Activities of Flavio ZANONATO related to 2015/2108(INI)

Plenary speeches (1)

Towards a European Energy Union - Making Europe's electricity grid fit for 2020 (debate) IT
Dossiers: 2015/2108(INI)

Amendments (3)

Amendment 44 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Recognises the 10 % target – to be achieved by 2020 – as a valuable target and a step in the right direction; considers, however, that it does not always reflect the market situation and has not been established on the basis of scientific evidence; recalls that the 10 %, although a one-size-fits-all interconnection target wbas first set in 2002 on the basis of theed on installed electricity generation capacity that existed at that time; acknowledges that, although the 10 % target is important, it describes neither the quantity of electricity flowing between countries nor the qualmight be insufficient to address interconnection infrastructures in certain Member States; considers that more interconnections will contribute to more affordable electricity prices in the long term, ensuring higher market efficiency, higher electricity, such as the availability of the existing interconnection infrastructure or of the existing national infrastructure between the interconnectors; believes, therefore, that a one-size-fits-all interconnection target based on installed electricity generation capacity is not on its own appropriate for all Member States;pply security, reliability and quality, while ensuring a high standard of environmental protection; notes that twelve Member States, mainly in the periphery of the EU, remain below the 10% electricity interconnection target and are thus isolated from the internal electricity market.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 145 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Urges the Commission, furthermore, to: 1) encourage investments in the best available technology, which, whileincluding hydrogen production through methane decomposition as well as the diffusion of superconducting cable lines that although costlier, offers considerable financial advantages as well as time savings in the long run; 2) conduct a review of the financing rules with the aim of streamlining the existing mechanisms and highlighting the principle that wealthier Member States are responsible for projects involving their countries, while EU financial support should be used in countries facing greater challenges; and 3) strengthen incentives for further investments in the grid by, inter alia, introducing a requirement for profits made from transmission congestion rent to be reinvested in additional interconnectors;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 159 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19 – subparagraph 1 (new)
19a. Mediterranean Region Acknowledges that, due to demographic and GDP growth, expected energy demand in the South and East Mediterranean will double by 2022, with 20% of new generation capacity coming from RES; notes that, given the overcapacity in most European countries, the optimization of energy flows requires market integration through the development of new infrastructures; stresses the importance of new electricity interconnections between European and North African markets, as this would be beneficial from a strategic as well as economic point of view, contributing to security of supply and to the development of integrated RES systems between Europe and North Africa.
Committee: ITRE