12 Written questions of Dawid Bohdan JACKIEWICZ

Operation of trans-European transport network at risk owing to sale of PKP Energetyka in Poland PDF (104 KB) DOC (25 KB)
Documents: PDF(104 KB) DOC(25 KB)
Regional operational centres to manage cross-border gas flows, as referred to in the Energy Union Package communication PDF (101 KB) DOC (25 KB)
Documents: PDF(101 KB) DOC(25 KB)
European Fund for Strategic Investments PDF (5 KB) DOC (23 KB)
Documents: PDF(5 KB) DOC(23 KB)
Interpretation of claims relating to 'A fully integrated European energy market' that are made in the Energy Union Package communication PDF (5 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(5 KB) DOC(24 KB)
Energy Union Package: more powers and independence for ACER within the framework of a fully integrated internal energy market PDF (6 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(6 KB) DOC(24 KB)
List of energy infrastructure projects identified by the European Union in 2013 PDF (5 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(5 KB) DOC(24 KB)
Question regarding the interpretation of the proposals concerning 'energy efficiency' raised in the Energy Union Package PDF (103 KB) DOC (26 KB)
Documents: PDF(103 KB) DOC(26 KB)
Question regarding the interpretation of provisions of the Energy Union Package as regards 'energy efficiency' PDF (105 KB) DOC (26 KB)
Documents: PDF(105 KB) DOC(26 KB)
Question regarding the measurement of 'energy efficiency' included in the Energy Union Package PDF (103 KB) DOC (26 KB)
Documents: PDF(103 KB) DOC(26 KB)
Question regarding the interpretation of the definition of 'energy efficiency' in accordance with the Energy Union Package PDF (105 KB) DOC (25 KB)
Documents: PDF(105 KB) DOC(25 KB)
Withdrawal of the proposal on the establishment of the market stability reserve PDF (190 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(190 KB) DOC(24 KB)
Withdrawal of the proposal on the establishment of the market stability reserve PDF (190 KB) DOC (24 KB)
Documents: PDF(190 KB) DOC(24 KB)