7 Amendments of David MCALLISTER related to 2015/2342(INI)

Amendment 155 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Recognises that the humanitarian aid system is dangerously overstretched and that it will never be sufficient to respond to forced displacement crises, in particular given the protracted nature of a majority of them; welcomes therefore the new policy framework outlined in the Commission communication on ‘Forced Displacement and Development’ of April 2016; notes the importance of promotinga comprehensive and more sustainable approach on migration including the promotion of closer humanitarian- development links and the need to engage with different partners – governments, local authorities, civil society, including refugees themselves, and the private sector – to develop targeted evidence-based strategies to tackle this challenge; calls for an increased cooperation with the UN, and other actors, including increased financial contributions for UNHCR; stresses, in this context, the need for improved living conditions in refugee camps, especially in terms of health and education for women and children;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 256 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Underlines that the resettlement of forcibly displaced persons is a responsibility of the international community; considers it crucial to implement as a matter of urgency a coordinated response in third countries to grant asylum for people in need of international protection, instead of leaving the burden on the front-line states or countries neighbouring conflict zones; calls for the Common European Asylum System to also allow requests for asylum, as well as the processing of asylum claims, to take place outside the EU or at the EU's external borders; highlights the fact that financial support is outpaced by the scope and scale of displacement, compounded by the lack of solutions to address the root causes of this forced displacement;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 327 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Stresses that EU external action should be forward-looking instead of mainly reactive with changing objectives in response to new crises; recalls that the migration phenomenon stems from a complex set of causes such as armed conflicts, a growing population, poverty, insufficient job creation, political instability and climate change;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 364 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 a (new)
11a. Calls for better protection of the EU's external borders with the goal of preventing irregular entry into the EU, tackling human smuggling and preventing loss of life at sea; welcomes, in this context, the creation of the European Border and Coast Guard, building on Frontex, which will help to manage migration more effectively; stresses, nevertheless, the need for more financial and technical help for border protection for all South-eastern EU Member States, EU candidate countries and other partner countries in the region; welcomes the EU- Turkey agreement, which can be seen as a model for tackling migratory influx;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 369 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Welcomes the new Partnership Framework with third countries as a signal of real political action; welcomes the two- pronged approach of the Partnership Framework to include short term objectives such as saving lives in the Mediterranean sea and increasing the rate of returns to countries of origin and transit as well as long term objectives such as tackling root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement through reinforced EU support to third countries for capacity building and by advancing their political, social and economic situation; stresses that the success of the approach outlined in the communication of June 2016 depends on the EU’s capacity to offer real, commonly agreed incentives to third countries and is concerned by the limited offer mainly focused on border management or Assisted Voluntary Return schemes, which – while essential and needed – constitute only a partial response to the situation; highlights the need to balance and complement this response, focusing on the development of local economies, qualification and regional mobility and improved levels of protection in countries of transit and origin;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 395 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. ExpStresses concerns regarding the quantitative approach in the new Partnership Framework and the related ‘migration compacts’, which see the ‘measurable increases in the number and rate of returns’ as one of the EU’s main goals, as the number of returns clearly depends on the nature of migration flows and on the situations in the countries of origin; stresses that the short-term objectives of the "migration compacts" should focus on how best to address the challenges faced by third countries, including by developing legal migration channels, as a result of which the levels of irregular migration and death tolls in the Mediterranean will decrease;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 523 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Welcomes the use of common security and defence policy (CSDP) missions such as EUCAP Sahel Niger and EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia, which should be further strengthened as a means of protecting the EU's external borders, cooperation with NATO, and EU initiatives such as Europol’s Joint Operational Team (JOT) Mare to gather intelligence and fight smugglers, while underlining that global mobility should not be considered a threat; recommends the use of CSDP tools for early warning (forecasting), mediation and conflict resolution, while stressing the importance of starting to plan for durable solutions as early as possible in conflict situations;
Committee: AFETDEVE