4 Amendments of Franc BOGOVIČ related to 2018/0082(COD)

Amendment 194 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 2
2. This Directive applies to certain unfair trading practices which occur in relation to the sales of agri-food products by a supplier that is a small and medium-sized enterprise to a buyer that is not a small and medium-sized enterpriseo a buyer.
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 259 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point c
(c) “small and medium-sized enterprise” means an enterprise within the meaning of the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises set out in the Annex to Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC14 ; _________________ 14 Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (OJ L 124, 20.5/2003, p. 36).deleted
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 281 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point e
(e) “perishable food products” means food products that will become unfit for human consumption unless they are stored, treated, packaged or otherwise conserved to prevent them from becoming unfit: - fresh fruit and vegetables set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council1a, including - potatoes; - milk and milk products that are not sterilized; - pre-packaged and unpackaged fresh meat, minced meat, meat preparations, offal and internal organs; - non-prepacked preserves and pasteurized meat products; - fresh fish, crustaceans and molluscs; - eggs (in the shell); - fresh mushrooms and herbs; - pre-packaged and non-prepacked bread and baked goods; - non-prepacked fine bakers' wares. _________________ 1a Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007 (OJ L 347, 20. 12. 2013, p. 671).
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 647 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 8 – paragraph 1
Member States may provide for rules designed to combat unfair trading practices going bey1. With a view to ensuring a higher level of protection, Member States may maintain or introduce rules designed to combat unfair trading practices which are stricter than those set out in this Directive, provided that such national rules are compatible with the rules ond those set out in Articles 3, 5, 6 and 7e functioning of the internal market. 2. This Directive shall be without prejudice to national rules aimed at combating unfair trading practices that are not within the scope of this Directive, provided that such national rules are compatible with the rules on the functioning of the internal market.
Committee: AGRI