4 Amendments of Mireille D'ORNANO related to 2017/2159(DEC)

Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Welcomes the contribution of the Authority to the safety of the Union food and feed chain, by providing Union risk managers with comprehensive, independent and up-to-date scientific advice on questions linked to the food chain, communicating clearly to the public on its outputs and the information on which they are based, and cooperating with interested parties and institutional partners to promote coherence and trust in the Union food safety system; regrets, however, that the Authority has not provided sufficient answers to the serious questions raised following the publication of the documents known as the ‘Monsanto papers’, which cast doubt on the Authority’s independence, particularly regarding the glyphosate dossier, where it appears that the Authority failed to take account of all the available studies on the level of the potential dangers posed by this product, or even that it drew significantly on studies produced by manufacturers themselves when drawing up its reports;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Welcomes the contribution of the Authority to the safety of the Union food and feed chain, by providing Union risk managers with comprehensive, independent and up-to- date scientific advice on questions linked to the food chain, communicating clearly to the public on its outputs and the information on which they are based, and cooperating with interested parties and institutional partners to promote coherence and trust in the Union food safety system;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
8. Believes that the Authority should continue paying special attention to public opinion, and commit itself to openness and transparency; welcomes, in this respect, that in 2016, the Authority’s scientific data warehouse provided access to more of the evidence that underpins its scientific assessments, as several data collections were published, on pesticides, contaminants, chemical hazards, food composition, molecular typing and botanicals; the Authority’s journal migrated to an international scientific publisher, in order to increase publishing quality and outreach; the Authority’s authorship guidelines for scientific outputs were reviewed to increase transparency and openness; the Authority launched ‘Knowledge Junction’, an open repository for the exchange of evidence and supporting materials used in food and feed safety risk assessments; encourages the Authority to further progress on this path; notes, however, that efforts towards openness, transparency and information for the public still need to be boosted substantially;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 10
10. Notes that the Authority shared with Members of the European Parliament raw data it had used in its evaluation of the pesticide glyphosate, even though the data provided did not really help make it possible to understand the contradiction between the Authority's position and the position taken by the International Agency for Research on Cancer with regard to this pesticide;
Committee: ENVI