4 Amendments of Bernd KÖLMEL related to 2014/2248(INI)

Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. BelievNotes that for the Union to meet the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy and to address current and new challenges effectively, it needs to be granted a budget that is commensurate with the mission it is called on to accomplish; considers that the current level of the EU budget, which corresponds to 1 % of the EU-28 GDP, is not sufficient to achieve these goalthe EU’s current problems cannot be resolved either with a greater degree of centralisation and harmonisation of European structures or with yet more European taxpayers’ money, but only by a return to a United Europe of sovereign nation States whose political acts are guided by the European ideal of peace, the quest for freedom and prosperity and the obligation to provide for social security and governed in principle by the will of the citizen, as this will ensure the lasting competitiveness of the Member States;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 30 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Is convinced that the EU budget needs to be endowed with a system of genuine own resources, with simplicity, fairness and transparency as guiding principles; considers that such a system should reduce the share of GNIRejects therefore the measures proposed or advocated in the draft report to address the crisis in the EU as a further coentributions to the EU budget with a view to abandoning the ‘juste retoalisation of the EU with an independent EU government, an EU Finance Minister, an independent euro approach of Member States; insists, in this context, on the phasing-out of all forms of rebatrea budget (a ‘fiscal capacity for the euro area’), a Banking Union and a redemption fund for euro area countries;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 34 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Underlines the need for the EU budget to be simple, clear and easily understood by EU citizens, and to be based on a structure that allows it to be compared and coordinated with national budgets; considers that these should be underpinning principles for both the expenditure and revenue sides of the EU budget;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 37 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Stresses that the current challenges of the EU can be dealt with well enough with the present ceiling of the EU budget, provided that the corresponding appropriations are used in an efficient and targeted way in accordance with the requirements of professional project management, such as programme and project relevance, measurability of objectives, sustainability and good cost-benefit ratio;
Committee: BUDG