18 Plenary speeches of Charlie WEIMERS
Statement by the candidate for President of the Commission (debate)
Need to prevent security threats like the Solingen attack through addressing illegal migration and effective return (debate)
Persistent problems of anti-Semitism in Europe and of other forms of hate speech and hate crimes (debate)
Organised crime, a major threat to the internal security of the European Union and European citizens (topical debate)
The reintroduction of internal border controls in a number of Member States and its impact on the Schengen Area (debate)
Preparation of the European Council of 17-18 October 2024 (debate)
Strengthening the security of Europe’s external borders: need for a comprehensive approach and enhanced Frontex support (debate)
Strengthening the security of Europe’s external borders: need for a comprehensive approach and enhanced Frontex support (debate)
Protecting the EU budget and ensuring that EU funds do not benefit entities or individuals linked to terrorist or Islamist movement (debate)
State sponsored terrorism by the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of the recent attacks in Europe (debate)
Managing migration in an effective and holistic way through fostering returns (debate)
Deplorable escalation of violence around the football match in the Netherlands and the unacceptable attacks against Israeli football fans (debate)
Deplorable escalation of violence around the football match in the Netherlands and the unacceptable attacks against Israeli football fans (debate)
Deplorable escalation of violence around the football match in the Netherlands and the unacceptable attacks against Israeli football fans (debate)
Deplorable escalation of violence around the football match in the Netherlands and the unacceptable attacks against Israeli football fans (debate)
Presentation by the Commission President-elect of the College of Commissioners and its programme (debate)
Stepping up the fight against and the prevention of the recruitment of minors for criminal acts (debate)
One-minute speeches on matters of political importance