4 Amendments of Paul BRANNEN related to 2015/2353(INI)
Amendment 88 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 14
Paragraph 14
14. Is convinced that a strong CAP for the EU, both in terms of content and financing, is paramount in achieving these objectives, while guaranteeing a level playing field and transparent food chains within the internal market, as well as viable rural areas; considers, furthermore, that increasing resilience and improving employment and quality of life in rural areas should be prioritised in order to combat rural depopulation; therefore calls on the Member States and their regions to shift the focus of their rural policy to job creation, and calls on the Commission to help them to achieve that objective;
Amendment 91 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 14
Paragraph 14
14. Is convinced that a strong and sustainable CAP for the EU, both in terms of content and financing, is paramount in achieving these objectives, while guaranteeing a level playing field and transparent food chains within the internal market, as well as viable rural areas; considers, furthermore, that increasing resilience and improving employment and quality of life in rural areas should be prioritised in order to combat rural depopulation;
Amendment 95 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 15
Paragraph 15
15. Stresses that agricultural production has an extremely high added value, which fosters employment, in the area of good quality food and also the supply of non- food goods and services, since it also supplies the processing sector, thereby contributing to economic and social cohesion in regions and to the EU’s balanced regional development; points out that it is therefore necessary to maintain and, where appropriate, step up the support received by farmers, since this provides an incentive to increase agricultural production;the agricultural sector and rural areas, and, above all, to increase their legitimacy as part of a CAP that meets society’s requirements and is in the general interest stresses that the CAP contributes significantly to growth and employment in rural areas, more so than other Union policies; recalls that, in statistical terms, one farmers provides seven additional jobs in related sectors and in rural territories; points to the importance of maintaining the CAP’s focus on supporting small-scale and family farming businesses as the cornerstone of agricultural production in the EU and of life in the EU’s rural areas;
Amendment 130 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 18 a (new)
Paragraph 18 a (new)
18a. notes that additional efforts can be made to facilitate the use of innovative financial instruments; to this end, calls on the Commission to work with the European Investment Bank with a view to offering new financing options to Member States, but also offering funding opportunities to young farmers so that they can develop their businesses.