7 Shadow opinions of Karol KARSKI

OPINION with recommendations to the Commission on corporate due diligence and corporate accountability
Committee: AFET
Dossiers: 2020/2129(INL)
Documents: PDF(180 KB) DOC(62 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Raphaël GLUCKSMANN', 'mepid': 197694}]
OPINION on the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: bringing nature back into our lives
Committee: AFET
Dossiers: 2020/2273(INI)
Documents: PDF(161 KB) DOC(75 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Bettina VOLLATH', 'mepid': 197678}]
OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2013/34/EU, Directive 2004/109/EC, Directive 2006/43/EC and Regulation (EU) No 537/2014, as regards corporate sustainability reporting
Committee: AFET
Dossiers: 2021/0104(COD)
Documents: PDF(256 KB) DOC(192 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Karin KARLSBRO', 'mepid': 197401}]
OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on applying a generalised scheme of tariff preferences and repealing Regulation (EU) No 978/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Committee: AFET
Dossiers: 2021/0297(COD)
Documents: PDF(258 KB) DOC(195 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Maria ARENA', 'mepid': 124936}]
OPINION recommendations on the negotiations for a cooperation agreement between the European Union and the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-Interpol)
Committee: AFET
Dossiers: 2022/2025(INI)
Documents: PDF(145 KB) DOC(77 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'David LEGA', 'mepid': 197393}]
OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937
Committee: AFET
Dossiers: 2022/0051(COD)
Documents: PDF(321 KB) DOC(200 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Raphaël GLUCKSMANN', 'mepid': 197694}]
OPINION on the transparency and accountability of non-governmental organisations funded from the EU budget
Committee: AFET
Dossiers: 2023/2122(INI)
Documents: PDF(169 KB) DOC(74 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Deirdre CLUNE', 'mepid': 124988}]