3 Amendments of David MCALLISTER related to 2022/2199(INI)

Amendment 70 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Encourages its policymakers to accelerate the reforms that enabled the first long overdue intergovernmental conference and a successful start to the screening process, and to demonstrate steady progress in guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights; urges decision-makers to work jointly towards meeting the membership criteria by 2030as soon as possible; stresses the need to strengthen the transparency, accountability and inclusiveness of the accession process, including its parliamentary dimension;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 128 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Stresses the authorities’ obligation to ensure transparency and competition in public procurement, government contracts, privatisation, State aid and concession procedures; highlights the need to strengthen safeguards, transparency and conditionality under a strategic foreign investment screening process, and to prosecute incidents of corruption, fraud, abuse of office and money laundering, while simultaneously countering tax evasion and the circumvention of sanctions;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 173 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Expresses its concern with the lack of progress on achieving institutional transparency, freedom of expression and media freedom and stresses the role of political leaders in creating an enabling environment for the pursuit of these freedoms; condemns attempts to discredit reporters and arbitrarily withhold public information, as well as the failure to ensure the safety of journalists and media outlets; urges the authorities to take immediate action against political and economic interference in the media and intimidation against reporters; welcomes the withdrawal of the draft anti- defamation legislation; urges the government to ensure the independence of the public broadcaster and media regulator and the transparency of media ownership, financing and public advertising;
Committee: AFET