1 Amendments of Benedek JÁVOR related to 2017/2084(INI)

Amendment 170 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Urges the Commission and the Member States to assist EU regions in taking coordinated steps to incentivise energy innovation at local and trans- regional level with the aim of developing coherent strategies; stresses that particular focus should be put on regions faced with the challenges of phasing-out lignite and coal generation and mining industries; underlines the need for assisting them in the development of inclusive, local just transition strategies and addressing societal, socio-economic and environmental impacts along with the reconversion of sites; inclusive stakeholder processes should develop how best to attract alternative new and innovative businesses and start-ups or industries with the aim of building a sustainable regional economy and boost peoples´ dignity, and to replace electricity generation capacity with renewables or energy efficiency solutions; calls for research and innovation policies to focus on how to revitalise concerned regions in terms of sustainable employment and growth perspectives, in particular where retiring lignite or coal-generating capacity is linked to mining activities;
Committee: ITRE