2 Amendments of Karl von WOGAU related to 2008/2197(INI)

Amendment 81 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Recognises that the diversity of interests inherent in a Union of 27 or more Member States – in other words, the mosaic-like composition of the EU – gives it a unique character and the potential to intervene, mediate and help in different parts of the world, unlike any other major powerPoints to the fact that the ESDP is based on a close coordination between civilian and military instruments; recognises that this principal characteristic of the ESDP enables the European Union to make substantial contributions to conflict prevention and conflict resolution in different parts of the world and to provide capabilities which NATO does not have; hopes that the existing military capability of the EU will develop into a credible force enabling the Union to exploit its unique abilities in the fields of conflict prevention and conflict resolution and complementing its broad range of civilian crisis management mechanisms;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 149 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Is of the view that the EU and NATO could strengthen each other by avoiding competition and developing greater cooperation based on a combined spectrum of action, with each covering parts of the spectrum that the other cannot presently cover, which will also help make savingspractical division of labour, with NATO being responsible for larger-scale military operations and the EU for smaller ones in which the USA cannot or does not want to be engaged;
Committee: AFET