4 Amendments of Louis-Joseph MANSCOUR related to 2018/0166R(APP)

Amendment 37 #

Paragraph 4
4. Declares, moreover, its opposition to any reduction in the level of key EU policies, such as the EU cohesion policy and the common agricultural policy (CAP) including the Programmes of Options Specifically Relating to Remoteness and Insularity (POSEI) ; is particularly opposed to any radical cuts that will adversely impact on the very nature and objectives of these policies, such as the cuts proposed for the Cohesion Fund or for the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development; opposes, in this context, the proposal to reduce the European Social Fund despite its enlarged scope and the integration of the Youth Employment Initiative;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 109 #

Paragraph 14 – point xii a (new)
xii a. Increase funding for Programmes of Options Specifically Relating to Remoteness and Insularity (POSEI);
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 110 #

Paragraph 14 – point xiii a (new)
xiii a. Maintain the amount of 2014- 2020 funding for the partnership with OCTs;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 119 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 a (new)
7 a. Asks for the increase of the budgetary allocations, in the 2021 - 2027 MFF, for POSEI programmes of the outermost regions, which are still strongly hit by the crisis and exposed to the structural disadvantages referred to in article 349 of the TFEU (remoteness, insularity, small size, difficult topography and climate and economic dependence on a few products).
Committee: AGRI