2 Written explanations of Peter LUNDGREN

The European Forest Strategy - The Way Forward (A9-0154/2020 - Petri Sarvamaa)

Resolutionen är ganska nära vår syn på skogen som ett ämne som ska bestämmas helt av medlemsstaterna själva. Det finns delar som vi inte kan ställa oss bakom men det viktigaste är att man i resolutionen framhäver att EU:s befogenhet över skogspolitiken inte är med i fördragen och att skogens miljönytta tydligt nämns.SD kommer att göra allt för att skydda svenska skogsägare!
Reinforcing the Youth Guarantee (B9-0310/2020)

In favour of the idea that young people should have the chance to have good education, should be able to do traineeships under good conditions, fair treatment and should have employment opportunities for a good future in their own Member State/home country, so a country like Sweden should be the example for other Member States and not the ATM. It would be not fair that Swedish citizens should invest their savings in facilities of other Member States.The resolution calls for too much EU interference and legally binding EU agreements regarding the ‘Youth Guarantee’. Even using ‘the Youth Guarantee’ for the transition to a climate-neutral economy. That even youth unemployment is solved by a climate neutral economy. Legally binding EU agreements is not the solution.