4 Amendments of Gianluca BUONANNO related to 2015/2276(INI)

Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. WelcomeCondemns the work to provide the EU with autonomy in governmental satellite communications (GOVSATCOM), since these must be carried out via the Member States’ governmental network; calls on the Commission to makpropose, on the basis of beneficiaries’ needs and requirements, a cost-benefit evaluation of different solutions: a system relying on current capabilities with the possibility of integrating future capabilities or the creation of new capacities through a dedicated system; stresses that the final decision should take account ofrests with the Member States and must be taken solely in their interests of beneficiaries and in the interest of Europeand industry; considers that the Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) framework could provide a governance model;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 28 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Points to the development of SST as a step towards security in space; considers that SST should become an EU programme with its own budgetmust remain a programme of the ESA and its member countries; invites the CommissionMember States to assess the need to take account of space weather and near-Earth objects and to come up with the next steps for SST in order to prepare industry;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Notes the strategic importance of independent access to space and the need for dedicated EU action; calls on the Commission, in collaboration with the European Space Agency andfor committed Member States; calls on the Commission to abandon its plans to turn the European Space Agency into a subsidiary body and appeals to the Member States, to coordinate planned institutional needs, so that industry can anticipate demand, to support launch infrareject any moves to bring the ESA under the EU institutional umbrella and instead to preserve the ESA’s struicture and to promote R&D, particularly in breakthrough technologiesly intergovernmental character, which has been the key to its success since it was established;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 49 #
5. Stresses the need for better coordination of EUthe space capacities of Member States, with the necessary system architectures and procedures to ensure a proportionate level of security, including data security; considers that EUMember States’ space capacities dedicated to security and defence could be managed by a specific operational service coordination centre within the ESA.
Committee: ITRE