Activities of Martina DLABAJOVÁ related to 2022/0039(COD)

Shadow opinions (1)

OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Union Secure Connectivity Programme for the period 2023-2027
Committee: BUDG
Dossiers: 2022/0039(COD)
Documents: PDF(243 KB) DOC(180 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'José Manuel FERNANDES', 'mepid': 96899}]

Amendments (3)

Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 25
(25) This Regulation lays down a financial envelope, which is to constitute the prime reference amount, within the meaning of point 18 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 16 December 2020 between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management, as well as on new own resources, including a roadmap towards the introduction of new own resources22 , for the European Parliament and the Council during the annual budgetary procedure. The Programme is a new initiative that was not envisaged when the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2021- 2027 was established. In order to avoid any reduction of the amounts awarded to other Union programmes, the financial envelope allocated to the Programme should be drawn, to the extent possible, from the unallocated margins under the MFF ceilings or mobilised through the non-thematic MFF special instruments. _________________ 22 OJ L 433 I, 22.12.2020, p. 28.
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 32 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 25 a (new)
(25 a) The next revision of the MFF should provide adequate funding for the Programme, to ensure its coherence, ambition and long-term financing.
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 34 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 28 a (new)
(28 a) In order to ensure that the Programme is implemented successfully, it is important to ensure that sufficient resources are available. Member States should therefore make a financial contribution to the Programme that would be additional to the amount available through the Union budget. It should also be possible for Member States to make in- kind contributions to the Programme. Additional financial contributions and in- kind contributions from other parties should also be possible.
Committee: BUDG