolišni rizici vezani uz ovaj pamuk, posebno zbog prisutnosti tzv. Bt toksina i gena otpornih na antibiotike, koji su uzgojeni kako bi proizvodili insekticidne proteine. Ovako proizveden pamuk, tj. ulje sjemenki pamuka može se koristiti u proizvodnji raznih prehrambenih proizvoda kao što su preljevi, majoneza, pekarski proizvodi, čokoladni namazi i čips, a sjemenke pamuka koriste se u stočnoj hrani.Iako je Europska agencija za sigurnost hrane (EFSA) dala pozitivno mišljenje o sigurnosti pamuka COT102, EFSA nije uzela u obzir pojačanu toksičnost Bt toksina koji mogu imati nepovoljne učinke na druge organizme i imunološki sustav ljudi i životinja.Također, prisutnost gena otpornih na antibiotike zabrinjava u kontekstu globalne borbe protiv antimikrobne rezistencije. Dodavanje gena otpornih na antibiotike, protivi se načelu sigurnosti prema Direktivi 2001/18/EZ te ugrožava okoliš i zdravlje.Prilikom donošenja odluke o odobrenju genetski modificiranih biljaka nužno je uzeti u obzir obveze EU-a prema međunarodnim sporazumima, uključujući Pariški klimatski sporazum i ciljeve održivog razvoja UN-a, te se voditi načelom sprječavanja nastajanja štete.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 88017 × 59122 and eight of its sub-combinations
Zabranom korištenja genetski modificiranog kukuruza MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 88017 × 59122 i osam srodnih genetski modificiranih kukuruza smanjuje se njihov rizik za okoliš, ljudsko zdravlje i ekosustave.Genetska modifikacija u ovom slučaju uključuje umetanje gena koji kukuruzu omogućuju otpornost na herbicide. Posljedica je pojačana primjena ovih kemikalija u poljoprivredi. Genetski modificirani usjevi mogu stvarati ovisnost o određenim vrstama pesticida i herbicida, što proizvođače uvodi u začarani krug povećane upotrebe kemikalija.Također, s vremenom se razvijaju rezistentni korovi, koji zahtijevaju dodatno korištenje herbicida, često u još većim količinama, što dodatno ugrožava okoliš i narušava prirodni ekosustav.Opasnost genetske modifikacije leži i u njenom potencijalu za nepredvidive i dugoročne posljedice koje se možda neće odmah očitovati. Genetski modificirane biljke mogu imati neočekivane interakcije s okolišem ili utjecati na druge biljne i životinjske vrste, stvarajući neželjene promjene u ekosustavima. Ovo može uključivati smanjenje bioraznolikosti, narušavanje prirodnih staništa te dugoročne štete na tlo i vodu, što su ključni resursi za buduće generacije.Važno je da se vodi načelom predostrožnosti. Genetski modificirani organizmi ne bi trebali biti široko prihvaćeni bez detaljnih i dugoročnih istraživanja te osiguranja da neće naštetiti prirodi, zdravlju ljudi i održivoj poljoprivredi.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize MON 810
Zabrana korištenja genetski modificiranog kukuruza MON 810 opravdana je jer njegova upotreba nosi sa sobom niz ozbiljnih rizika za okoliš, zdravlje ljudi i životinja.Ovaj kukuruz, koji je genetski modificiran kako bi proizvodio insekticidne toksine, može imati brojne neželjene posljedice koje nadilaze one koje nastaju prilikom korištenja pesticida koje poznajemo. Stalna prisutnost toksina u okolišu može značajno utjecati na biološku raznolikost, što uključuje ugrožavanje brojnih korisnih vrsta koje doprinose ekološkoj ravnoteži i stabilnosti tla.Daljnji problem proizlazi iz činjenice da genetska modifikacija stvara ovisnost poljoprivrednog sektora o određenim vrstama kemikalija. Nastaje začarani krug koji rezultira sve većim korištenjem toksičnih kemikalija u okolišu, čime se dodatno ugrožava kvaliteta tla i vode.Posljedice toga odražavaju se ne samo na poljoprivredne površine nego i na širu okolinu jer akumulacija toksina u tlu ili vodi može imati dugoročne posljedice.Uvođenje genetski modificiranih organizama u okoliš otvara pitanje nepredvidivih učinaka. Ove biljke, osim što utječu na izravne ciljeve, mogu ući u složene ekosustavne interakcije koje nije moguće u potpunosti predvidjeti. Stoga je nužno pokazati maksimalnu razinu opreza kako bi se osigurala zaštita okoliša i zdravlje svih organizama, uključujući i ljude.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize DP915635
Genetski modificirani kukuruz DP915635 koji pokazuje otpornost na specifične herbicide otvara ozbiljna pitanja zbog mogućih posljedica na okoliš, poljoprivredu, te ljudsko i životinjsko zdravlje. Takve biljke, razvijene radi otpornosti na herbicide, postaju dio prakse uzgoja u kojoj se koriste sve veće količine herbicida jer su ti usjevi genetski modificirani tako da prežive tretman kemikalijama. Time su poljoprivrednici primorani koristiti dodatna sredstva kako bi uspješno zaštitili usjeve. Ovakva praksa izaziva herbicidno otporne biljke koje zahtijevaju sve više kemikalija jer razvijaju otpornost.Dodatne količine herbicida mogu povećati izloženost ljudi i životinja, bilo direktno ili kroz konzumaciju hrane, a mnoge kemikalije u herbicidima povezane su s mogućim zdravstvenim rizicima. Također, postoji nepoznati rizik koji donosi protein IPD079Ea. Ovaj protein nije prisutan u europskoj flori, a podaci o njegovom načinu djelovanja i specifičnosti još nisu u potpunosti poznati. Nadalje, pitanje herbicida i potencijalnih toksina nameće ozbiljnu zabrinutost jer trenutno regulatori tijekom procesa odobravanja nisu obavezni ocjenjivati ostatke herbicida i njihovih metabolita na biljkama. Zbog svega navedenog, regulaciju genetski modificiranog kukuruza DP915635 trebalo bi ozbiljno razmotriti. Potrebno je usmjeriti pažnju na dugoročne učinke ovih tehnologija na okoliš i ljudsko zdravlje.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize DP23211
Genetski modificirani kukuruz DP23211, razvijen za otpornost na određene štetnike i herbicide, otvara važna pitanja vezana za sigurnost. S obzirom na karakteristike ovog kukuruza, javlja se bojazan da njegova otpornost na određene kemikalije može dovesti do pojačane upotrebe herbicida u poljoprivredi, što ima ozbiljne posljedice. Ova biljka, koja je genetski prilagođena za preživljavanje tretmana herbicidima, stvara poljoprivrednu praksu koja zahtijeva intenzivnu primjenu kemikalija za održavanje kontrole nad korovom i štetočinama. Na taj način se povećava prisutnost kemikalija u tlu, vodi i zraku, što predstavlja ozbiljnu prijetnju zdravlju ekosustava i bioraznolikosti.Teško je donijeti pouzdane zaključke o utjecaju na tlo i kvalitetu vode te posljedičnim učincima na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Značaj ovog nedostatka posebno je izražen jer ovi proizvodi mogu završiti u prehrani. Uzevši u obzir sve navedeno, oprez prema genetski modificiranom kukuruzu DP23211 opravdan je. Dugoročni učinci ovakvih biljaka i povećane upotrebe herbicida nisu dovoljno istraženi, a moguće posljedice po zdravlje ljudi i životinja te okoliš previše su ozbiljne da bi se zanemarile. Upravo zbog toga, odobravanje genetski modificiranog kukuruza, posebno onog koji dovodi do povećanja upotrebe herbicida, trebalo bi se provesti uz procjenu i s naglaskom na održivost okoliša i zaštitu javnog zdravlja.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize DP202216
Genetski modificirani kukuruz DP202216, koji ima preduvjete za otpornost na herbicid glufosinat, otvara mnoga pitanja u vezi sa svojim mogućim utjecajem na okoliš, zdravlje ljudi i životinja te održivost poljoprivrede. Ovakve modifikacije biljkama daju sposobnost da prežive primjenu herbicida koji bi inače uništili uobičajene usjeve. Takav pristup prisiljava poljoprivrednike da koriste sve više kemikalija kako bi kontrolirali korov koji postaje otporniji na herbicide. Dugoročno, ovakva praksa može izazvati začarani krug, jer će biljke korova razvijati otpornost, zahtijevajući primjenu sve većih količina herbicida.Posljedice ovog sustava su dalekosežne. Povećana uporaba herbicida može imati negativan učinak na zdravlje tla, smanjiti bioraznolikost i utjecati na kvalitetu podzemnih voda. Osim toga, izloženost herbicidima može rasti, a ostatci herbicida mogu završiti u hrani i tako predstavljati rizik za ljudsko zdravlje. Kukuruz DP202216 može predstavljati dodatni rizik za poljoprivrednike, jer ih stavlja u poziciju u kojoj ovise o specifičnim herbicidima za koje su modifikacije prilagođene, a koje su nerijetko skuplje. Takav sustav smanjuje njihovu slobodu tržišnog izbora i može ih dodatno financijski opteretiti. Imajući na umu moguće štetne utjecaje genetski modificiranih usjeva, razumna je zabrinutost za zdravlje i okoliš. Potrebno je preusmjeriti pažnju na razvoj održivijih poljoprivrednih praksi.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize MON 94804
Genetski modificirani kukuruz MON 94804, koji je razvijen radi smanjenja visine biljke, otvara brojna pitanja vezana uz svoje dugoročne učinke na okoliš, poljoprivrednu praksu i zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Korištenje genetski modificiranih usjeva poput ovog može uzrokovati promjene u biljnom metabolizmu koje nisu u potpunosti istražene, osobito u vezi s utjecajem na prirodne hormone poput giberelina.Giberelini su ključni za mnoge biljne procese, uključujući klijanje, cvjetanje i odgovor na stres. Također, tehnologija korištena u ovoj vrsti kukuruza uključuje umjetnu miRNA koja selektivno utječe na određene gene. Iako se tvrdi da ovaj postupak ima precizan cilj, postoji sumnja da miRNA može imati nepredviđene učinke na različite dijelove biljke. To otvara prostor za moguće dugoročne interakcije u biljnim stanicama koje još nisu dovoljno istražene. Nepoznato je kako će ova umjetna miRNA utjecati na druge procese u biljci.Nadalje, nedostatak podataka o stabilnosti modificirane miRNA u biljci predstavlja ozbiljan rizik za okoliš i zdravlje. Genetski materijal može ostati prisutan u tlu, utjecati na mikroorganizme i potencijalno dospjeti u prehrambeni lanac. Sve ove nepoznanice ukazuju na potrebu za oprezom pri uvođenju genetski modificiranog kukuruza MON 94804. Važno je pažljivo procijeniti svaki aspekt rizika prije donošenja odluke.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Election of the Commission
Novi saziv Europske komisije, kao i resore i prioritete koje je odabrala zaslužuju podršku. Povjerenici donose iskustvo i stručnost, a izbor resora pokazuje jasnu opredijeljenost za suočavanje s ključnim izazovima i prilikama Europe.Treba naglasiti važnost uspostave glavne uprave za Mediteran. Mediteranska regija ima izuzetno geostrateško i ekonomsko značenje za Europu. Vjerujem da će resorna povjerenica inicirati i provoditi projekte koji će doprinijeti stabilnosti, razvoju i prosperitetu zemalja Mediterana, ali i sigurnosti i stabilnosti same Europe. Ova uprava ima potencijal da bude ključni akter u jačanju suradnje s partnerima iz mediteranskog bazena i omogući dugoročno održiv pristup za zajedničke izazove.Nadalje, suradnja između povjerenika unutar same Komisije je ključna za postizanje koherentnih politika. Izazovi s kojima se Europa suočava ne mogu se svesti na pojedinačne resore; klimatske promjene, ekonomski rast i sigurnosni izazovi zahtijevaju koordinirane napore. Sinergija između povjerenika osigurava integrirani pristup i učinkovito korištenje resursa.Uz to, važno je istaknuti blisku suradnju između Komisije i Europskog parlamenta. Transparentna i konstruktivna komunikacija između ove dvije institucije ključna je za očuvanje demokratičnosti i vjerodostojnosti europskih politika. Ukratko, ovaj saziv Komisije će doprinijeti dugoročnom uspjehu i stabilnosti Europe kroz jedinstvenu i odgovornu politiku.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Amending short-stay visas regulation (EU) 2018/1806) as regards Vanuatu
Podrška prijedlogu izmjene Uredbe (EU) 2018/1806, koji bi uključivao premještanje Vanuatua iz Priloga II. u Prilog I., je nužna radi zaštite unutarnje sigurnosti i javnog poretka država članica EU-a.Vanuatu se suočava s problemima u provedbi programa državljanstva za ulagače koji omogućuju državljanima trećih zemalja zaobilaženje procesa viza i lakši pristup schengenskom prostoru, što predstavlja ozbiljan sigurnosni rizik.Iako su se u prošlosti pokušali uvesti zakonodavni prijedlozi za rješavanje tih problema, Vanuatu nije ispunio zahtjeve EU-a za učinkovitu provedbu i nadzor tih promjena. Provedbene uredbe i dijalog između Komisije i Vanuatua nisu rezultirali značajnim smanjenjem rizika, što je potvrđeno kroz analizu i izvješća Komisije. Stoga je ključno zadržati privremenu suspenziju izuzeća od vize kako bi se osigurala zaštita interesa EU-a, dok se traži trajno rješenje.Produljenje razdoblja suspenzije omogućit će Parlamentu i Vijeću dovoljno vremena za razmatranje prijedloga i omogućit će EU-u da se zaštiti od potencijalnih prijetnji koje proizlaze iz netransparentnih i nesigurnih postupaka državljanstva za ulagače.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Germany and Italy relating to floods occurred in 2024
Europska unija trebala bi mobilizirati Fond solidarnosti Europske unije (FSEU) kako bi pružila pomoć Njemačkoj i Italiji u suočavanju s posljedicama poplava koje su se dogodile 2024. godine. Na temelju ocjene informacija dostavljenih Komisiji, jasno je da su te katastrofe ispunile uvjete za aktiviranje FSEU-a prema Uredbi o FSEU-u.Poplave su prouzročile ozbiljnu štetu koja uključuje gubitak ljudskih života, uništenu infrastrukturu i značajne ekonomske gubitke, što je nadmašilo nacionalne kapacitete za samostalno suočavanje s posljedicama. Mobilizacija FSEU-a omogućit će brzu i efikasnu reakciju EU-a kako bi se olakšala obnova pogođenih područja i pružila potrebna financijska potpora za hitne intervencije. Time će se pomoći ne samo oporavku infrastrukture, već i stabiliziranju društvenih i gospodarskih uvjeta za pogođeno stanovništvo.Ova vrsta solidarnosti i međusobne pomoći jača koheziju među članicama EU-a i pokazuje predanost zajedničkoj sigurnosti i otpornosti u suočavanju s prirodnim katastrofama. Stoga je aktiviranje FSEU-a ključno kako bi EU iskazala solidarnost s članicama koje se suočavaju s ozbiljnim izazovima i potaknula brzi oporavak pogođenih regija.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Draft amending budget No 5/2024: adjustment in payment appropriations, update of revenues and other technical updates
Predložene izmjene proračuna za 2024. godinu donose značajne koristi koje će pomoći Europskoj uniji pri provođenju ključnih programa i inicijativa. Povećana financijska izdvajanja omogućit će bolju prilagodbu potrebama u područjima regionalnog razvoja, ribarstva, digitalne sigurnosti i podrške Ukrajini.Jedna od najvažnijih stavki u ovom proračunskom amandmanu odnosi se na povećanje sredstava za Europski fond za regionalni razvoj, čime će se unaprijediti projekti koji podržavaju strateške tehnologije za Europu, ali i podrška ruralnim i urbanim zajednicama EU. Također, predloženi proračunski amandman predviđa dodatna sredstva za Sporazume o partnerstvu u ribarstvu koji vode k održivom upravljanju morskim resursima i pravednijim uvjetima za ribare.Proračun uključuje sredstva za CEPOL i time odgovara na sve veću prijetnju u području kibernetičke sigurnosti. Jačanje kibernetičke sigurnosti osigurat će da europske institucije i građani budu zaštićeni od sve sofisticiranijih prijetnji. Izuzetno je važno spomenuti i novu liniju u proračunu koja će omogućiti dodatnu pomoć Ukrajini. Financijska potpora Ukrajini ima ključnu ulogu u održanju stabilnosti, a istovremeno omogućuje EU-u da odgovorno upravlja financijskim resursima kroz prihode iz zamrznutih sredstava ruskih suverenih sredstava. Ove izmjene proračuna predstavljaju korak prema unapređenju programa Unije, optimizaciji resursa te odgovoru na izazove u ključnim područjima.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
2025 budgetary procedure: Joint text
Prijedlog proračuna Europske unije za 2025. godinu usmjeren je na ljude i unapređenje kvalitete života kroz povećanje konkurentnosti. U vremenu geopolitičkih promjena, financijskog pritiska i klimatskih izazova, pouzdan, fleksibilan i investicijski orijentiran proračun EU-a ključan je za provedbu politika. Osigurava podršku zelenoj i digitalnoj tranziciji, donosi sigurnost i prosperitet građanima te potiče konkurentnost europskog gospodarstva.Važno je naglasiti da je proces donošenja proračuna za 2025. suočen s izazovima, budući da se odvija u trenucima visokih međunarodnih tenzija i neizvjesnosti. Bez obzira na izazove, EU ostaje čvrsto usmjeren na svoje ključne prioritete. Oni pridonose održivom gospodarskom rastu koji donosi korist svim građanima EU-a. Proračun je osmišljen tako da smanji negativne utjecaje na važne programe i maksimizira pozitivne učinke na ekonomski razvoj širom Unije. Proračun teži pravednosti i uključivosti, a pristupačne javne usluge i dostupnost financiranja ključne su za osiguranje socijalne dimenzije europskih politika. Također, podržana su ulaganja u obnovljive izvore energije i dekarbonizaciju. U nestabilnom sigurnosnom okruženju, proračun EU-a osigurava potporu jačanju obrambenih sposobnosti država članica, što je ključno za europski suverenitet. Jačanje obrambenih kapaciteta, posebno u područjima poput vojne mobilnosti i cyber sigurnosti, odgovor je na sigurnosne izazove.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Amending short-stay visas regulation (EU) 2018/1806) as regards Vanuatu
Podrška prijedlogu izmjene Uredbe (EU) 2018/1806, koji bi uključivao premještanje Vanuatua iz Priloga II. u Prilog I., je nužna radi zaštite unutarnje sigurnosti i javnog poretka država članica EU-a.Vanuatu se suočava s problemima u provedbi programa državljanstva za ulagače koji omogućuju državljanima trećih zemalja zaobilaženje procesa viza i lakši pristup schengenskom prostoru, što predstavlja ozbiljan sigurnosni rizik.Iako su se u prošlosti pokušali uvesti zakonodavni prijedlozi za rješavanje tih problema, Vanuatu nije ispunio zahtjeve EU-a za učinkovitu provedbu i nadzor tih promjena. Provedbene uredbe i dijalog između Komisije i Vanuatua nisu rezultirali značajnim smanjenjem rizika, što je potvrđeno kroz analizu i izvješća Komisije. Stoga je ključno zadržati privremenu suspenziju izuzeća od vize kako bi se osigurala zaštita interesa EU-a, dok se traži trajno rješenje.Produljenje razdoblja suspenzije omogućit će Parlamentu i Vijeću dovoljno vremena za razmatranje prijedloga i omogućit će EU-u da se zaštiti od potencijalnih prijetnji koje proizlaze iz netransparentnih i nesigurnih postupaka državljanstva za ulagače.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Germany and Italy relating to floods occurred in 2024
Europska unija trebala bi mobilizirati Fond solidarnosti Europske unije (FSEU) kako bi pružila pomoć Njemačkoj i Italiji u suočavanju s posljedicama poplava koje su se dogodile 2024. godine. Na temelju ocjene informacija dostavljenih Komisiji, jasno je da su te katastrofe ispunile uvjete za aktiviranje FSEU-a prema Uredbi o FSEU-u.Poplave su prouzročile ozbiljnu štetu koja uključuje gubitak ljudskih života, uništenu infrastrukturu i značajne ekonomske gubitke, što je nadmašilo nacionalne kapacitete za samostalno suočavanje s posljedicama. Mobilizacija FSEU-a omogućit će brzu i efikasnu reakciju EU-a kako bi se olakšala obnova pogođenih područja i pružila potrebna financijska potpora za hitne intervencije. Time će se pomoći ne samo oporavku infrastrukture, već i stabiliziranju društvenih i gospodarskih uvjeta za pogođeno stanovništvo.Ova vrsta solidarnosti i međusobne pomoći jača koheziju među članicama EU-a i pokazuje predanost zajedničkoj sigurnosti i otpornosti u suočavanju s prirodnim katastrofama. Stoga je aktiviranje FSEU-a ključno kako bi EU iskazala solidarnost s članicama koje se suočavaju s ozbiljnim izazovima i potaknula brzi oporavak pogođenih regija.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Draft amending budget No 5/2024: adjustment in payment appropriations, update of revenues and other technical updates
Predložene izmjene proračuna za 2024. godinu donose značajne koristi koje će pomoći Europskoj uniji pri provođenju ključnih programa i inicijativa. Povećana financijska izdvajanja omogućit će bolju prilagodbu potrebama u područjima regionalnog razvoja, ribarstva, digitalne sigurnosti i podrške Ukrajini.Jedna od najvažnijih stavki u ovom proračunskom amandmanu odnosi se na povećanje sredstava za Europski fond za regionalni razvoj, čime će se unaprijediti projekti koji podržavaju strateške tehnologije za Europu, ali i podrška ruralnim i urbanim zajednicama EU. Također, predloženi proračunski amandman predviđa dodatna sredstva za Sporazume o partnerstvu u ribarstvu koji vode k održivom upravljanju morskim resursima i pravednijim uvjetima za ribare.Proračun uključuje sredstva za CEPOL i time odgovara na sve veću prijetnju u području kibernetičke sigurnosti. Jačanje kibernetičke sigurnosti osigurat će da europske institucije i građani budu zaštićeni od sve sofisticiranijih prijetnji. Izuzetno je važno spomenuti i novu liniju u proračunu koja će omogućiti dodatnu pomoć Ukrajini. Financijska potpora Ukrajini ima ključnu ulogu u održanju stabilnosti, a istovremeno omogućuje EU-u da odgovorno upravlja financijskim resursima kroz prihode iz zamrznutih sredstava ruskih suverenih sredstava. Ove izmjene proračuna predstavljaju korak prema unapređenju programa Unije, optimizaciji resursa te odgovoru na izazove u ključnim područjima.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
2025 budgetary procedure: Joint text
Prijedlog proračuna Europske unije za 2025. godinu usmjeren je na ljude i unapređenje kvalitete života kroz povećanje konkurentnosti. U vremenu geopolitičkih promjena, financijskog pritiska i klimatskih izazova, pouzdan, fleksibilan i investicijski orijentiran proračun EU-a ključan je za provedbu politika. Osigurava podršku zelenoj i digitalnoj tranziciji, donosi sigurnost i prosperitet građanima te potiče konkurentnost europskog gospodarstva.Važno je naglasiti da je proces donošenja proračuna za 2025. suočen s izazovima, budući da se odvija u trenucima visokih međunarodnih tenzija i neizvjesnosti. Bez obzira na izazove, EU ostaje čvrsto usmjeren na svoje ključne prioritete. Oni pridonose održivom gospodarskom rastu koji donosi korist svim građanima EU-a. Proračun je osmišljen tako da smanji negativne utjecaje na važne programe i maksimizira pozitivne učinke na ekonomski razvoj širom Unije. Proračun teži pravednosti i uključivosti, a pristupačne javne usluge i dostupnost financiranja ključne su za osiguranje socijalne dimenzije europskih politika. Također, podržana su ulaganja u obnovljive izvore energije i dekarbonizaciju. U nestabilnom sigurnosnom okruženju, proračun EU-a osigurava potporu jačanju obrambenih sposobnosti država članica, što je ključno za europski suverenitet. Jačanje obrambenih kapaciteta, posebno u područjima poput vojne mobilnosti i cyber sigurnosti, odgovor je na sigurnosne izazove.U skladu sa svime navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Georgia's worsening democratic crisis following the recent parliamentary elections and alleged electoral fraud
Ova rezolucija ključna je za reafirmaciju posvećenosti Europske unije demokraciji, ljudskim pravima i vladavini prava, posebno u Gruziji, zemlji kandidatkinji za članstvo u EU-u.Parlamentarni izbori u Gruziji održani u listopadu 2024. godine obilježeni su značajnim nepravilnostima, uključujući zastrašivanje birača, manipulaciju i sustavne povrede, što dovodi u pitanje njihovu legitimnost.Prihvaćanje ove rezolucije šalje snažnu poruku protiv demokratskog nazadovanja i u korist međunarodnih standarda izbornog integriteta. Rezolucija ističe ključne zabrinutosti, uključujući zlouporabu državnih resursa od strane vladajuće stranke Gruzijski san, suzbijanje oporbenih glasova i gušenje civilnog društva.Također se osvrće na neproporcionalan utjecaj oligarha Bidzine Ivanišvilija i rusko uplitanje, koji ugrožavaju euroatlantske težnje Gruzije.Odbijanjem nepravednih izbornih rezultata i pozivanjem na transparentan ponovni izborni proces, rezolucija je u skladu s vrijednostima i očekivanjima EU-a. Osim toga, rezolucija poziva na ciljane sankcije protiv pojedinaca koji podrivaju demokraciju, naglašavajući odgovornost. Predlaže praktične mjere, uključujući međunarodnu istragu izborne prijevare i reviziju bezviznog režima Gruzije, osiguravajući poštivanje načela EU-a.Podrška ovoj rezoluciji naglašava ulogu EU-a kao branitelja demokratskih vrijednosti, dok potiče reforme u Gruziji kako bi se očuvao njezin europski put.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Reinforcing EU’s unwavering support to Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression and the increasing military cooperation between North Korea and Russia
Europski parlament rezolucijom nepokolebljivo podupire Ukrajinu u borbi protiv ruske ratne agresije iz više razloga.Prvo, podržavanje Ukrajine nije samo moralna obveza, već i ključna komponenta sigurnosti i stabilnosti Europe. Ruska agresija narušava temelje međunarodnog prava, ugrožava suverenitet država i prijeti širenjem autoritarnih režima. Ako Europska unija ne pokaže čvrsto protivljenje, to bi moglo potaknuti daljnje agresivne poteze drugih autokracija, što bi povećalo opasnost za europski kontinent.Drugo, sve veća vojna suradnja između Sjeverne Koreje i Rusije dodatno destabilizira međunarodnu sigurnost. Prijenos oružja i tehnologije sjevernokorejskih raketnih i nuklearnih kapaciteta u Rusiju ili obrnuto te prisutnost sjevernokorejskih vojnika u Ukrajini može imati katastrofalne posljedice za globalnu ravnotežu snaga, dodatno produbljujući napetosti u regijama poput Azije i Europe. Stoga, Europski parlament mora pokazati odlučnost u podupiranju Ukrajine, kroz financijsku i vojnu pomoć te diplomatske pritiske i sankcije, kako bi poslao jasnu poruku: Europa stoji čvrsto uz one koji se bore za slobodu, suverenost i mir. Samo odlučna reakcija može osigurati sigurniju i stabilniju budućnost za sve nas.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Specific measures under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for Member States affected by natural disasters
Podržavanjem ovog prijedloga omogućuje se učinkovita i brza reakcija na posljedice elementarnih nepogoda koje uništavaju poljoprivredni i šumarski potencijal u Europi, među ostalim u Hrvatskoj, gdje se poljoprivrednici sve češće suočavaju s poplavama, sušama i drugim ekstremnim vremenskim uvjetima. Ove nepogode ne samo da uzrokuju gubitke prihoda nego i ugrožavaju opskrbu hranom, stabilnost ruralnih zajednica te cjelokupnu sigurnost prehrambenog sustava. Predložena mjera, financirana iz Europskog poljoprivrednog fonda za ruralni razvoj (EPFRR), omogućila bi državama članicama fleksibilniju i bolje ciljanu podršku. Jednokratne paušalne isplate poljoprivrednicima, posjednicima šuma i MSP-ovima osigurale bi likvidnost, ključnu za brzu obnovu proizvodnje. Uz to, jačanjem ulaganja u obnovu poljoprivrednog potencijala kroz povećanu proračunsku fleksibilnost smanjila bi se izloženost budućim krizama. Ovaj prijedlog nije samo odgovor na trenutačne potrebe, već i korak prema dugoročnoj otpornosti na klimatske promjene. Ulaganja u prevenciju katastrofa i prilagodbu klimatskim uvjetima osiguravaju da poljoprivrednici mogu održivo poslovati unatoč sve češćim prirodnim nepogodama. Podržavanjem ovog prijedloga doprinosimo stabilnosti ruralnih zajednica, zaštiti poljoprivrednika i šumara te sigurnosti opskrbe hranom za cijelu Europu.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Forest reproductive material of the ‘tested’ category
Podržavanjem ovog prijedloga osigurava se usklađivanje pravila o uvozu šumskog reprodukcijskog materijala s međunarodnim standardima te se unaprjeđuje dugoročna održivost šumarstva u Europskoj uniji. Proširenjem režima jednakovrijednosti utvrđenog Odlukom 2008/971/EZ na kategoriju „testirano”, u skladu s izmijenjenim pravilima OECD-a iz 2013., omogućava se uvoz visokokvalitetnog reprodukcijskog materijala koji ispunjava iste stroge zahtjeve koji vrijede za materijal proizveden unutar Unije. Ovaj prijedlog donosi nekoliko ključnih prednosti. Prvo, osigurava veću dostupnost certificiranog šumskog reprodukcijskog materijala visoke kvalitete, što je ključno za obnovu šuma i održavanje biološke raznolikosti. Drugo, proširenje pravila smanjuje administrativne prepreke u međunarodnoj trgovini šumskim materijalom, čime se olakšava poslovanje i potiče konkurentnost sektora šumarstva u EU-u. Uvođenje dodatnih uvjeta za procjenu jednakovrijednosti materijala iz trećih zemalja također osigurava da se i dalje poštuju visoki standardi kvalitete i sigurnosti u Uniji. Time se omogućuje skladan prijelaz s privremenog režima odobrenja na trajno rješenje, što osigurava pravnu sigurnost za države članice i gospodarske subjekte. Podrška ovom prijedlogu ključna je za unapređenje održivog gospodarenja šumama, jačanje europskog šumarskog sektora te očuvanje okoliša.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2024/002 BE/Limburg machinery and paper - Belgium
Podrška rezoluciji temelji se na nekoliko ključnih razloga. Prvo, rezolucija predstavlja konkretan izraz solidarnosti Europske unije s radnicima pogođenima strukturnim promjenama u industriji, osobito onima uzrokovanima globalizacijom i tehnološkim promjenama. Financijski doprinos iz Europskog fonda za prilagodbu globalizaciji (EGF) omogućava brzu reintegraciju radnika na tržište rada putem personaliziranih mjera. Ova sredstva pomoći će u stvaranju održivih radnih mjesta, što je ključno za regije poput Limburga, koje su već suočene s nepovoljnim gospodarskim uvjetima. Drugo, sektor papira i proizvodnje strojeva u Belgiji pogođen je smanjenjem potražnje i konkurencijom, što zahtijeva ulaganja u prilagodbu radne snage na nove tržišne uvjete. Financiranje iz EGF-a omogućit će otpuštenim radnicima stjecanje novih vještina, osobito u kontekstu digitalne i zelene tranzicije, čime se smanjuje rizik od dugotrajne nezaposlenosti. Treće, rezolucija osigurava da potpora bude dodatak, a ne zamjena za nacionalne obveze poduzeća prema radnicima. Također, ističe važnost poštovanja načela nediskriminacije, osiguravajući da pomoć dođe do onih kojima je najpotrebnija. Podržavajući rezoluciju, Europski parlament potvrđuje svoju predanost socijalnoj pravdi, gospodarskoj otpornosti i održivom razvoju, pružajući radnicima priliku za budućnost u promijenjenim uvjetima tržišta rada. Konačno, takvi potezi Europske unije i građanima država članica predstavljaju konkretan i vidljiv doprinos borbi protiv nezaposlenosti uzrokovane globalizacijom.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
EC-Pacific States Interim Partnership Agreement: accession of Tonga
Podupiranje prijedloga odluke Vijeća o odobrenju pristupanja Tonge Privremenom sporazumu o partnerstvu (SGP) između Europske unije i pacifičkih država ključno je iz nekoliko razloga.Prvo, ovaj korak osnažuje međunarodnu suradnju i partnerstvo EU-a s pacifičkim državama, što je u skladu s globalnom strategijom EU-a za promicanje održivog razvoja, trgovine i ekonomske integracije. Pristupanje Tonge dodatno jača političku i ekonomsku stabilnost u regiji Pacifika, što doprinosi širenju mreže povjerenja i sigurnosti u trgovinskim odnosima. Tonga, kao zemlja u razvoju, imat će koristi od preferencijalnog pristupa tržištu EU-a, što će olakšati izvoz, privući investicije i potaknuti lokalni gospodarski rast. Istodobno, EU će imati koristi od boljeg pristupa tržištu Tonge i jačanja strateških odnosa u regiji.Osim toga, Sporazum potiče održivi razvoj i usklađenost s međunarodnim standardima, uključujući ljudska prava i zaštitu okoliša. Uspješan završetak pregovora između Komisije i Tonge potvrđuje obostranu predanost transparentnosti i suradnji. Odobrenje ovog prijedloga od strane Vijeća simbol je solidarnosti EU-a s pacifičkim državama te konkretan korak prema daljnjem razvoju inkluzivnog i održivoga globalnog gospodarstva.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the United Nations Convention on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration
Podupiranje ovog prijedloga Vijeća Europske unije ključno je za jačanje pravne sigurnosti, transparentnosti i dosljednosti u međunarodnim ulaganjima.Uključivanjem pravila transparentnosti iz Konvencije Komisije Ujedinjenih naroda za međunarodno trgovačko pravo (UNCITRAL) u arbitražne postupke između ulagača i država, Europska unija pokazuje predanost pravednijem i predvidljivijem sustavu rješavanja sporova. Ovaj korak važan je za osiguranje povjerenja ulagača i promicanje održivih ekonomskih odnosa. Prijedlog također odražava europsku integraciju i harmonizaciju pravila o stranim ulaganjima, što je nužno s obzirom na isključivu nadležnost Unije u ovom području prema članku 3. UFEU-a.Dopuštanje državama članicama da sklapaju Konvenciju i primjenjuju je na svoje bilateralne ugovore s trećim zemljama jača fleksibilnost u prilagodbi specifičnim potrebama svake države, uz istodobno osiguranje usklađenosti s pravilima EU-a. Primjena ovih pravila na sporove unutar Ugovora o energetskoj povelji dodatno naglašava važnost transparentnosti u energetskom sektoru, ključnom za europsku energetsku sigurnost. Odobrenje ovog Ugovora ojačat će poziciju EU-a kao globalnog lidera u promicanju međunarodnih standarda transparentnosti i dobrog upravljanja, što je od koristi svim stranama.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
EC-Pacific States Interim Partnership Agreement: accession of Niue
Podupiranje prijedloga Vijeća Europske unije o odobrenju pristupanja Niuea Privremenom sporazumu o partnerstvu između Europske zajednice i pacifičkih država ključno je za jačanje europskih trgovinskih odnosa i globalnog partnerstva.Pristupanjem Niuea proširuje se okvir sporazuma, čime se omogućuje integracija još jedne pacifičke države u globalni trgovinski sustav temeljen na pravilima. Ovaj korak osigurava gospodarske koristi za sve uključene strane, istovremeno promičući održivi razvoj i regionalnu stabilnost. Pristupanje Niuea doprinosi jačanju gospodarskih veza između EU-a i pacifičkih država, što otvara nova tržišta za europske izvoznike i omogućuje povoljniji pristup pacifičkim proizvodima europskom tržištu.Nadalje, podrška ovom prijedlogu potvrđuje predanost EU-a inkluzivnosti i globalnoj suradnji, omogućujući manjim državama poput Niuea sudjelovanje u međunarodnim sporazumima koji pridonose njihovu razvoju. Osim ekonomskih aspekata, privremena primjena sporazuma u skladu s člankom 76. stavkom 3. pokazuje fleksibilnost i učinkovitost EU-a u provođenju svojih međunarodnih obveza. Ova odluka također odražava solidarnost i povjerenje među ugovornim stranama, čime se dodatno jačaju veze između Unije i pacifičkih država. Prijedlog donosi dugoročne koristi i zaslužuje široku podršku.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
EC-Pacific States Interim Partnership Agreement: accession of Tuvalu
Podupiranje ovog prijedloga ključno je za daljnje jačanje gospodarskih veza Europske unije s pacifičkim državama i promicanje međunarodne trgovine temeljem zajedničkih interesa.Pristupanje Tuvalua Privremenom sporazumu o partnerstvu omogućuje ovoj otočnoj državi pristup europskom tržištu uz povoljne uvjete, potičući gospodarski razvoj, stvaranje radnih mjesta i smanjenje ekonomske ranjivosti Tuvalua. Ovaj prijedlog doprinosi širenju okvira za gospodarsku suradnju uspostavljenog Sporazumom iz 2009., a koji se pokazao uspješnim za zemlje poput Papue Nove Gvineje i Fidžija. Pristupanjem Tuvalua, Unija osigurava da i najmanje i najslabije gospodarstvene države regije imaju priliku sudjelovati u globalnim trgovinskim tokovima, čime se pridonosi inkluzivnosti i održivosti globalnog gospodarstva.Europska komisija utvrdila je da ponuda Tuvalua zadovoljava potrebne uvjete, čime se jamči da je ovaj korak povoljan i za Uniju i za Tuvalu. Privremena primjena sporazuma dodatno osigurava njegovu pravovremenu provedbu, što je ključno za ostvarenje prednosti ovog partnerstva. Podupiranjem ovog prijedloga, Unija jača svoju ulogu pouzdanog partnera na globalnoj razini, potiče gospodarsku stabilnost i pokazuje predanost načelima jednakosti i međunarodne suradnje.U skladu s navedenim, podržavam ovo izvješće.
Written questions (3)
Law on nationality in Montenegro
EU geothermal strategy
Strengthening the roaming initiative for the Western Balkan countries
Amendments (366)
Amendment 46 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 29 a (new)
Citation 29 a (new)
– having regard to the EU Guidelines on the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief of 24 June 2013,
Amendment 398 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
Paragraph 22
22. Recognises the potential for stronger alignment in approaches to human rights protection and promotion between Member States’ embassies and EU delegations in non-EU countries; emphasises the opportunity for Member States’ embassies to take an increasingly active role in advancing and safeguarding human rights, while also supporting civil society in these countries; highlights the importance of shared responsibility between Member States and EU delegations in these efforts; calls for the EU and its Member States to intensify their collective efforts to promote the respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights and to support democracy worldwide; encourages careful monitoring and assessment of the capacity of EU delegations to ensure that every EU delegation has a designated point of contact for cases of human rights violations and that such mandate is allocated sufficient resources to respond in an effective and timely manner; recommends that EU Delegations are regularly trained on the existing EU Guidelines related to specific issues of human rights;
Amendment 578 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34
Paragraph 34
34. Reiterates its concern regarding violations of the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief; deplores the instrumentalisation of religious or belief identities for political purposes and the exclusion of persons belonging to religious and belief minorities and religious communities in certain non- EU countries; stresses that the freedom to choose one’s religion, to believe or not to believe at all is a fundamental human right that cannot be punished by death or any degrading treatment; condemns, therefore, the existence and implementation of so-called apostasy laws that criminalize and punish one’s active choice of religion, belief or non-belief recommends that the Special Envoy for the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU be granted more resources so that he can comfortably carry out his mandate; highlights the necessity for the Special Envoy to continue to work closely and in a complementary manner with the EUSR for Human Rights and the Council Working Party on Human Rights; calls for the EU and its Member States to step up their efforts to protect the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief, to raise these issues at UN human rights forums and to continue working with the relevant UN mechanisms and committees;
Amendment 602 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34 a (new)
Paragraph 34 a (new)
34a. Notes with concern the existence of blasphemy laws that carry the possibility of harsh penalties, including death sentence ; acknowledges that such laws are often subject to misuse, false accusations and misinterpretations; calls for abolition of blasphemy laws or, as minimum , revision of such laws to raise the bar of evidence and ensure accountability for perpetrators of false accusations;
Amendment 610 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34 b (new)
Paragraph 34 b (new)
34b. Recognizes the importance of ensuring political representation of religious belief, ethnic minorities in national, regional and local legislative bodies; acknowledges the existence of systems whereby religious, belief or ethnic minorities are allocated reserved parliamentary seats; deplores the fact that in certain non-EU countries such mechanisms often exist in law but no observed in practice and are used to advance individual political interests rather than effective representation of communities; recommends that Member States and EU Delegations lead efforts in ensuring that religious, belief and ethnic communities are given a true political voice and transparent election process;
Amendment 111 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2 – indent 1
Paragraph 2 – indent 1
– the successful finalisation of the screening process for Albania at the end of 2023; reiterates the call for entering into the next phase of negotiations without further delay; highlights the need to further intensify reforms to address deficiencies that persist regarding the ‘fundamentals’ and the opening of the first cluster of negotiating chapters with Albania; highlights the need to further intensify reforms with a special focus on the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organized crime and media freedom;
Amendment 130 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2 – indent 3 a (new)
Paragraph 2 – indent 3 a (new)
– CEFTA's decision allowing Kosovo to be represented by its own institutions, as well as the removal of restrictions on the entry of Serbian- finished products into Kosovo;
Amendment 133 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2 – indent 4
Paragraph 2 – indent 4
– the progress made by Montenegro in meeting the interim benchmarks for Chapters 23 and 24 of the EU acquis; encourages the country to continue to make progress on and implement EU- related reforms swiftlyimplementation of EU- related reforms swiftly; expresses concern over foreign interference, the rise of anti- Western and divisive rhetoric in the country, as well as controversial legislative proposals on citizenship and foreign agents;
Amendment 60 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Underlines that in the context of the current dynamic geopolitical circumstances, and growing global instability, one of the European priorities is safeguarding the EU external borders; therefore, a consistent and reliable budget of Frontex is of utmost importance to adequately address the need for a comprehensive management of the EU borders;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Is of the conviction that the economic, social, environmental and development dimensions of the UN system must be substantially strengthened in the first instance by means of a structural and functional reform of the Economic and Social Council; calls on the UN member states to consider the possibility of strengthening their role in the Economic and Social Council by developing it into a Sustainable Development Council;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Welcomes the creation of the High- Level Political Forum (HLPF) on sustainable development; is convinced that the HLPF must become the main decision- making body for all development policy, thus ensuring coordinated and efficient assessment of needs and adoption of the roadmaps, and decisions and binding measures needed for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Stresses that it is crucial for the EU's credibility and leadership on the global development scene to present a common position on the implementation of the Agenda 2030 ahead of the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) in 2016; in this regards, urges the European Commission to issue a Communication on the implementation of the Agenda 2030 in time for the Parliament to feed into the Council Conclusions ahead of the HLPF;
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 a (new)
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Recalls that development is not possible without peace, nor peace without development and that neither is possible without ensuring respect for human rights; in this regards, reiterates the importance of the most innovative goal of the Agenda 2030 - SDG 16 that addresses peace, justice and governance; believes that the implementation of the targets anchored in SDG 16 are of central significance for the overall success of the Agenda;
Amendment 172 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph v a (new)
Paragraph v a (new)
(va) to recall that development is not possible without peace, nor peace without development and that neither is possible without ensuring respect for human rights; in this regards, to reiterate the importance of the most innovative goal of the Agenda 2030 - SDG 16 that addresses peace, justice and governance and to stress that the implementation of the targets anchored in SDG 16 are of central significance for the overall success of the Agenda;
Amendment 40 #
Paragraph 6
6. Underlines that ambitious agreements between the three advanced economies must address, in a meaningful way, investment, trade in goods and services (drawing on recent practice as regards reservations of policy space and sector coverage), e-commerce, public procurement, energy, state-owned enterprises, competition, anti-corruption, technology research and the needs of SMEs and can benefit governance of the global economy by intensified convergence and cooperation on international standards without lowering any consumer, environmental or social and labour protection;
Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 7 a (new)
Citation 7 a (new)
– having regard to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C
Recital C
C. whereas 1.5 billion people live in fragile and conflict-affected regions worldwide and fragile states and ungoverned spaces are spreading leaving many in poverty, lawlessness, thriving corruption and violence; whereas the EUTF has been conceived in order to assist a band of countries across three African regions (the Horn of Africa; the Sahel and Lake Chad basin; North Africa) that contain some of the most fragile African countries, are affected by migration and will draw the greatest benefit from this form of EU financial assistance; whereas the eligible countries’ African neighbours may also benefit, on a case-by-case basis, from Trust Fund projects having a regional dimension with a view to addressing regional migration flows and related cross- border challenges;
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital E a (new)
Recital E a (new)
Ea. whereas peace has been recognized as crucial for development in the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 on peace and justice that has been introduced;
Amendment 38 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Strongly underlines that funds from EDF and ODA sources must be devoted exclusively to development ends; recalls that all other expenses related to security, counter-terrorism and border controls, migration management, etc have to be funded from different sources that are pooled in the Trust Fundemphasizes that development is not possible without security; stresses the need for contributions by Member States and other different sources, and recalls that leveraging is one of the foremost reasons for the creation of this instrument devoted to such different and heterogeneous ends; condemns any use of ODA sources, even a small percentage, for any purposes different fromctions without development objectives;
Amendment 48 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. Deeply regrets the fact that, despite the continued importance of ODA for LDCs, the already low levels of development assistance to LDCs declined for the second year in a row in 2014 and that the proportion of aid allocated to those countries is at its lowest in ten years; calls on the Member States, accordingly, to make sure that aid is not diverted away from the poorest countries to cover the cost of the current crises, including the refugee and security crises, by firmly committing to increase ODA in line with the 0.7 % target and to allocate 50 % of ODA to LDCs, under the condition that their absorption capacity is sufficient to utilize the allocated resources;
Amendment 52 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
Paragraph 9
9. Considers that the EU Trust Fund for Africa should contribute to peace and stability of recipient countries, as well as the strengthening and improving of local services (health, education, nutrition) and of governance, and that civil society, non- governmental organisations (NGOs) and international NGOs should play a pivotal role in addressing the root causes of migration and improving local services;
Amendment 79 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
Paragraph 12
12. Expresses its deep concern with regard tomphasizes that projects covered by the EUTF, which has been created using sources mainly devoted in principle to development purposes, that include numerous elements which cannot be considered as development assistance,must have development objectives; stresses that projects including actions such as border controls and measures aimed at reinforcing security capacity in particular countries, given that the intended outcomes of such measures are to improve migration management rather than to achieve poverty reductionmust be designed in a way that their final outcomes are focused on poverty reduction, as well as stability and security of recipient countries and their citizens;
Amendment 90 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
Paragraph 13
13. Calls for express assurances from the Commission and the authorities directly entrusted with the managing of the Trust Fund that 100 % of the resources coming from the EDF or other sources devoted to development assistance will be used exclusively for actions directly devoted towith development assistanceobjectives;
Amendment 93 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
Paragraph 15
15. Emphasises strongly that in any casethat the EU budget cannot be used to directly finance military or defence operations (Article 41(2) TEU) but does not explicitly exclude peacekeeping operations with development objectives; furthermore, recalls that Articles 209 and 212 TFEU do not explicitly exclude the financing of capacity-building in the security sector;
Amendment 95 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
Paragraph 16
16. Calls on the Commission and the authorities directly entrusted with the managing of the Trust Fund to focus primarily on peace, capacity building, stability, wellbeing of local populations, creation of work opportunities and training, particularly for women and for young people;
Amendment 100 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
Paragraph 17
17. Emphasises strongly that the ultimate purpose of EU development policy, as enshrined in Article 208 of the TFEU, must be the reduction and eradication of poverty; in this regard, deplores the fact that while the EU contribution to the Trust Fund will be done using mostly ODA resources, this financing mechanism will not be focused exclusively on development-oriented objectives; stresses that a clear, transparent, and communicable distinction must be made within the Trust Fund between the funding envelopes for development activities, on the one hand, and for activities related to migration management and to border controls and all other activities on the otherthat do not have clear development objectives; stresses that diluting ODA so that less funds are used to fight extreme poverty would undermine the significant progress made in international development and threaten the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
Amendment 102 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
Paragraph 18
18. Calls for the EU to show greater coherence when acting in the field of international cooperation for development, from a twofold point of view: the EU and Member States should, on the one hand, act responding to their commitments and, on the other, exhibit overall coherence in their development policies, with particular regard to the co-management spirit of the EU-ACP Cotonou Agreement; from the latter perspective, considers that the Trust Fund should reflect the principle of policy coherence for sustainable development and should avoid any contradiction, while at present it is mixing development aims with concerns relating to security, policing and EU internal migration, with neither a clear strategy nor the relevant transparency;
Amendment 118 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
Paragraph 20
20. Stresses the need to carefully and systematically check how the funds from the EU Trust Fund for Africa are employed and what the EU is actually financing through the Trust Fund, given the extraordinary lack of clarity in its objectives, the lack of solidarity and consensus among Member States, and the clear desire to achieve security goals by means of an instrument theoretically conceived to pursue development ends through increasing the Parliament's scrutiny powers over the EUTF; in particular, calls on the Council and the Commission to inform Parliament in detail on the specific actions undertaken by both the EU and the African states when employing these funds;
Amendment 135 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25
Paragraph 25
25. Recalls that EU migration policies should primarily focus on addressing the root causes of migration, by working to help create peace and stability and foster economic development, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 16 on peace and justice, by improving work on promoting and organising legal migration channels, by enhancing the protection of migrants and asylum seekers and of particularly vulnerable groups, by more effectively fighting exploitation and trafficking of migrants, and by working more closely with third countries to improve cooperation on voluntary return and readmission;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Emphasizes that trade remains crucial for economic growth and sustainable development and has helped to lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty; recognizes, however, that not all developing countries have enjoyed such gains and that least developed countries (LDCs) in particular remain marginalised in global trade;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Recalls that tradCommends EU's efforts to promote trade as a tool for sustainable development, from the liberaliszation is not positive, per se, in terms of reducing poverty and could have negative effects on sustainable development if it is not accompanied by re-distribution through fair and progressive tax systems;of access to its own huge market to the vast area of Aid for Trade; emphasizes that in order for the developing countries to take advantage of trade and investment opportunities, it is necessary to continue supporting domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) reforms in developing countries as to help improve their capacity to increase revenues and to tackle tax evasion and avoidance by supporting the design of efficient, effective, fair and transparent tax systems in line with principles of good governance
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Commends the EU for being the frontrunner in providing Duty-Free- Quota-Free access to all goods (except arms and ammunition) from LDCs through the Everything-But-Arms Initiative (EBA) as part of the EU's Generalized Scheme of Preferences (GSP);
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 b (new)
Paragraph 2 b (new)
2b. Urges the EU to continue efforts in proceeding with the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) as they have a specific development focus, including development cooperation as an essential element of implementation, and in line with the principles of PCD;
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 c (new)
Paragraph 2 c (new)
2c. Recognizes that one-third of total development aid (ODA) currently supports trade related needs; urges the EU to remain the global leader in providing support to Aid for Trade (AfT) programmes that are conceived to help developing countries reap the benefits of new trade deals;
Amendment 26 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Calls on the Commission to take measures to prevent the potential negativNotes that most indicate that the possible effects of mega trade deals, such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), on developing countries would be positive;
Amendment 41 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Calls on the Commission to safeguard the right of countries to regulate and preserve policy space in order to develop infant industries; urges the Commission to ensure that trade agreements and policies do not undermine developing countries’support efforts to increase the domestic value added in order to upgrade along the global value chains;
Amendment 57 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 7
7. Calls on the Commission to develop a complaint mechanism as a basis for sanctions to channel the voices of those whose human rights are jeopardised by EU trade policies and which will form an essentialensure the promotion of democracy and human rights through EU trade policies; stresses that this will also be an important element of the EU’s role in the implementation of the sustainable development goals;
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph -1 (new)
Paragraph -1 (new)
-1. Recognizes that 1.5 billion people live in fragile and conflict affected regions worldwide and fragile states and that ungoverned spaces are spreading, leaving many in poverty, lawlessness, thriving corruption and violence;
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph -1 a (new)
Paragraph -1 a (new)
-1a. Stresses the need for coordinated external actions that make use of diplomatic, security and development tools to restore confidence and tackle challenges of wars, internal conflicts, insecurity, fragility and transition;
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Welcomes the aim of clarifying EU engagement boundaries on Peace Support Operations (PSOs) with the United Nations (UN) and the African Union (AU); recalls that the EU budget cannot be used to directly finance military or defence operations (Article 41(2) TEU) but does not explicitly exclude peacekeeping operations with development objectives; furthermore, recalls that Articles 209 and 212 TFEU do not explicitly exclude the financing of capacity-building in the security sector; underlines the importance of EU support for AU peacekeeping operations approved by the UN;
Amendment 6 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 10 a (new)
Citation 10 a (new)
- having regard to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Recognizes that the European Development Fund (EDF) and the African Peace Facility (APF) as instruments outside the EU budget are currently particularly relevant in the current efforts to comprehensively address security-development nexus; considers, in this regards, that the EDF regulation should be reviewed in order to allow programming design that includes increased peace, security and justice expenditures that have developmental motivation, as to allow the continuation and increase in financing for instruments such as the APF as well as to achieve SDG 16 on peace and justice;
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C a (new)
Recital C a (new)
C a. whereas 1.5 billion people live in fragile and conflict affected regions worldwide and fragile states and ungoverned spaces are spreading leaving many in poverty, lawlessness, thriving corruption and violence;
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Calls on the EU to lead the discussions on redesigning Official Development Assistance (ODA) under the OECD framework through peacebuilding lenses;
Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C b (new)
Recital C b (new)
C b. whereas peace has been recognized as crucial for development in the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 on peace and justice has been introduced;
Amendment 29 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 a (new)
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Reminds that peace has been recognized as crucial for development in the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and that Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 on peace and justice has been introduced;
Amendment 49 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital Q
Recital Q
Q. whereas Article 41(2) TEU prohibits expenditure from EU budgets on operations having military or defence implications, but does not explicitly exclude peacekeeping operations with developmental objectives; whereas Articles 209 and 212 TFEU do not explicitly exclude the financing of capacity-building in the security sector;
Amendment 51 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital Q a (new)
Recital Q a (new)
Q a. whereas the European Development Fund (EDF) and the African Peace Facility as instruments outside the EU budget are currently particularly relevant in the current efforts to comprehensively address security-development nexus;
Amendment 52 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital Q b (new)
Recital Q b (new)
Q b. whereas the European Development Fund (EDF) requires that programming is so designed that, as far as possible, it meets the criteria for Official Development Assistance (ODA) and ODA criteria mostly exclude security related expenses (only 7 percent of DAC Members' contributions to UN peacekeeping missions are ODA compliant);
Amendment 60 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph -1 (new)
Paragraph -1 (new)
-1. Stresses the need for coordinated external actions that make use of diplomatic, security and development tools to restore confidence and tackle challenges of wars, internal conflicts, insecurity, fragility and transition;
Amendment 82 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
Paragraph 9
9. Believes that the African Peace Facility provides both an entry point and a potential lever for creating a stronger partnership between the EU and the AU; considers it vital that the EU institutions and Member States should remain closely engaged if the Facility is to be fully exploited as well as that the AU demonstrates higher levels of efficiency and transparency in using the funds; acknowledges that there are other funding mechanisms in use, but believes that given the Facility’s singular focus on Africa, as well as its clear goals, it is especially important with regard to PSOs in Africa;
Amendment 94 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 a (new)
Paragraph 11 a (new)
11 a. calls on the EU to lead the discussions on redesigning Official Development Assistance (ODA) under the OECD framework through peacebuilding lenses;
Amendment 96 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 b (new)
Paragraph 11 b (new)
11 b. Considers that the EDF regulation should be reviewed in order to allow programming design that includes peace, security and justice expenditures that have developmental motivation, as to allow the continuation and increase in financing for instruments such as the APF as well as to achieve SDG 16 on peace and justice;
Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph -1 (new)
Paragraph -1 (new)
-1. Stresses that development is not possible without security and security is not possible without development; in this regards points out that EU development policy needs to be an essential part of the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Welcomes the fact that the link between peace and development has been duly reflected in the new Agenda 2030 and as a result, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 on peace and justice was introduced; calls on the EU and the Member States to prioritize activities related to fulfilling SDG 16 (human rights, good governance, peace and democracy building) and to ensure that these are the focal sectors of National Indicative Programmes (NIP) within development cooperation programming;
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Supports the idea of redefining the EU relationship with Africa by upgrading the principle of good governance as an essential element of the post-Cotonou agreement and by building stronger links between EU development, trade, security and migration policies for mutual reinforcement; reiterates its call for budgetiscalls for the putting in place of formal scrutiny powers in relation tof the European Development Fund, possibly through an interinstitutional agreement of a binding nature under Article 295 of the Lisbon Treaty; calls for a post-2020 EU-ACP partnership that better focuses on common challenges and interests and that is better adapted to make a real change to the security and prosperity of both parties.
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Stresses that EU trade and investment policies are interlinked with EU development policies and have an impact on developing countries; calls for the Commission to respect the principle of Policy Coherence for Development in all trade negotiations; stresses the need to focus on the effective implementation and monitoring of the sreflect the recently adopted Sustainable dDevelopment chapters in trade agreements, in line with the Sustainable Development GoalsGoals into EU's trade policy;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Acknowledges that trade liberalization can increase growth in developing countries, help boost development and reduce poverty by increasing commercial opportunities and investment, creating new jobs opportunities, as well as broadening the productive base through private sector development;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 b (new)
Paragraph 1 b (new)
1b. Emphasizes that increased trade in services enhances competitiveness in developing countries as well as encourages innovation by facilitating exchange of know-how, technology and investment in research and development, including through foreign investment;
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. UrgesWelcomes significant efforts made by the Commission to increase transparency and democratic accountability on the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) negotiation process, and on all trade policies, by duly taking into account concerns express; recognises that the level of openness in TiSA negotiations is indeed unprecedented byin trade unegotiations and civil society organisations, including the CSOs of developing countrommends the EU institutions for continuous engagement with a wide range of stakeholders throughout the process; encourages the Commission to continue and possibly enhance this proactive approach to transparency in EU's trade policies;
Amendment 24 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Rejects TiSA and other macro-trade agreements on the basis that they are a tool to bypass multilateral and democratic fora in which developing countries are properly represented in order to set global standards; recalls that TiSA, contrary to the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), does not currently have special and differential treatment provisions; urges the Commission to immediately propose such a clause based on GATS Article IVWelcomes TiSA, the biggest free trade agreement currently under negotiation, as it will unlock substantial economic potential, depending on the level of liberalization achieved; reminds that TiSA is designed to boost liberalization of the global services sector, beyond the current GATS provisions which are outdated in the new digital era; recalls that TiSA is meant to advance the stalled multilateral negotiations of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) with those countries that are willing to continue negotiations on trade in services; remains strongly committed to a multilateral solution and in this regards considers TiSA negotiations as a stepping-stone towards renewed ambitions at WTO level;
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 a (new)
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Recognises that full TiSA benefits will remain limited to TiSA parties but believes that developing countries should be able to eventually join the agreement; encourages the EU negotiators to promote the grant of access to TiSA talks to interested parties, conditional on their acceptance of agreed rules and ambitions; believes that this will facilitate more parties joining the agreement and forming a critical mass needed for the multilarisation of TiSA under the WTO;
Amendment 34 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Recalls TiSA’s risks of increasing asymmetric international trade relations betweenAcknowledges that TiSA benefits both developed and developing countries as it will produce global gains; reminds that services make 40-70 percent of productivity output and employment in developing countries;
Amendment 40 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Recognizes that some developing countries face internal constraints such as lack of productive capacity, poor infrastructure, poor trade diversification, excessive red tape and difficulties to meet technical standards in high value export markets; in this regards, encourages the EU and its Member States to remain world's leading providers of Aid for Trade, a tool that can assist developing countries willing to join TiSA to take advantage of opportunities created by liberalization of trade in services through facilitating trade reforms, improving the business environment, supporting regional integration and providing opportunities to integrate into global value chains;
Amendment 43 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Rejects TiSA and other macro-trade deals, minds that public services are important elements for sustaking the view that they are a tool for the privatisation of public services and liberalisation of public procurement, such public services and public procuable development and for ensuring respect for people’s dignity; in this context, expresses the position that TiSA should exclude public services and cultural services from the scope of negotiations, while seeking further opening of markets in telecommunications, transport and professional services; reminds that TiSA, as any other international agreement being key elements for sustainable development and for ensuring respect for people’s dignity; asks th, must be compliant to internationally agreed standards on labour, the environment and human rights and that it must be ensured that its provisions allow all parties to the agreement to ensure Ccommission to respect the policy space of developing countries’ governments and parliaments to take decisions in order to ensure internationally agreed standards on labour, the environment and human rightpliance through national legislation; emphasizes that all parties to TiSA must retain the right to maintain and apply their labour and social regulations, as well as their legislation on entry and temporary stay; in this regards insists on opposing any provisions regarding visas and other entry procedures except those aimed at increasing transparency and streamlining administrative procedures;
Amendment 53 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Calls the Commission to mainstream gender equality and women’'s empowermentrights in its trade policy and to consider the negapositive impact that TiSA and other trade agreements may have in this respect in developing countries as an excellent opportunity for further development of women's entrepreneurship and creation of jobs for women;
Amendment 61 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 7
7. Recalls the primacy ofat the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union over TiSA and any other international treaty negotiated by the EU, and lays down the fundamental rights that are binding upon the EU institutions and bodies and that apply to national governments when they are implementing EU law; recalls onthat the Court of Justice of the European Union to effectively guarantee this juridical supremacyEuropean Union is based on a strong commitment to promote and protect human rights, democracy and the rule of law worldwide; in this regards insists that human rights are at the very heart of EU relations with other countries and regions;
Amendment 65 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. Recalls Uruguay’s decision to withdraw from the negotiations on the basis of concerns that TiSA could threaten the country’s policy space on strategic sectors and services; urges the Commission to take this withdrawal into serious considerInsists that the rights of national and local authorities to regulate is preserved throughout the TiSA negotiations.
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Stresses that respect for human rights, rule of law, good governance, peace and security are prerequisites for the eradication of poverty and are central to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses the need to ensure that the post- 2015 d2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development agenda and all its future implementation and monitoring measures are underpinned by the human-rights-based approach (HRBA) and the eradication of poverty, reduction of inequalities and social exclusion and include, inter alia, women’s rights, minority rights, children’s rights, good governance, the fight against corruption and democracy promotion;
Amendment 23 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Urges the EU to maintain and honour its role as a leading defendpromoter of human rights in the world, by the effective, consistent and considered use of all available instruments for the promotion and protection of human rights and its defenders and the effectiveness of our development aid policy;
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Stresses the need for corporate accountability and for a clear and quicktransparency, as well as for initiatives aimed at promoting the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; calls on the Commission to take all necessary initiatives to present a legally binding international instrument on business and human rightomote its implementation, taking into account that it is the obligation of the States to respect, promote and fulfil human rights and fundamental freedoms;
Amendment 40 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Underlines that the EU should address both the root causes of poverty in third countries and the root causes of migration from third countries to Europe, while recognising that the nexus between migration, security and development is complex and multi-dimensional and cannot be reduced to a mechanical and simplistic link between more development aid and less migrants;
Amendment 47 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Calls for the EU and its delegations to increase their political dialogue with governments in breach of human rights, democracy and the rule of the law, and insists that the political dialogue on human rights between the EU and third countries must cover a moren inclusive and comprehensive definition of non- discrimination, inter alia on the basis of religion or belief, sex, racial or ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual orientation and gender agreed in articles 2 and 7 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights;
Amendment 52 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Emphasises that recognition and protection of human dignity is a central and fundamental value under the international conventions;
Amendment 53 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 b (new)
Paragraph 6 b (new)
6b. Recognises the right to life as the most fundamental of all human rights; in this regard calls on the States to respect, promote and protect the right to life and dignity of all human beings, at all life stages and in all conditions;
Amendment 56 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 c (new)
Paragraph 6 c (new)
6c. Recognises that human rights such as freedom of religion, thought or expression play a direct role in the promotion and protection of cultural diversity and that enjoyment of human rights is promoted by a pluralistic society;
Amendment 57 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 d (new)
Paragraph 6 d (new)
6d. Highlights in particular that equality of rights between women and men is to be strictly ensured and that harmful practices, such as female genital mutilation, early and forced marriages, gendercide including girl infanticide or female foeticide, honour crimes, or denial of women to have a proper education, should therefore be banned and violations of such prohibitions severely punished;
Amendment 58 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 e (new)
Paragraph 6 e (new)
6e. Whereas everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family; stresses in this regard that access to basic health services must be provided to all citizens of developing countries, including access to sexual and reproductive health in accordance with the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action as well as EU's Regulation (EC) No 1567/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2003 on aid for policies and actions on reproductive and sexual health and rights in developing countries;
Amendment 59 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 f (new)
Paragraph 6 f (new)
6f. Highlights that human rights are universal, inalienable, indivisible and interdependent and that promotion, protection and application of human rights cannot be interpreted differently within different cultural, ethnic and religious traditions; outlines accordingly that cultural diversity cannot been invoked to infringe upon human rights guaranteed by international law, and based on natural law;
Amendment 60 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 g (new)
Paragraph 6 g (new)
6g. Calls for stronger protection of property rights in developing countries, with special attention to be given to land tenure security, as well as intellectual property rights;
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Is concerned by the growth of unrealisticAcknowledges high expectations onfrom the EU's development policy that it should help solve the refugee crisis and by efforts to; in this regard, emphasises that efforts should be focused on addressing the root causes of the migration crises; human rights abuses, lawlessness, corruption, poverty, hunger, rather than solely diverting substantial EDF and DCI funds to migration related activities of unclear or doubtful sustainable development value, as well as to military activities and to climate action; fully recognises the complex nature of many challenges and the need for multifaceted and complementary response actions, but insists on the need for clarity in funding arrangements and respect for international commitments, as well as for existing internal legal provisions;
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Emphasises that development is not possible without peace and peace is not possible without development; in this regard, points out that human rights, good governance, peace and democracy building should be prioritised under the development policy and that activities related to fulfilling Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16) on peace and justice should become the focal sector of National Indicative Programmes (NIP) within development cooperation, and annual reporting on results in attaining SDG 16 targets should be required from our partners on the basis of reliable and mutually-agreed indicators;
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 b (new)
Paragraph 4 b (new)
4b. Calls on the Commission to take into account Parliament's concerns and comments regarding draft National Indicative Programs (NIPs), and to reflect Parliament's conclusions in the final NIPs; calls for the putting in place of formal scrutiny powers in relation to the EDF, possibly through an interinstitutional agreement of a binding nature under Article 295 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Recognises that expenditure relating to security can beis important for development, but emphasises that such funding which does not constitute ODA must come from the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace and other appropriate new or existing sources, not from the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) or the European Development Fund (EDF)and currently cannot be drawn from the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) or the European Development Fund (EDF); stresses the need for redefining ODA criteria so as to reflect the new Agenda 2030 which also requires financing of activities related to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 on peace and justice;
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Calls for the putting in place of formal scrutiny powers in relation to EDF, possibly through an interinstitutional agreement of a binding nature under Article 295 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union;
Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 2
Citation 2
– having regard to Articles 3, 5 and 23 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union,
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 8
Citation 8
– having regard to the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography;
Amendment 9 #
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 9 b (new)
Citation 9 b (new)
– having regard to the Hague Adoption Convention;
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 15 a (new)
Citation 15 a (new)
– having regard to Directive 2004/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on setting standards of quality and safety for the donation, procurement, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human tissues and cells;
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 25 a (new)
Citation 25 a (new)
– having regard to its resolution of 10 March 2005 on the trade in human egg cells;
Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 26 a (new)
Citation 26 a (new)
– having regard to its resolution of 16 December 2015 on Human Rights and Democracy in the world 2014 and the European Union policy on that matter;
Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
Recital B
B. whereas THB takes many different forms across many legal and illegal activities, including, but not limited to, agriculture, food processing, prostitution, domestic work, manufacturing, care, cleaning, other types of forced labour (particularly in the service industries), forced begging, forced marriage, illegal adoptions, gestational surrogacy and the trade in human organs, cells and tissues, including trade in reproductive cells as well as foetal cells and tissues;
Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F a (new)
Recital F a (new)
Fa. whereas women are exposed to special kinds of reproductive exploitation such as trafficking of their reproductive cells, forced marriage, coerced adoption, prostitution, surrogacy and female genital mutilation;
Amendment 174 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23 a (new)
Paragraph 23 a (new)
23a. Expresses its concern by growing practice of reproductive exploitation of women; calls on the European Commission to include gestational surrogacy as a form of THB as it involves reproductive exploitation and use of human body for financial or other gains; calls upon the Member States to respect their international commitments and to take the necessary actions to stop any involvement of European countries, citizens or companies in surrogacy tourism;
Amendment 176 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23 b (new)
Paragraph 23 b (new)
23b. Recalls that the human body should not be a source of financial gain; calls on the Commission to condemn all sorts of THB with the purpose of the removal of organs and adopt a clear attitude toward illegal trade of organs, tissues and cells, including trade in reproductive cells and foetal tissues and cells;
Amendment 202 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 32
Paragraph 32
32. Calls on the Member States to ensure gender-specific provision of services to victims of THB that is appropriate to their needs, recognising the form of trafficking to which they have been subjected; highlights that whilst a majority of victims are women and girls, there should be specialised services for victims of all genderswomen and men victims of THB;
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Emphasises that corruption has disastrous impacts on development when funds that should be devoted to education, health and other vital public services are instead diverted into the hands of corrupt elites; takes into account that corruption also exacerbates violence and insecurity and can lead to dissatisfaction with public institutions, decreased legitimacy of the government in the eyes of the citizens, and eventually cause spirals of anger and unrest;
Amendment 19 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 b (new)
Paragraph 2 b (new)
2b. Recalls that among the institutions most affected by corruption are the judiciary and police; notes that corruption, bribery, theft and tax evasion cost some US $1.26 trillion for developing countries per year and that these resources could be used to lift those who are living on less than $1.25 a day above $1.25 for at least six years;
Amendment 20 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 c (new)
Paragraph 2 c (new)
2c. Emphasises the importance of prioritising the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 16 of Agenda 2030 which seeks substantially to reduce corruption, as well as to promote access to justice and effective, accountable and transparent institutions; urges the EU to make SDG 16 a priority in development programming;
Amendment 34 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Emphasises that open trade is anremains a crucial engine for growth, sustainable development and wealth creation; recalls that the countries most integrated into the world economy are also among the richest as well that trade has helped to lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty; recognizes, however, that not all developing countries have enjoyed such gains and that least developed countries (LDCs) in particular remain marginalised in global trade;
Amendment 37 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Stresses the crucial role of Aid for Trade (AfT) in trade-related capacity-building, technical assistance, business support policies for SMEs and regional integration; notes, however, that without serious efforts by the countries directly concerned and significant improvements in governance, trade cannot – in isolation – help countries to overcome development constraints; in this regards, emphasizes the importance of focusing on pursuing targets under the Sustainable Development Goal 16 of the Agenda 2030;
Amendment 58 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 a (new)
Paragraph 7 a (new)
7a. Emphasizes that in order for the developing countries to take full advantage of trade and investment opportunities, it is necessary to continue supporting domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) reforms in developing countries as to help improve their capacity to increase revenues and to tackle tax evasion and avoidance by supporting the design of efficient, effective, fair and transparent tax systems in line with principles of good governance;
Amendment 22 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C
Recital C
C. whereas taxation can be a reliable and sustainable source of development financerevenue in developing countries if there is a pgrogressivewth- oriented and well-balanced taxation regime, an effective and efficient tax administration to promote tax compliance, and transparent, and a transparent, responsible and accountable use of public revenue;
Amendment 25 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D
Recital D
D. whereas fairgrowth-oriented and well- balanced tax regimes provide vital finance to governments to cover citizens’ rights toneeds for basic services, such as healthcare and education for all, and whereas effective redistributive fiscal policies are essential in decreasing the effect of growing inequalities;
Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D a (new)
Recital D a (new)
Da. whereas tax regimes in developing countries should encourage the creation of jobs by attracting necessary foreign investments as well as by supporting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises;
Amendment 30 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D b (new)
Recital D b (new)
Db. whereas effective fiscal policies are essential in strengthening the social contract between government and citizens, in order to increase low taxpayer morale and to create a reciprocal link between tax, public and social services;
Amendment 33 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital E
Recital E
E. whereas the potential benefits of taxation go beyond the increase in available resources to foster development, but have a direct positive side-effect on good governance and state-building by strengthening the rule of law and democratic institutions, promoting long- term independence from foreign assistance and allowing developing countries to assume ownership of their policy choices;
Amendment 36 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F
Recital F
F. whereas developing countries face major political and administrative constraints in raising tax revenues as a result of insufficient human and financial resources to collect taxes, weak administrative capacity to deal with the complexity of imposcollecting taxes on certain activities of transnational companies, lack of tax collection infrastructurecapacities, a drain of skilled personnel away from tax administrations, corruption, lack of legitimacy of the political system, an uneveninadequate distribution of revenues and poor tax governance;
Amendment 42 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F a (new)
Recital F a (new)
Fa. whereas the gradual removal of trade barriers over the past decades has increased the amount of cross-border- traded goods and services, and hence has led to a widening of the tax base in developing countries;
Amendment 46 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital G
Recital G
G. whereas, comparatively speaking, developing countries raise substantially less revenue than advanced economies and are characterised by extremely narrow tax bases, and there is considerable potential for increasing the tax-to-GDP ratioamount of tax revenues in order to provide the necessary means for essential governmental responsibilities, especially in the least industrialised countries (LICs);
Amendment 49 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital H
Recital H
H. whereas developing countries have been offering various tax incentives and exemptions, leading to harmful tax competition and a ‘race to the bottom’ that brings greater benefit to multinational corporations (MNCs) than to developing countrieunsatisfactory outcomes in terms of effective and efficient tax systems;
Amendment 64 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital I
Recital I
I. whereas many developing countries cannot attain even the minimum tax level necessary to finance their basic functioning, their public services and their efforts to reduce povertyoften do not collect sufficient means to finance necessary governmental responsibilities;
Amendment 71 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital J
Recital J
J. whereas developing countries are heavily underrepresenshould be better supported in the existing structures and procedures of international tax cooperation, and do notin order to participate on an equal footing in the current global processes seeking to redefinfurther improve international tax rules, such as the OECD base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) process;
Amendment 75 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital K
Recital K
K. whereas revenue raising can have an important role to play in rebalancing gender inequalitiecollecting sufficient levels of public finances can have an important role to play in having more equitable societies without discrimination between men and women and special support in particular for children and vulnerable groups;
Amendment 80 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Calls on the Commission to put forward an action plan, in the form of a communication, on supporting developing countries in fighting tax dodgingillicit capital flows and setting up fairerbetter-balanced tax systems, taking into account the work undertaken by the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD in advance of the Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to be held from 13 to 16 July 2015, and the impact of international tax treaties on developing countries;
Amendment 90 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 a (new)
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Underlines the necessity of having a well-balanced tax mixture with a significant share of the tax revenue in developing countries originating from value added tax (VAT); recalls that in contrary to income taxes, VAT equally puts the burden on imported goods and hence supports domestic economic activities in developing countries; however, takes into account the need for reduced rates for basic and necessary goods of daily consumption as well as the possibility of additional sin taxes in particular on tobacco or alcohol products;
Amendment 92 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 b (new)
Paragraph 3 b (new)
3b. Stresses the importance of efficient and growth-oriented tax regimes in developing countries in order to attract necessary foreign investments as well as to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises;
Amendment 93 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Urges the Commission to support developing countries and regional tax administration frameworks in the fight against tax dodgingillegal capital flows, in developing fairerbetter-balanced tax policies, in promoting administrative reforms and in order to increase the share, in terms of aid and development, of financial and technical assistance to the national tax administrations of developing countries;
Amendment 98 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4 a (new)
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Regrets that only an estimated 0.1 percent (USD 118.4 million) of ODA was dedicated to capacity building in tax matters in 2012; calls for a significant increase of respective technical assistance programmes to 0.5 percent of provided ODA in order to strengthen tax administration and statistical capacities in developing countries;
Amendment 99 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4 b (new)
Paragraph 4 b (new)
4b. Encourages the development of Twinning initiatives, beyond countries in enlargement negotiations or in the framework of the EU Neighbourhood Policy; calls for bringing together public sector expertise from EU Member States and beneficiary countries, aiming to enhance cooperative activities while yielding at preliminarily agreed and concrete operational results for beneficiary countries; supports workshops, training sessions, expert missions, study visits and counselling in order to bring about changes both in the structure of beneficiary institutions, as well as in the respective regulatory tax frameworks in developing countries;
Amendment 100 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Asks the Commission to give good governance in tax matters and faireffective tax collection a high place on the agenda in its policy dialogue (political, development and trade) and in all development cooperation agreements with partner countries;
Amendment 107 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Urges that information on beneficial ownership of companies, trusts and other institutions be made publicly available in open-data formats, in order to prevent anonymous shell companies and similar legal structurcomparable legal entities from being used to finance illegal activities;
Amendment 113 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 7
7. Calls on the EU and the Member States to enforce the principle that multinational companies must adopt country-by-country reporting (CBCR) as standard, requiring them to publish as part of their annual reportadopt country-by-country reporting (CBCR) as a common practice, requiring large multinational companies onf all country-by-country basis for each territory in which they operate the names of all subsidiaries, their financial performance, relevant taxies and sectors to publish required information, assets and number of employees, and to ensure that this information is publicly available part of their annual report on a country-by-country basis;
Amendment 123 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. Welcomes the adoption of an Automatic Exchange of Information mechanism, a fundamental tool for enhancing global transparency and cooperation in the fight against tax avoidance and tax evasion; acknowledges, however, that support in terms of expertise and time is needed for developing countries to build the required capacity to send and process information;
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
Paragraph 9
9. Urges the Commission and all the Member States, following the example of some Member States and in conformity with Art. 5 (3) TEU, to conduct impact assessments of European tax policies on developing countries, in order to strengthen policy coherence for development and remove practices that have negative spilloverimprove current practices to take better into account the special needs onf developing countries;
Amendment 139 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
Paragraph 10
10. Stresses than when negotiating tax treaties with developing countries, source- country taxation rights should be preserved, and the UN Model Tax Conventionincome or profits resulting from cross-border activities should be preferrtaxed toin the OECD Model Tax Conventionsource country, in order to avoid a bias towards developed countries’ interests and to ensure a fair distribun effective collection of taxing right revenues;
Amendment 141 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
Paragraph 11
11. Urges the EU and the Member States to ensure that the UN taxation committee is transformed into a genuine intergovernmental body equipped with additional resourcesbetter equipped with additional resources inside the framework of the UN Economic and Social Council, ensuring that developing countries can participate equally in the global reformmore effectively in the further global development of existing international tax rules;
Amendment 146 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
Paragraph 12
12. Stresses that gender analysis should be made central to tax justicesufficient levels of public finance can contribute to an environment with less discrimination between men and women and with better support in particular for children and vulnerable groups in society;
Amendment 152 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
Paragraph 13
13. Calls on the EIB to ensure that companies or other legal entities that receive EIB support do not participate in tax evasion via offshore centres and tax haveninteract with financial intermediaries established in offshore centres and tax havens in terms of illicit capital flows;
Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 14 a (new)
Citation 14 a (new)
- having regard to the Foreign Affairs Council conclusions of 12 December 2014 on a stronger role of the private sector in development cooperation,
Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 14 b (new)
Citation 14 b (new)
- having regard to the European Court of Auditors' Special Report No. 16/2014 on "The effectiveness of blending regional investment facility grants with financial institution loans to support EU external policies",
Amendment 20 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 21 a (new)
Citation 21 a (new)
- having regard to the final communique of the OECD Development Assistance Committee DAC from its High Level Meeting held 15 to 16 December 2014 in Paris,
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital E
Recital E
E. whereas the magnitude of the SDGs financing challenge demands a strong and global partnership and the use of all forms - including innovative sources - of financing (domestic, international, public and private);
Amendment 34 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F
Recital F
F. whereas domestic resource mobilisation and Official Development Assistance (ODA) are non-substitutable anchors of development finance which must be strengthened in order that developing countries can reach their full potential;
Amendment 37 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital G
Recital G
G. whereas three-quarters of the world's poorest people - an estimated 960 million - currently live in middle-income countries; whereas developing countries’ potentials for domestic resource mobilisation are significant, but there are limits to what countries can accomplish on their own;
Amendment 48 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital H a (new)
Recital H a (new)
Ha. whereas despite challenging fiscal circumstances in many OECD countries, high levels of ODA were maintained and ODA reached an all-time high of USD 134.8 billion in 2013;
Amendment 49 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital H b (new)
Recital H b (new)
Hb. whereas development agenda is becoming broader and it is therefore important to recognise and further incentivise the efforts that are being made above and beyond ODA;
Amendment 73 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital K
Recital K
K. whereas the EU and its Member States, as the largest donors of development aid, must lead the FfD process and help bring about a credible response to the development finance challenges; whereas other developed and emerging countries should follow its example;
Amendment 86 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Welcomes the UN Secretary-General’s Synthesis Report and its transformative, holistic and integrated approach to an ambitious global partnershipas a negotiation basis for achieving an ambitious global partnership on new development goals and the associated financial framework;
Amendment 88 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Urges the EU to leadaffirm its political leadership all throughout the preparatory process towards the definition of a sustainable development framework and its means of implementation along the commitments and values stated in its founding Treaties;
Amendment 95 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Welcomes the recent Commission communication entitled ‘A Global Partnership for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development after 2015’, for its comprehensiveness, for its policy coherence focus and for confirming that the EU is committed to playing its full part in this global partnership; however, regrets a certain lack ofencourages further commitments as regarding the timeline fors future financial targets;
Amendment 99 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Urges the EU and its Member States to re-commit without delay or negotiationgradually increase their level of ODA and re-commit to the 0.7 % of GNI target, with at least 0.2 % of GNI reserved for LDCs, and to present multiannual budget timetables for the scale-up to thes; these efforts should be done in a joint effort and in close cooperation with all other donor countries around the world in order to ensure the best possible outcome in view of the implementation of the Sustainable lDevels by 2020opment Goals;
Amendment 104 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Stresses that the EU and other developed countries must honour their commitment to provide scaled-up, new and additional climate finance to developing countries reaching USD 100 billion per year by 2020reach the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion annually, from a wide variety of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral, including alternative sources by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries; calls on countries with emerging economies to increasingly follow this example by financially contributing to these goals;
Amendment 123 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. Emphasises that ODA should remain the standard measure of financial efforts made; supports the inclusion of concessional loans based on calculation of their grant equivalents, despite due consideration of total official support for development; stresses the role of ODA as a catalyst to attract private investment;
Amendment 124 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 a (new)
Paragraph 8 a (new)
8a. warmly welcomes the agreement of the members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) to continue to develop a new statistical measure, with the working title of Total Official support for Sustainable Development (TOSD) which would complement the ODA measure; deems necessary to measure the totality of resource flows extended to developing countries and multilateral institutions in support of sustainable development and originating from official sources and interventions, regardless of the types of instruments used and associated terms;
Amendment 133 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
Paragraph 9
9. Calls for the EU and its Member States to promote an aid effectiveness agenda building on the commitments in the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, in particular by reducing aid fragmentation through greater coordination between different aid delivery mechanisms and donostakeholders;
Amendment 137 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9 a (new)
Paragraph 9 a (new)
9a. Stresses the importance of a clear priority-setting in the spending of aid with a special focus on sectorial areas such as health, education, energy and water supply, agriculture as well as infrastructure;
Amendment 142 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9 b (new)
Paragraph 9 b (new)
9b. Recalls that development efforts need to be undertaken in a joint effort following the principles of shared responsibility and mutual accountability between local, regional and national authorities on the one side and donors on the other side;
Amendment 144 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
Paragraph 10
10. SFully encourages developing countries' efforts to increasingly finance their own development; to this end, stresses that domestic resource mobilisation must be a key source of financing for all developed and developing countries; emphasises the need for robust, far and progressiveeffective and well-balanced tax systems;
Amendment 151 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
Paragraph 11
11. Encourages the Commission to further help strengthening the areas oftax collection capacity of developing countries by improving tax administration, financial governance and public financial management through enhanced cooperation and capacity building in developing countries;
Amendment 162 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
Paragraph 12
12. Calls for the EU and its Member States to actively crack down on tax havens, tax evasion and illicit financial flows; supports the setting-up ofidea of having an intergovernmental body for tax cooperation under the auspices of the UN, in particular with the Economic and Social Council of the UN and UNCTAD being in charge; recalls that illicit capital flows coming out of developing countries amount to USD 1 trillion and correspond ten times the total ODA;
Amendment 170 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
Paragraph 14
14. Stresses the decisive importance of good governance, the rule of law and democracy, institutional framework and regulatory instruments in particular of public registers such as land and commercial registers; especially supports investment in capacity-building, education, health, public services, social protection, the protection of human rights and the fight against poverty and inequality, including in terms ofwith regard to gender; recognises the need for infrastructures and selective public investments, as well as the sustainable use and management of natural resources, including by the extractive industries;
Amendment 172 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
Paragraph 14
14. Stresses the decisive importance of good governance, the rule of law, institutional framework and regulatory instruments; especially supports investment in capacity-building, human rights promotion, education, health, public services, social protection and the fight against poverty and inequality, including in terms of genderwith special emphasis on equality between women and men; recognises the need for infrastructures and selective public investments, as well as the sustainable use of natural resources, including by the extractive industries;
Amendment 186 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
Paragraph 15
15. Calls for greater financing of research and development in science, technology and innovation in developing countries in order to improve their position in global value chains and to support the domestic production of sophisticated goods and services; emphasises in this context the important role of micro, small and medium enterprises;
Amendment 199 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
Paragraph 16
16. Stresses the importance of favourable conditions for private enterprise and entrepreneurship in developing countries; calls for alignmentthe active participation of the private sector with the aim of contributing to the sustainable development goals through appropriate partnerships, financial instruments, incentives and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); such efforts should be accompanied by a commitment to strengthening domestic legal frameworks;
Amendment 216 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
Paragraph 17
17. Insists that the EU’s support and cooperation with the private sector can and must contribute to reducing poverty and inequality and promote human rights, environmental standards and social dialogue; recalls that the private sector generates 90 percent of jobs in developing countries and therefore insists on its fundamental role as engine of job creation and inclusive growth;
Amendment 217 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
Paragraph 18
18. Calls for the EU to setupport developing countries in setting up a regulatory business framework that stimulates responsible, transparent and accountable investment which contributes to the development of the private sector in developing countries;
Amendment 220 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18 a (new)
Paragraph 18 a (new)
18a. Welcomes the Cotonou Agreement Investment Facility as a tool for increasing developing countries’ ownership while promoting the private sector, in particular in fragile states or least developed countries, where the development impact is potentially greater;
Amendment 223 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
Paragraph 19
19. Calls on the Commission to support increased access to finance for micro, small and medium enterprises in developing countries as this constitutes an effective path out of poverty for the local communities; underlines the importance of micro-finance loan systems and guarantees in particular for the creation phase of such companies;
Amendment 227 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 a (new)
Paragraph 19 a (new)
19a. Insists on the necessity of further developing local and regional banks and credit unions in order to significantly decrease excessive interest rates for market loans in order to better support community development at a local level 1 a ; stresses in this context the specific needs of micro, small and medium enterprises as well as NGOs and calls for the development of targeted programmes and instruments in order to address their respective situations; __________________ 1a me-briefing-paper.pdf
Amendment 229 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
Paragraph 20
20. CRecalls for the adoption of an ‘SDG partner’ framework forthat public aid alone is far from sufficient to cover all investment needs in developing countries; therefore, insists on the leverage role of blending projects and public-private partnerships (PPPs) that will ensure that such projects respect the best international practices and the internationally agreedas means to enhance the impact of development assistance, to attract private finance and to support local businesses; however, stresses that blended finance must not replace state responsibility for delivering on social needs and should be guided by development effectiveness principles;
Amendment 236 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
Paragraph 21
21. Supports increased market access for developing countries, especially LDCs, as it can strengthen the private sector and create incentives for reform; urges the Commission to ensure that trade and investment agreements, especially with developing countries, LDCs and fragile states, are aligned with the SDGs; emphasises that such agreements should be subjected to SDG impact assessmentson measures that strengthen competition authorities in the respective countries, bring more transparency into public procurement procedures and focus on trade facilitation; supports the Commission’s suggestion of updating its Aid for Trade Strategy in light of the outcomes of the post-2015 negotiations;
Amendment 243 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
Paragraph 23
23. Recalls the role of local authorities and civil society, including NGOs, as an essential development partner; calls for an increasedphilanthropic foundations and the private sector, as an essential development partner; supports an effective participation of the representatives of civil society voice in the discussions of development priorities and the set-up of operations on the ground; underlines the role of EU delegations in the respective countries as a facilitator of such dialogues;
Amendment 253 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24
Paragraph 24
24. Recalls the UN’s central role, in complementarity with other existing institutions and forums such as the OECD, in global economic governance and development; supports efforts to further enhance the voice and representation of developing countries in multilateral institutions and other norm- and standard- setting bodies;
Amendment 261 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26
Paragraph 26
26. Calls for a review of international organisations’ programmes and instruments of financial assistance for development in order to align them with the new SDGs; urges, and to allow notably, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to increase low- income countries’ levels of access to their concessional facilities and to gear their resources more closely to the needs of developing countries, including through mutually effective pro-poor lending facilities;
Amendment 22 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
Recital B
B. whereas these developments have strong potential for the empowerment of women, allowing access to information and knowledge beyond conventional means, thereby opening up new opportunities to interact and campaign with a view to defending the rights and freedom of women and LGBTI personother vulnerable groups;
Amendment 56 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital H
Recital H
H. whereas ICT, like any technology, can be used and abused to threaten women, their rights and freedoms, and ultimately their empowerment, such as in the case of cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking, trafficking of human beings through the internet, including hiring of surrogate mothers through the internet, hate speech, incitement to hatred, discrimination and violation of fundamental rights; whereas such new challenges and risks need to be identified and addressed appropriately by policymakers as well as by enterprises, companies and civil society organisations, while providing room for information exchange on the internet;
Amendment 188 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
Paragraph 22
22. Calls for identification of the challenges posed by the use of ICT and the internet to commit crimes, issue threats or perpetrate violence against women based on misogyny, homophobia or transphobia or any other form of unfair discrimination; urges policymakers to address these issues properly;
Amendment 214 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26
Paragraph 26
26. Calls for the EU institutions, agencies and bodies, as well as the Member States and their law enforcement agencies, to cooperate and concretely coordinate their actions to counter the use of ICT to commit crimes related to trafficking in human beings, including surrogacy, cyber- harassment and cyber- stalking; calls for the EU Cybersecurity Strategy and the Europol Cybercrime Centre to cover these issues; calls on the Commission to promote training and capacity-building for victim support in digital matters, for police and judicial authorities, as well as psychological support during court cases related to the issue;
Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 2 a (new)
Citation 2 a (new)
- having regard to its resolution of 25 November 2014 on the EU and the global development framework after 2015,
Amendment 10 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D
Recital D
D. whereas the new global development framework offers an opportunity to secure the broad involvement of civil society organisations (CSOs), LAs and national parliaments; whereas the empowerment of LAs and CSOs is absolutely essential to ensuring correct, transparent and accountable governance;
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital G a (new)
Recital G a (new)
Ga. whereas the new sustainable development framework offers an opportunity to secure the broad involvement of civil society organisations, local authorities and national parliaments;
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital H
Recital H
H. whereas most critical objectives and challenges on the Post-2015 Global Development Agenda will depend on local action and strong partnerships;
Amendment 32 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. Calls on the EU to continue to give particular attention to LAs in development planning, implementation and financial aid flows; stresses that this would require a truly participatory process, conducted early on in the development phase, and that, with this in mind, decentralised public aid must be recognised and reinforced;
Amendment 42 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
Paragraph 12
12. Recalls that the public sector will be a key enabler and implementer of the new global development agenda;
Amendment 48 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
Paragraph 15
15. Considers that the post-2015 global development agenda needs to change the role and impact of CSOs; believes that Member States should work closely with CSOs by setting up mechanisms for regular dialogue;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Recalls that the European cultural markets are naturally heterogeneous because of the European cultural and linguistic diversity, notes that this diversity should be considered as a benefit rather than an obstacle to the Single Market;
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 g (new)
Paragraph 1 g (new)
1g. Stresses that the copyright framework and its effective enforcement, that attain and safeguard a fair remuneration for artists, creators and rightholders play a vital role in encouraging creativity, fostering cultural diversity and ensuring the creation of new creative and cultural content across the Union;
Amendment 27 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 h (new)
Paragraph 1 h (new)
1h. Emphasizes that any reform of the copyright framework should take as a basis a high level of protection, since rights are crucial to intellectual creation and provide a stable, clear and flexible legal base that fosters investment and growth in the creative and cultural sector, whilst removing legal uncertainties and inconsistencies that adversely affect the functioning of the internal market;
Amendment 37 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 f (new)
Paragraph 1 f (new)
1f. Notes that several studies have demonstrated that the cultural and creative sectors, often copyright intensive, already account for up to 4.5% of GDP and up to 8.5 million jobs in the Union and are not only essential for cultural diversity but also significantly contribute to social and economic development;
Amendment 68 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 27 a (new)
Citation 27 a (new)
– having regard to article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular to paragraph 7 thereof;
Amendment 70 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 27 b (new)
Citation 27 b (new)
– having regard to its resolution of 10 December 2013 on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights; 1 : P7_TA(2013)0548)
Amendment 462 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
Paragraph 10
10. Urges the EU and the Member States to baneliminate all discrimination on grounds of gender identity andory legislation and practices as well as to combat and prosecute all forms of violence and discrimination against womegainst women, such as domestic violence, trafficking, sexual exploitation and sexual harassment, and all harmful practices, including child, early or forced marriage and female genital mutilation;
Amendment 25 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Considers that austerity measures in several European countries areusually havinge a negative impact on industrial structures, resulting in a fall-off in investment and more difficult access to credit for manufacturerthe economy and its industrial sector if these measures are not accompanied by structural reforms aimed at increasing competitiveness;
Amendment 44 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Considers that all the new projects and investments promoted by EU funds should have an employment clause that includes the obligation to create new and non- precariousaim for the creation of new jobs;
Amendment 84 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Calls for an inclusive industrial strategy that will tackle unemployment and secure more growth, more jobs with enhanced workers’ rights, and access to public health and education as one of the means of achieving the economic, social and territorial cohesion that is needed in the EU; considers that the ultimate goal should be sustainable development and a, high quality of life, ensuring dignity of all human beings, together with prosperity and decent work for everyone.
Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 1 a (new)
Citation 1 a (new)
- having regard to Directive 2014/89/EU of 23 July 2014 establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning,
Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C
Recital C
C. whereas there is a great deal of ignorance about the seas and oceans, their resources and biodiversity, and the ways in which these interact with human activities – whether taking place or still to be developed – and whereas inadequate knowledge on those points severely inhibits sustainable use of the resources concerned and poses an obstacle to innovation;
Amendment 33 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D a (new)
Recital D a (new)
Da. whereas investments in marine and maritime research and innovation will strengthen the position of the EU as a global leader in the field of maritime policy;
Amendment 63 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2 a (new)
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Calls for the development of a unified European maritime industrial strategy which should bring together EU initiatives on all maritime-related sectors;
Amendment 73 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 a (new)
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Calls on the Commission to launch a comprehensive study on the importance and weight of the blue economy for the European Union;
Amendment 84 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Calls for clear-cut objectives and time- frames to be laid down with a view to making data – whether relating to the sea- floor or to the water column and living resources – more accessible and, more fully interoperable and harmonised for information about seas and oceans to be supplied to the public;
Amendment 94 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 a (new)
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Calls for an EU initiative to encourage private companies of the maritime sector to share economically insensitive data for research purposes;
Amendment 106 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
Paragraph 9
9. Points out that the Member States and regional authorities have a key role to play in developing the blue economy and urges the Commission to support and encourage all forms of cooperation between Member States and regional authorities, for example joint programming initiatives;
Amendment 119 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
Paragraph 10
10. Considers the shortage of qualified professionals in various fields of study and activity – including, though not confined to, researchers, engineers, and technicians, to be a huge hurdle that could prevent the blue economy from fully realising its potential; maintains that this shortcoming is closely bound up with the growing disengagement and disinvestment by Member States in the spheres of science and education and with the decline in ththerefore urges Member States and regional authorities to invest in an ambitious social dimension of blue pgrofessional status and social standwth and maritime literacy ing of several of the professions concerned, and therefore calls for thesrder to promote training and access for young people two trends to be reversed without delaymaritime professions;
Amendment 136 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
Paragraph 12
12. Calls for an appropriate financial framework to be established in order to stimulate the development of the blue economy and job creation, combining and, coordinating and facilitating the access to the financial instruments available – structural and investment funding (EMFF, ERDF, ESF, Cohesion Fund), the research framework programme, and so forth; points out that the instruments should be better geared to the needs of individual stakeholders – public institutions, businesses, especially SMEs, non- governmental organisations, etc. – and the opportunities being offered widely publicised;
Amendment 149 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 a (new)
Paragraph 13 a (new)
13a. Stresses the importance of maritime spatial planning for the sustainable and coordinated development of maritime activities;
Amendment 151 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 b (new)
Paragraph 13 b (new)
13b. Considers that the implementation of the Maritime Spatial Planning directive in a timely manner will foster investment in the blue economy as it provides the necessary certainty;
Amendment 153 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 c (new)
Paragraph 13 c (new)
13c. Stresses in this context the importance of land-sea interactions and Integrated Coastal Zone Management;
Amendment 163 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 a (new)
Paragraph 14 a (new)
14a. Considers that environmentally healthy coastal and maritime areas are key for sustainable human activities; calls therefore for the full implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework directive;
Amendment 165 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 b (new)
Paragraph 14 b (new)
14b. Considers that the governance of Integrated Maritime Policy should be strengthened at EU and sea-basin levels;
Amendment 204 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 a (new)
Paragraph 20 a (new)
20a. Stresses that renewable marine energies are an industrial sector for the future that can combat climate change and EU energy dependence, achieve greater energy sustainability and meet the Europe 2020 targets; points out that in this regard offshore grids between the Member States are of great importance;
Amendment 221 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 a (new)
Paragraph 22 a (new)
22a. Emphasises the importance of promoting socially, economically and environmentally sustainable forms of tourism that can constitute a significant source of added value for maritime areas;
Amendment 223 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 b (new)
Paragraph 22 b (new)
22b. Believes that a maritime safety "Erika IV" package should be launched to prevent further major maritime disasters; considers that this package should recognise the ecological damage to marine waters in the European legislation;
Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 7 a (new)
Citation 7 a (new)
- having regard to its resolution of 17 November 2014 on the EU and the global development framework after 2015,
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Strongly supports the inclusion of the goal of ensuring safe drinkingSustainable Development Goal 6 on ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and adequate sanitation and hygiene for all by 2030 among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)within the Global development framework after 2015 to be adopted in September 2015; stresses that realisation of allmbitious and innovative SDGs requires mobilisation of much more financing for development than is currently provided, including from new source or that can be provided through ODA alone; stresses the importance of domestic resource mobilization as well as innovative financing instruments;
Amendment 238 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 a (new)
Paragraph 22 a (new)
22a. Supports the inclusion of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 on ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all by 2030 within the Global development framework after 2015 to be adopted in September 2015; stresses that the new agenda will be universal in nature meaning it will apply both to developing as well as to developed countries, including the EU Member States; reiterates the importance of global good governance for the achievement of this, or any of the other future SDGs, and in this regards emphasizes the need for reinforcing the proposed goal on justice and building effective institutions (SDG 16) within the new framework;
Amendment 53 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Considers that PPPs are needed innovative solution to the problem of the ever-growing lack of public investment; acknowledges that PPPs may present an organizational and institutional challenge for the public sector because they are complex in nature, requiring different types of skills and new enabling institutions; in this regards emphasises the importance of good governance, rule of law, and inclusive, open and transparent public institutions; reiterates the importance of EU's leadership in reinforcing Sustainable Development Goal 16 on justice and effective institutions in the context of intergovernmental negotiations of the Global development framework after 2015;
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph A a (new)
Paragraph A a (new)
Aa. Suggests to the European Commission to intensify the dialogue with developing countries, acknowledging the challenges but also stressing the opportunities that could be opened with TTIP;
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph B
Paragraph B
B. Notes that, although the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiation mandate is now public, its wording is so general that its content and possible spillover effects on developing countries are still not known; calls for a thorough analysis, when TTIP provisionsRequests the Commission to prepare a thorough analysis, once the provisions of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are clearer, of its likely impact on low income countries and the future sustainable development goals;
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph C
Paragraph C
C. Is of the opinionAsks the Commission to consider that the effect of the TTIP on developing countries will vary depending on their economic structure and current trade relations; sees, however, the potential serious risk of diminished market access and resulting trade diversion for some countries, and that least developed countries are expected to benefit from TTIP mostly by the increase of demand for raw materials and products from developing countries as a consequence of increased trade flows between the EU and the US;
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph C a (new)
Paragraph C a (new)
Ca. Asks the Commission to take into consideration that TTIP is an external change for developing countries, and that the scope of opportunities seized will depend on their own will and ability to implement certain internal reforms and adaptations, and thus suggests to the European Commission to provide support for these reforms through development cooperation instruments;
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Is convinced, however, that TTIP should not only cut down both tariff and non- tariff barriers but also aim at promoting European high levels of consumer protection; observes that in most sectors EU and US standards and regulatory environments ensure this high level; considers, therefore, that approximating our regulations represents a unique chance to establish high-quality standards and laws for consumers which will be the de facto international standards;
Amendment 37 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph C b (new)
Paragraph C b (new)
Cb. Asks the Commission to note that opening markets will trigger pressure on governments to commit to real structural reforms, in order to take advantage of the opportunities to increase trade and investment and recommends that such reforms, especially in the field of human rights protection, including labour rights, should be supported through EU's development cooperation policy;
Amendment 38 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph C c (new)
Paragraph C c (new)
Cc. Asks the Commission to step up efforts in communicating to the general public that elimination of both tariff and non-tariff barriers through TTIP would lead to adding up 100 billion euros to the economies of developing countries;
Amendment 42 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph D
Paragraph D
D. StressesAsks the Commission to take into account that the majority of developing countries benefit from some degree of tariff preferences from the EU and the USA, with margins likely to be significantly affected by the TTIP; underlines and bear in mind that adaptation to onew sets of norms and standards is not necessarily negative, but that it is essentialwill lower the cost of trade for developing countries, and recommends to the Commission to alleviate the cost of compliance (especially for SMEs) through development cooperation instruments;
Amendment 49 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph D a (new)
Paragraph D a (new)
Da. Suggests to the Commission to make efforts to agree with the US on mutual recognition instruments, where possible, since that would significantly lower the cost of trade for third countries allowing them access to both the US and EU market by complying with the standards and certification procedures of only one market;
Amendment 56 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Highlights that the conclusion of the TTIP creates the prospect of a broad economic space, which would include third countries with which the EU and the US have close trade and economic relations; notes that TTIP is likely to create new opportunities for developing countries resulting from the increased growth and demand for export goods in EU and US and lower trade costs resulting from the need to adapt to one set of rules and standards in order to access to both markets;
Amendment 58 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph E
Paragraph E
E. Is worried that the TTIP and other mega trade deals are likely to reshape global trade rules and set new standards, while also being discriminatory, by excluding some 130 countries from the negotiations and risking sidelining important issues for developing countries such as food security, agricultural subsidies and climate change mitigation; urges the Commission to step up efforts to advance in multilateral fora and overcome the current Doha Round stalemateAsks the Commission to bear in mind that, while acknowledging that TTIP and other mega trade deals are a result of the failure of the Doha round negotiations, the pursuit of multilateral agreements should remain EU´s preferential option;
Amendment 74 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph F
Paragraph F
F. Sees, however, the potential of the TTIPRequests the Commission to promote the highest global standards of this century on human rights protection, decent work, environmental protection, and food and product safety within the negotiations.
Amendment 97 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Considers it misleading on the part of the Commission to try to appeaIs satisfied that the Commission addressed public concerns about the TTIP by stacommitting that existing standards will not be lowered, as this disregards the fact that many standards have yet to be set i, including standards on the implementation of existing (framework) legislation (e.g. REACH) or by the adoption of new laws (e.g. cloning)alth and environment, will not be lowered;
Amendment 136 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Is very concerned that the objective of regulatoryCommends the Commission for addressing public convcergence, including in particular the creation of a Regulatory Cooperation Council, will lead to a lowering of future EU standards in key areas for the protection of humanns and committing that there will be no trade-off between EU economic goals and EU citizens' health, foo and safety and, the environment in light of the significant differences as compared with the USor financial stability;
Amendment 166 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Agrees with Commissioner Malmström that all areas where the EU and the US have very different rules or approaches should be excluded from the negotiations, including laws on genetically modified organisms and hormones in beef, as the Commission assured12 ; __________________ 12See speech by EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström of 11 December 2014.
Amendment 752 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point d – point xiv
Paragraph 1 – point d – point xiv
(xiv) to ensure that foreign investors are treated in a non-discriminatory fashion and have a fair opportunity to seek and achieve redress of grievances, which can be achieved without the inclusion of an ISDS mechanism; such a mechanism is not necessary in TTIP given the EU’s and the US’ developed legal systems; a state-to- state dispute settlement system and the use of national courts are the most appropriate tools to address investment disputes;
Amendment 775 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point d – point xiv – point a (new)
Paragraph 1 – point d – point xiv – point a (new)
(a) To ensure that an ISDS mechanism enables a level playing field for investors and legal security throughout the EU and the US.
Amendment 859 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point e – point iv a (new)
Paragraph 1 – point e – point iv a (new)
(iva) to intensify the dialogue with developing countries, acknowledging the challenges but also stressing the opportunities that would be opened with TTIP;
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Considers the European Union and neighbourhood security environment to be increasingly unstable and volatile; regards the war in Ukraine, the conflicts in Syria and Iraq, with the rise of the terrorist organisation ISIS, the Libyan crisis and the terrorist threats in Africa, in particularly in the Sahel, as direct threats to the Union’s security; considers, too, that the US ‘pivot to Asia’ and the impact of the financial crisis on Member States’ budgets and capabilities only highlight how necessary it is for the Union to shoulder more responsibility for its own security and defence;
Amendment 2 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 2
Citation 2
– having regard to Article 21 and 36 of the Treaty on European Union,
Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 7 a (new)
Citation 7 a (new)
- having regard to EU Council conclusions on a transformative post- 2015 agenda from December 2014,
Amendment 52 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 – indent 4
Paragraph 3 – indent 4
– strengthening, together with partners, the rules-based, pluralistic global political and economic order based on global good governance, including the protection of human rights, and
Amendment 118 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10 a (new)
Paragraph 10 a (new)
10a. Points out that the HR/VP as the VP responsible for overseeing the International relations and development cooperation portfolio will have an important role of ensuring EU leadership in the ongoing intergovernmental negotiations on the Global development framework after 2015; stresses that this can be achieved only if EU and MS speak with one voice, defending the common MS position laid in December 2014 Council Conclusions; stresses that the new framework should address the structural causes of poverty, inequality and violence by strengthening effective, inclusive and democratic institutions, good governance and rule of law; in this regards calls on the EU to promote a rights-based approach as the underlying concept of the new global framework and to put Sustainable development goal on "promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels" as the Unions' top priority in the negotiations;
Amendment 324 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 31
Paragraph 31
31. Emphasises the need for the EU and its Member States to speak with one voice vis- à-vis Russia, as well as to firmly request such an alignment from candidate countries; calls on the HR/VP to develop, as a matter of priority, a common EU strategy on Russia, aimed at securing a commitment from Russia on peace and stability in Europe; believes that a good relationship between Russia and the EU would be in the common interest and hopes that Russia will show itself open to such a development by respecting international law;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Calls on the EU to redouble its efforts to ensure in the upcoming intergovernmental negotiations that the human rights-based approach (HRBA) and the reduction of inequalities become underpinning concepts of post-2015 global development and are also included in concrete fashion in the goals and targets themselves; stresses the need to ensure that the post-2015 agenda includes, inter alia, women’s rights, children’s rights, good governance, democracy, and sexual and reproductive health and rights, as being key elements for development good governance and the rule of law as key elements for development, as well as the promotion of women’s and children’s rights;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Underlines that global development efforts, including efforts of the EU and its external action, must be aimed at ensuring the respect of fundamental human rights, beginning with the right to life and the equal dignity of all human beings;
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9 a (new)
Paragraph 9 a (new)
9a. Reiterates the importance of eliminating all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls; urges the EU to set the elimination of all forms of violence, such as domestic violence, trafficking, sexual exploitation and sexual harassment, as well as all harmful practices including child, early or forced marriage and female genital mutilation, as one of the top priorities of its external action;
Amendment 418 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 73 a (new)
Paragraph 73 a (new)
73a. Points out that child undernutrition and malnutrition in developing countries raises serious concerns; welcomes in this regard the recently adopted Framework for Action during the Second International Conference on Nutrition that sets out as global target the reduction with 40% of the number of children under five who are stunted globally;
Amendment 462 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 76 a (new)
Paragraph 76 a (new)
76a. Welcomes the new EU Aid Volunteers initiative that from 2014-2020 will create opportunity for some 18.000 persons from the EU and third countries to participate worldwide in humanitarian operations where aid is most urgently needed and to demonstrate solidarity by helping communities struck by natural or man-made disasters;
Amendment 58 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Stresses the need to establish support frameworks for female business owner- managers in family businesses in order to increase their confidence and self- efficacy.
Amendment 75 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5 a (new)
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Emphasises the importance of good governance, independent judiciary, transparency and the rule of law across EU for the creation of a business friendly climate and a market with a level playing field for SMEs;
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Notes that the private sector's role in development has increased to support political priorities in a period of diminishing aid budgets, and considers that the EU's engagement with the provides around 90 per cent of jobs in development countries and thus its role is private sectorotal in the context of development must be subject to internationally agreed development effectiveness principleslping to generate sustainable economic growth and reducing poverty;
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Notes that SMEs in developing countries often face much heavier regulatory burdens than within the EU and often operate in the informal economy and lack legal protection and access to credit; points out that creating a business friendly environment for private initiatives and encouraging the development of banks and other credit institutions with the resources to lend and correctly evaluate credit risk in the SME sector are key conditions for promoting sustainable development;
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Recalls that, under Article 208 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the EU's common commercial policy must take account of the principle of policy coherence for development, and considers that this principle must be refobserrved to explicitly in all EU trade and investment agreements;
Amendment 25 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Points out that current EU practices to leverage private finance with official development assistance (ODA) have proved ineffective owing to a lack of clarity as regardscan be improved by increasing additionality, transparency, accountability, ownership, alignment with country priorities, debt sustainability and, consequently, development impact;
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Stresses the need for EU trade policy to respect the policy space of developing countries so as to maintain robust import tariffs that facilitaand development policy to promote the creation of skilled and decent jobs within local manufacturing and agro-processing industries as possible enablers of higher domestic value-added, industrial growth and diversification, which are a key component in economic and social upgrading;
Amendment 37 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Encourages the EU to make full use of Aid for Trade and other development instruments in order to promote technical assistance for trade, capacity-building and business support services.
Amendment 45 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Calls for measures to promote nationally owned development strategies that shape private- sector contribution to development by enhancing local micro, small and medium- sized enterprises and local procurement, which are essential for endogenous development and can strengthen the capacity of developing countries for mobilising domestic revenue, fighting tax fraud and tax evasion, ensuring legal- certainty for investment and mitigating currency and commodity price volatility, which endanger access to value chains;
Amendment 47 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Emphasizes that it is crucial to ensure that investor protection mechanisms are included in trade and investment agreements with developing countries, in order to provide adequate legal certainty and property rights protection assurance with the aim of attracting investment and international private finance resources to developing countries;
Amendment 57 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Calls foron the review of existing trade and investment agreements in order to identify any areas, especially provisions on intellectual property rights, that may negatively affect development;EU to identify areas in its trade policy that might negatively affect development; and in this regard insists that the new post 2015 development framework be fully reflected in all EU policies.
Amendment 60 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Stresses the importance of protecting Intellectual Property Rights worldwide, while taking into account specific circumstances in individual developing countries;
Amendment 63 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 7
7. Urges the Commission to further promote initiatives for the responsible mining, logging and sourcing of commodities, together with private sustainability-bound schemes, throughout supply chains, and to step up product and process life-cycle analysis as regards environmental and social considerations; welcomes the fact that a broad range of industries and transnational companies have adopted codes of conduct detailing social and environmental performance standards for their global supply chains;
Amendment 72 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. Highlights the need for EU tradeimportance of EU trade and development policy toin promoteing good governance via a binding framework which ensures that EU companies are accountable for their actions in developing countries as regards standards in respect of human rights, gender equality, decent work, union rights, environmental protection, universal access to quality public services, social protection, public and universal health coverage, universal access to medicines, and food and product safety, democracy, human rights, including labour rights, and the rule of law.
Amendment 13 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
Recital B
B. whereas people are still being infected with the virus in many parts of Guinea and Sierra Leone, while in Liberia the fact that there have been no new cases over the last month allows one to be cautiously optimistic that the worst may be overWHO has declared Liberia free of Ebola virus transmission on 9 May ;
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion
Recital D
Recital D
D. whereas the worst-hit countries have received someignificant assistance from the international community, but foreign governments have focused primarily on financing or building Ebola case- management structures, leaving it up to national authorities, local healthcare staff and NGOs to staff them;
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion
Recital D a (new)
Recital D a (new)
Da. whereas the European Union, together with its Member states, has made available more than €1.2 billion in financial aid to help contain the outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa;
Amendment 33 #
Draft opinion
Recital D b (new)
Recital D b (new)
Db. whereas the European Commission has been actively engaged from the very start of the outbreak, has been scaling up its response to the epidemic and monitors the situation through its Emergency response Coordination Centre which serves for the coordination of EU assistance and under the authority of the EU Ebola Coordinator Christos Stylianides;
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion
Recital D c (new)
Recital D c (new)
Dc. whereas the activation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism has facilitated rapid, coordinated deployment of emergency supplies and experts offered by the Member States;
Amendment 47 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital H a (new)
Recital H a (new)
Ha. whereas the European Union, together with its Member States, has made available more than 1.39 billion euros to help contain the outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa;
Amendment 57 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Remains deeply concerned about the heavy toll of EVD on women and girls, and believes that failure to address gender- specific issues will have a negative impact on the prospects for long-term recoveryit is crucial to address the root causes of women being more exposed to EVD, in order to ensure long-term recovery, as well as increased level of equality between women and men in affected countries.
Amendment 76 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Requires the Member States and the Commission to coordinate and strengthen medical research and the production of efficient medicines and vaccines against Ebola, and to advance the necessary clinical trials for existing candidate treatments; welcomes in this regard the fact that the Commission, together with the European pharmaceutical industry, is funding eight research projects aiming to develop vaccines and rapid diagnostic tests with over 200 million Euro;
Amendment 81 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Criticises the international community's failure to react properly, or at all, during the first few months of the crisis; points out that although the EC was engaged from the very start of the crisis, the response of the Member States has been slow in the beginning; welcomes and encourages in this regard the ongoing scaling-up of the EU and its Member States’ financial commitment in the areas of humanitarian and development aid, logistics and research to respond to the crisis;
Amendment 87 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Considers that the response of the Member States and the Commission has been slow and insufficient, and that financial support was shy and did not respond to the severity of the alerts that NGOs such as Médecins Sans Frontières and others have launched since the beginning of the epidemic; considers that thealthough the EU was engaged from the very start of the crisis, the response of the Member States has been slow in the beginning; welcomes and encourages in this regard the ongoing scaling-up of the Commission’sEC and MS financial commitment should be stronger in termin the areas of humanitarian and development aid to respond to the crisis; considers it necessary to increase the availability a, logistics and research to respond to the volume of financial resourcecrisis;
Amendment 94 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 a (new)
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Calls on the EU to keep the leadership in fighting the EVD outbreak; stresses that although the efforts invested in containing the outbreak showed significant results, it is necessary to eradicate the disease; in this regards welcomes the high-level international conference on Ebola on 3 March 2015 organized by the EU and key partners with the aim to eradicate Ebola but also to asses the impacts on the affected countries in order to make sure that development aid will build up on humanitarian efforts;
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
Paragraph 10
10. Supports the idea of holding a donor conference under the auspices of the United Nations and the European Union with a view to making a swift response to the needs of the countries affectedWelcomes the high-level international conference on Ebola held on 3 March 2015 under the organization of the EU and key partners with the aim of eradicating Ebola but also to assess the impacts on the affected countries in order to make sure that development aid builds up on humanitarian efforts;
Amendment 150 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
Paragraph 18
18. Calls accordingly on the Commission to step upcontinue the discussions on this issue and to make arrangements for wide- ranging cooperation between the public and private sectors; welcomes in this regard the fact that to address the urgent need for research into new treatments, the EU has made available 138 million euros for projects developing clinical trials for new vaccines, rapid diagnostic tests and treatments under Horizon 2020 and the Innovative Medicines Initiative; commends the European pharmaceutical industry that has also committed important resources to support the research efforts:
Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital H
Recital H
H. whereas from 2003 to 2013, almost all the European sessions of the JPA took place in the country holding the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union; whereas every effort must now be made by the rotating presidencies to respect the commitments made under the Cotonou Partnership Agreement in this regard;
Amendment 15 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 a (new)
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Stresses the need to strengthen political dialogue and in this respect stresses the JPA’s role in promoting and defending the principles set out in Article 9 of the Cotonou Agreement, particularly those relating to the rule of law and good governance;
Amendment 18 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses the added value of holding the JPA sessions in the EU Member States holding the EU Council Presidency by rotation, and believes that this rotation should be maintained in the future, as has been the case from 2003 to 2013; expresses concern at the unfortunate circumstances that led the Irish and Greek presidenciesy to decide not to host the JPA25th sessions; regrets in particular the decision by the Irish Presidency not to host the 25th Session, thereby setting a dangerous precedent of the JPA; commends, however, the government of Denmark for agreeing to host the highly successful 23rd Session in Horsens; deplores the lack of interest shown by some EU Member States having held, or expected to hold in the future, the EU Council Presidency by rotation, in hosting the JPA sessions; calls on any EU Member State holding the EU Council Presidency by rotation to involve itself more deeply in the preparation, organisation and hosting of the JPA session;
Amendment 23 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 a (new)
Paragraph 15 a (new)
15a. Calls on the states that have not yet done so to ratify the revised Cotonou Agreement;
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Recalls that in order to meet global energy challenges and implement its energy and climate change objectives, the EU must also take common action on the international stage; in this regard, notes that currently there is an urgent need for better and deeper cooperation and coordination between EU countries in the field of energy security;
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Considers that, in view of the EU’s high dependence on energy imports and the current dominance of a single gas supplier, it is urgent to strengthen the EU's preparedness and capacity to respond effectively to potential gas supply crises, as well as to diversify energy supply sources and energy routes;
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Reiterates that energy is a basic human need; insists, therefore, that the EU’s energy security strategy should ensure affordable and sustainable access to energy for all and should strengthen public control and regulation;
Amendment 22 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 b (new)
Paragraph 1 b (new)
1b. Reminds that it is necessary to strengthen the EU's preparedness and capacity to respond effectively to potential gas supply crises; stresses the importance of the consultations opened on January 15th 2015 by the European Commission aimed at identifying areas where improvements to the current EU rules are required in order to guarantee the security of gas supplies; notes that there is a need for better and deeper cooperation and coordination between EU countries in the field of energy security;
Amendment 48 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 a (new)
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Reminds that it is necessary to strengthen the EU’s preparedness and capacity to respond effectively to potential gas supply crises; stresses the importance of the consultations opened on January 15th 2015 by the European Commission aimed at identifying areas where improvements to the current EU rules are required in order to guarantee the security of gas supplies; notes that there is a need for better and deeper cooperation and coordination between EU countries in the field of energy security;
Amendment 2 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 2 a (new)
Citation 2 a (new)
- having regard to Article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in particular to paragraph 7 thereof
Amendment 4 #
Motion for a resolution
Citation 8 a (new)
Citation 8 a (new)
- having regard to its resolution of 10 December 2013 on sexual and reproductive health and rights
Amendment 79 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital J
Recital J
J. whereas gender stereotypes based on sex and traditional structures may have a negative impact on health and universal access to sexual and reproductive health and the associated rights is a fundamental human right;
Amendment 84 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital J a (new)
Recital J a (new)
J a. whereas the Programme of Action of the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development gives a definition of sexual and reproductive health and rights;
Amendment 310 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
Paragraph 23
23. Calls on the Commission to present specific measures to ensure the transparency of salaries and thereby to reduce the gender pay gap between women and men within the next 5 years to less than 10% on average in the EU and to submit an annual progress report on this matter; proposes that Member States should be encouraged also to review the public procurement procedures directives and to expand them to include the social aspect of gender equality between women and men in line with the EU 2020 strategy; emphasises in this connection the possibility of introducing fincentives for companies;
Amendment 333 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26
Paragraph 26
26. Calls on the Commission to assist Member States in ensuring high-quality, geographically appropriate and readily accessible services in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights, safe and legal abortion and contraception as well as general health cares well as general health care, at the same time respecting the fact that the definition of health policy and the organisation and delivery of health services and medical care is the responsibility of MS;
Amendment 348 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 28
Paragraph 28
Amendment 399 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 33
Paragraph 33
33. Calls on the Commission to assist Member States, which choose to do so, in the establishment of university Chairs for gender studies and feminist research;
Amendment 25 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
Recital B
B. whereas the level of achievement of MDGs varies, with visible positive effects on reducing extreme poverty, fighting against malaria and tuberculosis, improving access to drinking water, and reducing disparities in primary school enrolments;
Amendment 30 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B a (new)
Recital B a (new)
Ba. whereas assessments of the progress made in attaining the current MDGs showed that in the new framework a strong linkage between poverty eradication and the promotion of sustainable development, as well as a single and universal set of goals with differentiated approaches are crucial;
Amendment 33 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B c (new)
Recital B c (new)
Bc. whereas climate change threatens poverty reduction, with many developing countries still dependent on agriculture and climate sensitive natural resources, and lacking the capacities to manage climate risks;
Amendment 35 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B b (new)
Recital B b (new)
Bb. whereas violent conflicts and humanitarian crises continue to have a disrupting impact on development efforts;
Amendment 37 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B d (new)
Recital B d (new)
Bd. whereas food is defined as a human right according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and additional efforts are still needed for halving the percentage of people suffering from hunger, as 162 million young children are exposed to malnutrition;
Amendment 38 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B e (new)
Recital B e (new)
Be. whereas 1,5 billion people are living in poverty with overlapping deprivations in health, education and living standards notably in conflict-affected and fragile states;
Amendment 40 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C
Recital C
C. whereas access to early childhood development, quality education and training for every child, young person and adult is an essential prerequisite for breaking cycles of inter-generational poverty;
Amendment 50 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital D
Recital D
D. whereas the new development framework offers an opportunity to secure the broad involvement of local authorities and civil society organizations;
Amendment 56 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital E
Recital E
E. whereas the private sector provides 90 % of jobis a major generator of jobs both in developed as well as in developing countries, and thus is an essential partner in the fight against poverty;
Amendment 65 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F a (new)
Recital F a (new)
Fa. whereas EU and its Member states are the largest donors of development aid and thus should remain the driving force during the next phase of the negotiations under the UN promoting especially the human rights-based approach;
Amendment 67 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F b (new)
Recital F b (new)
Fb. whereas Article 208 of TFEU establishes that the reduction and, in the long term, eradication of poverty is the primary objective of EU development policy;
Amendment 69 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Stresses that the MDGs defined in 2000 figure among many successes in middle- income countries and developing countries and that these results must be correctly analysed and lessons learnt for the post- 2015while shaping the global development framework after 2015;
Amendment 80 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Recalls that, although the MDGs have made a profound difference in people’s lives, key issues such as human rights violations, inequalities, armed conflicts and terrorism, climate change, food insecurity, migration, unemployment, demographic changes, corruption, resource constraints, unsustainable growth, and financial and economic crises still pose extremely complex and interrelated challenges for the next decades;
Amendment 91 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3
3. Stresses that the new framework should respond effectively to these challenges and tackle important issues such as respect for the right to life, dignity of every human being, justice, equality, good governance, democracy, the rule of law, peace and security, climate change mitigation, disaster risk managementreduction and building resilience, inclusive and sustainable growth, health and social protection, education, research and innovation, and the central role of women in the new global development framework;
Amendment 102 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4
4. Underlines the fact that the newglobal development framework after 2015 must be universal in its nature, while also taking into account different national circumstances, capacities, policies and priorities;
Amendment 107 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4 a (new)
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Stresses that universality, mutual accountability and transparency should be at the heart of the new framework;
Amendment 117 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Calls for the EU to continue to lead the process and welcomes the consensus that the post-2015 agenda needs a renovated global partnershipnew global development agenda needs to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development;
Amendment 127 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5 a (new) just after heading II and before subheading 1
Paragraph 5 a (new) just after heading II and before subheading 1
5a. Reminds that poverty eradication must remain the main priority of the global development agenda after 2015, as well as addressing the intertwining pillars of the economic, ecological, and social sustainability, and strengthened global partnership;
Amendment 132 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 6
6. Stresses that poverty eradication together with sustainable development should be the underlying theme of the newglobal development framework after 2015;
Amendment 177 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
Paragraph 9
9. Welcomes the inclusion of the promotion of a human rights-based and people-centred approach among the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the UN Open Working Group; expresses concern, however, at the fact that a more ambitious approach has so far not been embraced, and stresses that such an approach is essential for tackling the roots of poverty and economic, social exclusion and inequality;
Amendment 191 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10 a (new)
Paragraph 10 a (new)
10a. Calls on the EU to redouble efforts aimed at ensuring, in the upcoming inter- governmental negotiations, that a rights- based approach becomes the underpinning concept of the new framework; stresses the importance of keeping SDG 16 as a standalone goal in the new global development framework;
Amendment 196 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
Paragraph 11
11. Considers that the post-2015 framework should reflectglobal development framework after 2015 should reflect the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States and the peace- building and state- building goals agreed in Busan; welcomes the fact that the promotion of peaceful societies is one of the priorities of the EU and that it is evolving as an important element of the new framework;
Amendment 204 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 a (new)
Paragraph 11 a (new)
11a. Stresses the need to redouble the efforts towards the protection of civilians, especially children, affected by armed conflicts and strengthen the link between relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) in the new global framework;
Amendment 216 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
Paragraph 12
12. Considers that climate change mitigation needs to be effectively mainstreamed in the post-2015 global development framework, taking into consideration the strong linkages with several other priorities;
Amendment 244 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
Paragraph 14
14. Welcomes the fact that food and nutrition security ihas emerginged as a priority area for the new global development agendaframework; stresses, in this connection, the importance of addressing the linkages with improving the productivity of sustainable agriculture and fisheries leading to reduced loss and waste of food, transparent management of natural resources and adaptation to climate change;
Amendment 252 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 a (new)
Paragraph 14 a (new)
14a. Underlines that additional efforts should be undertaken to end malnutrition, with special emphasis on children;
Amendment 265 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
Paragraph 15
15. Stresses the importance of implementing the Rio+20 commitments on land degradation and the FAO guidelines on the Right to Food and on Land Tenure;
Amendment 287 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
Paragraph 17
17. Takes the view that the health sector is crucial to the economic and social development of societies; calls for the EU, therefore, to focus on promoting equitable and universal health protection in the post- 2015 agendanew global framework, with a special emphasis on affordable child and maternal health and care;
Amendment 301 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
Paragraph 18
18. Stresses that development goes hand in hand with education; urges that access to all levels of quality education be reflected in the new development frameworkframework; underlines the need to foster participatory citizenship and building knowledge-based and innovative societies;
Amendment 305 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18 a (new)
Paragraph 18 a (new)
18a. Urges the EC to promote the priority of eliminating inequalities in access to health and education in the post-2015 and to include specific measures to reach the disadvantaged individuals and groups at risk of discrimination;
Amendment 307 #
Motion for a resolution
Heading II – Subheading 7
Heading II – Subheading 7
The central role of women in the newglobal development framework after 2015
Amendment 312 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
Paragraph 19
19. Welcomes the fact that empowerment of women and girls was recognised as a priority in the post-2015by the OWG, taking into account the central role of women in the new global development framework;
Amendment 314 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
Paragraph 20
20. Reiterates the importance of eliminating all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls in the new framework; urges the EU to set the elimination of all harmful practices including child, early or forced marriage and female genital mutilation as one of the top priorities in the field of human rights priorities under the new global framework;
Amendment 315 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 a (new)
Paragraph 20 a (new)
20a. Emphasizes the importance of ensuring equal access to employment for both women and men, as well as equal pay for work of equal value everywhere;
Amendment 319 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 b (new)
Paragraph 20 b (new)
20b. Considers that the post-2015 global agenda should convey a clear message regarding the participation of women in decision making processes;
Amendment 340 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
Paragraph 22
22. Calls foron the EU to promote an enabling environment for entrepreneurship, trade, investment and innovation, which will be conducive to the reduction of inequalities and aimed at strengthening social justice;
Amendment 344 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 a (new)
Paragraph 22 a (new)
22a. Emphasizes the need for addressing the worst forms of child labour in the new global development framework;
Amendment 347 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 b (new)
Paragraph 22 b (new)
22b. Underlines the importance of addressing youth unemployment in the new global framework;
Amendment 377 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25
Paragraph 25
25. Recognises the crucial role which civil society organisations (CSO) play as enablers of development; stresses the importance of engaging in dialogue with organisations on the ground as part of the process of shaping the new developmentglobal framework;
Amendment 380 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25 a (new)
Paragraph 25 a (new)
25a. Underlines the importance of CSOs in achieving capable, inclusive and accountable societies that promote the rule of law, justice, human rights and democratic principles, especially in countries where state building is in its early stages and state and government capacities are limited;
Amendment 391 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26
Paragraph 26
26. Underlines the importance of including local authorities in the new global development framework; stresses that this would require a truly participatory process, conducted early on in the development phase; urges the EU to promote in the new framework the growing role and potential of local authorities;
Amendment 401 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 27
Paragraph 27
27. RecCalls the importance of maintaining the current levels of ODA; callson Member States to honour current levels of ODA commitments; reiterates the need for the EU to continue to work closely with other donors on developing further innovative financial mechanisms and new partnerships;
Amendment 413 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 28 a (new)
Paragraph 28 a (new)
28a. Stresses the importance to fight illicit financial flows, enhancing transparency and good governance; reminds that estimates show that developing countries lost close to $6 trillion in illicit financial flows over the last decade, far exceeding ODA flows for the period;
Amendment 418 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 29
Paragraph 29
29. Calls for the EU to continue to work closely withsupport developing countries in seekingtheir efforts to increase their mobilization of public and private domestic revenusources and put in place sustainable and equitable tax systems;
Amendment 434 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 30
Paragraph 30
30. Stresses that reliable data is crucial for devising appropriate policies on the newglobal development agendaframework after 2015 and for holding governments and the international community to account;
Amendment 439 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 30 a (new)
Paragraph 30 a (new)
30a. Strongly recommends that the EU promotes discussions on the best indicators to measure development progress, inequalities and vulnerabilities;
Amendment 449 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 31
Paragraph 31
31. Welcomes the EU engagement in the post-2015shaping the new global development framework; calls for the adoption of a strong, cohesive and unified position in the upcoming inter-governmental negotiations;
Amendment 458 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 32
Paragraph 32
32. Welcomes the progress made by the OWG, but; considers that the number of goals identified in its conclusions need to be simplified and significantly reducedcould be simplified and reduced, but stresses that a possible reduction of certain SDGs should not be done at the expense of the rights- based approach and the current standalone Sustainable Development Goal on the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels;
Amendment 462 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 32 a (new)
Paragraph 32 a (new)
32a. Stresses that Policy coherence for development is crucial for the success of the new global development agenda;
Amendment 464 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 32 b (new)
Paragraph 32 b (new)
32b. Underlines that the universality of the global development agenda after 2015 implies more demanding commitments for the EU and its Member States; stresses that the new SDGs under the global framework will have to be reflected in EU's internal policies;
Amendment 465 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 32 c (new)
Paragraph 32 c (new)
32c. Calls on the EU's active role in shaping a new global partnership which will mobilize action by all countries, including emerging economies, as well as all relevant stakeholders including the private sector, civil society organizations, and local authorities;
Amendment 466 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 33
Paragraph 33
33. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission, the Commission, the High Representative/Vice-President of the European Commission, the Secretary General of the United Nations, the Chair of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals.
Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. In light of the increased focus on performance of EU aid, draws attention to the fact that Sub Saharan Africa is the region which is lagging behind the most with regard to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the only region worldwide where, according to projections, poverty will most probably not be halved by 2015; is concerned that declining levels of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to social services, particularly the education and reproductive health sectors, over the past few years threaten to reverse progress on human capital development1 ; __________________ 1 MDG 2014 Report: Assessing progress in Africa toward the Millennium Development Goals, Analysis of the Common African Position on the post- 2015 Development Agenda, 2014. Page 90. ocs/Reports/MDG_Africa_Report_2014_E NG.pdf
Amendment 27 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point h a (new)
Paragraph 1 – point h a (new)
(h a) to continue working together towards UN reform and the strengthening of the UN;
Amendment 51 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point q
Paragraph 1 – point q
q. to take all necessary legislative and administrative measures to fully implement the recommendations of the UNGA resolution10 , in order to guarantee that citizens have the same rights offline and online, and in particular the review of procedures, practices and legislation, and the establishment of independentstressing the importance of data protection and effective oversight mechanisms; __________________ 10 UNGA resolution A/C.3/68/L.45/Rev.1. UNGA resolution A/C.3/68/L.45/Rev.1.
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C
Recital C
Amendment 7 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 7 a (new)
Recital 7 a (new)
(7a) The European Union remains committed to support Bosnia and Herzegovina's European perspective and expects from the political leadership of the country to pursue reforms aimed at promoting functional institutions as well as ensuring equal rights to the three constituent peoples and all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Amendment 8 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 7 b (new)
Recital 7 b (new)
(7b)The newly elected institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina should seize the opportunity of the renewed EU policy approach towards Bosnia and Herzegovina to conclude the Agreement on the adaptation of Stabilisation and Association Agreement and the Interim Agreement taking into account Croatia's accession to the EU and maintaining the preferential traditional trade.
Amendment 11 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 7
Recital 7
(7) However, Bosnia and Herzegovina has not yet accepted to adapt trade concessions granted under the Interim Agreement in order to take into account the preferential traditional trade between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina under the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA). In case, by the time of the adoption of this Regulation, an agreement on the adaptation of the trade concessions set out in the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and in the Interim Agreement has not been signed and provisionally applied by European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the preferences granted to Bosnia and Herzegovina should be suspended as from 1 January 2016. Once Bosnia-Herzegovina and the European Union will have signed and provisionally applied an agreement on the adaptation of trade concessions in the Interim Agreement, those preferences should be re- established. The authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Commission should redouble efforts to adapt the Interim Agreement before 1 January 2016,
Amendment 12 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 7 a (new)
Recital 7 a (new)
(7a) The European Union remains committed to support Bosnia and Herzegovina's European perspective and expects from the political leadership of the country to pursue reforms aimed at promoting functional institutions as well as ensuring equal rights to the three constituent peoples and all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Amendment 202 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 a (new)
Article 14 a (new)
Article 14 a Accompanying measures 1. The Commission shall implement accompanying measures to this Regulation through policy dialogues, programming, and relevant internal and external policies in order to effectively break the link between the conflict and illegal exploitation of the minerals. 2. The Commission shall present a report of the accompanying measures implemented pursuant to paragraph 1and their impact and effectiveness.
Amendment 327 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26 a (new)
Paragraph 26 a (new)
26a. Notes Turkey’s increased engagement in the Southeast Europe, particularly in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and encourages Turkish authorities to align its positions with EU’s CFSP, to coordinate diplomatic activities with the HR/VP and to strengthen further the cooperation with EU Member States;
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Underlines that the Authority’s role in promoting the safety and soundness of banking institutions – and hence of the economic system as a whole – is essential for the economic recovery and the creation of sustainable jobs and growth in Europe;
Amendment 437 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 96
Paragraph 96
96. Believes that the inquiry has shown the need for the US to restore trust with its partners, as US intelligence agencies’ activities are primarily at stakebetween the US and EU and among Member States;
Amendment 60 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 5
5. Considers the development of stable, liberal democracies to be a tool of peace, international cooperation and willingness to constructively tackle global issues, and considers that it is in the interest of the EU to actively promote a political culture of tolerance, and openness, and secularism, as well as the development ofrespect for freedom of worship, and to ensure the separation of Church and State as democratic institutions develop throughout the world;
Amendment 76 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 7
7. Considers that the notion of cultural and religious differences has, until now, been used repeatedly as a pretext for blatant violations of human rights by authoritarian and radical regimes; considers that militant atheism and radical secularism also serve as ideological grounds for infringement of personal freedoms;
Amendment 126 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
Paragraph 18
18. Considers that the EU should be more assertive in its support of the promotion of human rights, social and political rights by civil society, as well as of more liberal interpretations of religious dogma in those countries the governments of which promote fundamentalist and exclusivist views of religionin combating fundamentalist views which misuse religious dogma for political ends;
Amendment 127 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18 a (new)
Paragraph 18 a (new)
18a. Points out that secularism and atheist or agnostic attitudes are incomprehensible to many non-European cultures, but that by emphasising European values founded on the Judaeo- Christian tradition, it might be possible to build bridges of cooperation and dialogue between the EU and the world’s other prime movers;
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses that in such a geopolitical climate, the EU must preserve and promote its values, interests and stability on the global stage, as well as protect the security and prosperity of its citizens; stresses that this demands a fresh approach to shaping, in cooperation with our strategic partners, a new multipolar world order that is inclusive, credible and cooperative, and underpinned by the rule of law and democracy, as well as universal values, including human rights;
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph B a (new)
Paragraph B a (new)
Ba. whereas 98% of the South Sudanese national budget revenue comes from oil production, making South Sudan heavily oil dependent; whereas South Sudan still depends on Port Sudan in the North for oil exports
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph B b (new)
Paragraph B b (new)
Bb. whereas 67% of all citizens surveyed believe that corruption in the country has increased during the three years preceding the survey; whereas 66% of people surveyed in the past 12 months reported paying bribes when in contact with South Sudanese public institutions [1] [1] 2011 Global Corruption Barometer
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph B c (new)
Paragraph B c (new)
Bc. whereas the separation of the largely Christian South Sudan from the mostly Arab Sudan has led to reported religious based conflicts, prosecutions, arrests of Christians, demolitions of Christian churches and deportation of Christian workers in Sudan; whereas Sudan implements laws that do not respect religious freedoms and human rights, including a law punishing conversion to Christianity by death sentence; whereas the estimated number of refugees from Sudan to South Sudan in June 2013 was 263.000 [1] [1] UN Refugee Agency, "CAP for South Sudan, Mid-Year Review 2013"
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2
2. Calls for the regular review of the EU's Strategic Framework for the Horn of Arica and its comprehensive approach to Sudan and South Sudan in order to ensure that policy instruments and resources are tailored to support the peace process and building democracy, including preparations for elections in 20145; notes that future mandates, including decisions to merge positions, of the EU Special Representatives in this region should be considered in the context of such a policy review and in response to political realities on the ground;
Amendment 33 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Seeks commitment from South Sudanese authorities to develop and implement a more comprehensive Anti- corruption strategy that will include concrete measures on how to prevent, detect, and combat bureaucratic and political corruption as well as embezzlement and patronage; calls for the support of the European Union and all other international partners of South Sudan to fully support the development of institutional and legal framework that will ensure more efficient corruption prevention and detection
Amendment 36 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 b (new)
Paragraph 4 b (new)
4b. Urges the EU's External Action Service to engage in more extensive diplomatic efforts with the aim to improve trade relations between South Sudan and Sudan: stresses that the economy and further state building in South Sudan heavily depends on oil exports
Amendment 39 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 c (new)
Paragraph 4 c (new)
4c. Expresses concern over the repeated statements of Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir on creation of a 100 per cent Islamic constitution; points out that after the separation of Sudan and South Sudan in 2011, Christians in the North face persecution and marginalization leading to a large number of refugees fleeing from Sudan to South Sudan; calls on EU institutions and organizations to assist South Sudan in resolving the refugee issue through organizational efforts as well as financial aid
Amendment 57 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
Paragraph 14
14. Is convinced that the necessary knowledge, experience and expertise of the national law enforcement systems will be guaranteed also by the EPPO personnel in the central office14. Stresses the need to select EPPO personnel in the central office that will have, as a team, the necessary knowledge of the national law enforcement systems of the 28 Member States;
Amendment 4 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 3
Recital 3
(3) Exemption from the visa requirement for nationals of Dominica, Grenada, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, the United Arab Emirates and Vanuatu should not come into force until bilateral agreements on visa waiver between the Union and the countries concerned have been concluded in order to ensure full reciprocity.
Amendment 6 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – point 1 – point a
Article 1 – point 1 – point a
(a) in point 1, the references to Dominica, Grenada, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, the United Arab Emirates and Vanuatu are deleted and a reference to South-Sudan is inserted;
Amendment 7 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – point 2 – point a – two last references
Article 1 – point 2 – point a – two last references
"Tuvalu*", "United Arab Emirates*" and "Vanuatu*"