3 Amendments of David MCALLISTER related to 2015/2273(INI)

Amendment 91 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
6. Calls for the promotion of civic education and democratic engagement and for the continuation of technical and capacity-building support for civil society groups, since these have proven to be of fundamental importance for democratic transition and overall development, government accountability, and monitoring of respect for human rights, including the protection of women;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 150 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Calls for an increase in EU aid to Tunisia through the ENI and for the coordination of international aid to Tunisia; encourages partnerships with other interested global and regional donor countries and organisations, and in particular, measures promoting investment in the manufacturing, agriculture and IT sector which would boost employment; notes that the tourism sector has been dramatically impacted by the attacks in 20145 and, considering the measures implemented since then by the Tunisian authorities, calls on the Member States to reassess the security situation as quickly as possible;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 179 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Calls for a stronger fight against corruption (for example by designating an independent authority to oversestrengthening the capacity and effectivity of the Tunisian Anti-Corruption Agency to ensure the proper functioning of public administration and the regularity of public procurement) particularly in the context of the growing underground economy with a view to achieving a more efficient and transparent decision-making process and to establishing a better environment for investment and business;
Committee: AFET