6 Amendments of Laurenţiu REBEGA related to 2016/2223(INI)

Amendment 10 #
1. Emphasises that farmers’ livelihoods depend on getting produce to the market and that loss of produce at farm level equates to loss of investment and income;(Does not affect the English version.) (This amendment is linguistic.)
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 39 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Notes the potential for optimisation of use of former foodstuffs and by- products from the food chain in feed production and its importance for primary production, but stresses the need for increased traceability and for steps to prevent improper practices ;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 50 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Highlights the importance of cooperation, for example via Producer Organisations, for increased access to finance for innovation and investment in treatment technologies such as composting and anaerobic digestion or further processing of damaged products which could allow farmers to access new market and customers, while pointing to the importance of using waste to regenerate land that has been farmed;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 95 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Notes the difficulty in quantifying food wastage at the primary production stage, and calls on the Commission to identify and disseminate to Member States best practice in relation to gathering data on food loss and food waste on farms without placing an additional administrative burden on farmers and saddling them with additional costs;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 137 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8 a (new)
8a. Notes that, under the pressure of dumping from within and outside the EU and discount wars between supermarket chains, producers are often obliged to leave their crops to rot in the fields so as not to incur further costs or sustain further losses; points out, furthermore, that contractual systems are not always a satisfactory response to improper practices of this kind; calls accordingly for swift action to introduce regulatory measures and ban excessive discounting of fresh produce in supermarkets;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 151 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8 b (new)
8b. Calls for a comparative study to be conducted into the various means of reducing food wastage, such as: - ensuring that unsold food fit for human consumption may still be used by donating or processing it, - use in animal feed, - use as compost for farms or to produce energy, in particular through fermentation;
Committee: AGRI