3 Amendments of Fredrick FEDERLEY related to 2015/0239(COD)

Amendment 88 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 7 – paragraph 4
(4) The Commission (Eurostat) shall assess the quality of the transmitted data and the information provided in the quality reports and shall, once these are validated, prepare and disseminate a summary quality assessment report.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 89 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 7 – paragraph 5
(5) Where the Commission (Eurostat) identifies statistically significant anomalies or inconsistencies in data provided, it may request from the national authorities an appropriate breakdown of the data as well as the calculation or evaluation methods upon which the data provided are based, in order to assess the data and, if necessary request that any data or any information deemed to be inaccurate is corrected or amended and then resubmitted by the Member State concerned.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 98 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 10 – paragraph 1
(1) The power to adopt delegated acts is conferred on the Commission subject to the conditions laid down in this article. and the Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016.
Committee: ITRE