2 Amendments of Renaud MUSELIER related to 2015/0277(COD)

Amendment 296 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 20 a (new)
(20a) Unmanned aircraft operators required to register their aircraft should be able to do so at low cost and in a European database; this registration should be easy and fast, in an easily accessible system, and should result in a unique number being allocated to each owner which must appear on each of the aircraft being operated;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 460 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 a (new)
Article 8a European system for the registration of unmanned aircraft 1. Anyone in the European Union wishing to operate an unmanned aircraft above a certain level of risk defined by EASA shall be subject to compulsory registration; 2. A registration system shall be developed for this purpose by EASA and shall allocate a unique number to each owner of an unmanned aircraft; 3. Each owner shall be obliged to write the number allocated to him on each unmanned aircraft that he operates; 4. By registering, every owner is obliged to acknowledge that he is aware of the provisions in force concerning safety and security; 5. The registration system must be easily accessible and involve minimum cost; 6. The registration system shall comply with the provisions in force on the protection of data and privacy;
Committee: TRAN