7 Written explanations of Josu JUARISTI ABAUNZ

EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): continuing current limitations of scope for aviation activities and preparing to implement a global market-based measure from 2021 (A8-0258/2017 - Julie Girling)

EH Bildu has voted against the Girling report on the proposal for a regulation of the EP and the Council Amending Directive2003/87/EC the EU Emission trading System (EU-ETS) to continue current limitations of scope for aviation activities and to prepare to implement a global market-based measure from 2021.We have always criticised carbon market systems such as ETS as we consider them a patch, a temporary and false solution, as by purchasing offsets there is no limitation of emissions but commercialisation of those. In that line, we believe that the real change relies on enhancing technological innovation, concretely, on enhancing on quality and performances of engines and fuels on the one hand, as well as its local application and its subsequent application by third States.The CORSIA scheme agreed by ICAO, is a system under which aircraft operators that are in excess of baseline emissions will be required to purchase offsets in order to achieve carbon neutrality from international civil aviation from 2021.Even if the inclusion of the aviation system is needed to fulfil the Paris Agreement without undermining the other related legislative texts within the energy climate package; we cannot agree with such a scheme; and hence we have voted against the provisional agreement and abstained on the joint statement on the outcome of the ICAO.
EU-Switzerland agreement on the linking of their greenhouse gas emissions trading systems (A8-0386/2017 - Christofer Fjellner)

EH Bildu abstained on the Fjellner report on the Agreement between the EU and the Swiss confederation on the linking of their greenhouse gas emissions trading systemsThis file is linked to the agreement on the revision of the emissions trading system (ETS)-phase IV which was reached recently between the co-legislators. EH Bildu has always criticised carbon market systems such as ETS as we consider them a patch, a temporary and false solution, as by purchasing offsets there is no limitation of emissions but commercialisation of them. In that line, we believe that the real change relies on enhancing technological innovation, concretely, on enhancing quality and performance of engines and fuels on the one hand, as well as its local application and its subsequent application by third countries.After several years of negotiations, the Commission has also finalised negotiations on linking the EU ETS with the ETS of Switzerland. The agreement sets out the institutional framework as well as the key objectives and principles for linking the two systems. It notably foresees that, once in force, participants in the EU ETS can use units from the Swiss system for compliance purposes and vice versa.We oppose such a system, but once the system is established all parties should take part in it if it is to have an effect, hence we abstained.
EU Citizenship Report 2017: Strengthening Citizens' Rights in a Union of Democratic Change (A8-0385/2017 - Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea)

EH Bildu voted against the EU Citizenship Report 2017.The report is based on a positive approach to EU citizenship and includes several good elements. However, the following paragraph (Recital G) is a red line for our coalition: ‘Whereas any unilateral change in the borders of a Member State constitutes, at the very least, a violation of Articles 2, 3.2 and 4.2 of the Treaty on the European Union, as well as jeopardising enjoyment of all the rights deriving from EU citizenship.’From the perspective of the Basque independentist coalition, we cannot accept this statement. EH Bildu would like to highlight that the inclusion of this paragraph is an attempt to discredit the ongoing Catalan process. Moreover, it could also be argued that it is not very relevant to the main purpose of the report.Unilateral changes in the borders of a Member State can happen as a result of a democratic exercise, as a demand of its citizens’ will. Democracy is, after all, also one of the values enshrined in Article 2 of the TEU.MEP Josu Juaristi was co-signatory to an amendment that would have deleted this problematic recital. However, as this amendment was rejected in plenary vote, and accordingly Recital G remained, EH Bildu did not support the report.
EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): continuing current limitations of scope for aviation activities and preparing to implement a global market-based measure from 2021 (A8-0258/2017 - Julie Girling)

EH Bildu has abstained on the Girling report on the proposal for a regulation of the EP and the Council Amending Directive 2003/87/EC to continue current limitations of scope for aviation activities and to prepare to implement a global market-based measure from 2021.We have always criticised systems carbon markets such as ETS as we consider them a patch, a temporary and false solution, as by purchasing offsets there is no limitation of emissions but commercialisation of those. In that line, we believe that the real change relies on enhancing technological innovation, concretely, on enhancing on quality and performances of engines and fuels on the one hand, as well as its local application and its subsequent application by third States.The new scheme, called the Carbon Offset and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) agreed by ICAO, is a system that under which aircraft operators that are in excess of baseline emissions will be required to purchase offsets in order to achieve carbon neutrality from international civil aviation from 2021.Even if the inclusion of the aviation system is needed to fulfil the Paris Agreement without undermining the other related legislative texts within the energy climate package; we cannot agree with such a scheme; and hence our abstention.
Promotion of internet connectivity in local communities (A8-0181/2017 - Carlos Zorrinho)

Although we support the initial goal of the WIFI4EU proposal, which establishes a scheme offering free WiFi connections in spaces where public services are offered (public administrations, hospitals and common outdoor spaces, EHBildu abstained in the Zorrinho report on promotion of internet connectivity in local communities as we consider it a small step in the fight against digital exclusion in the EU.First, we believe that the allocated budget is not enough to handle with the demand and the real needs, particularly considering that the Commission proposes a ‘first come, first served’ application criteria,which means that only few communities might benefit from this assistance. Moreover, the service can be eligible providing that high—quality wireless connection is available, which is one of the main obstacles many populations have to face to begin with. In this sense, the needs of the rural and remote population must be taken into consideration much better. Furthermore, even though projects can be submitted online, the application process is too complicated.Local authorities need to be involved since the beginning and throw-out this process. We need a system that prioritises real needs, has continuity and greater ambition and takes onboard the advantages of best practices that already exist in some parts of Europe.
Situation in Venezuela (RC-B8-0270/2017, B8-0270/2017, B8-0271/2017, B8-0272/2017, B8-0274/2017, B8-0275/2017, B8-0276/2017, B8-0277/2017)

EH Bildu calls for de-escalation and a peaceful solution to the conflict in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. We ask for an unconditional support of the mediation efforts already made and which are ongoing by Mogherini, the three ex-presidents, the Pope and UNASUR. Indeed, we believe that the solution to different problems on the table of dialogue, such as peace, human rights, the situation of prisoners, elections, etc., would be the unequivocal sign that the parties confronted can live together in a democratic way.The resolution we are voting on today does not call for de-escalation, we hence believe that is not good enough and therefore abstained.The text fully supports the MUD (Mesa de Unidad Democrática) approach, condemns the destitution of the assembly, opens the door for sanctions, makes an interpretation of what Maduro thinks and does, and gives factually inaccurate statements. Meanwhile, there is no critical word on the means employed by those opposition forces calling for and taking violent action.We ask both sides to refrain from violence, be constructive, respect the rule of law, support the efforts already made by the dialogue roundtable and look for a negotiated solution.Our focus is and should be, to support regional efforts, not to take a one-sided approach without condemning violence from opposition groups.
Minimum standards for the protection of farm rabbits (A8-0011/2017 - Stefan Eck) ES

Los conejos constituyen por número la segunda especie de ganado de cría en la UE, con más de 340 millones de conejos sacrificados al año. Hoy la Unión cuenta con normativas que establecen normas mínimas para la protección de cerdos, terneros, gallinas ponedoras y pollos de carne, así como con la Directiva del Consejo sobre la protección de los animales en las explotaciones ganaderas, pero aún no existe una reglamentación específica europea relativa a las normas mínimas para la protección de los conejos de granja.EH Bildu considera que este vacío legal ha de solventarse y es por ello que ha votado a favor de que se cree una propuesta legislativa sobre normas mínimas para la protección de los conejos de granja. Creemos asimismo que durante el proceso se debe contar con la participación del sector cunícola, así como de otros agentes implicados.En cuanto a la votación final de la Resolución de la Comisión AGRI, nuestra abstención se debe a que, aunque creemos firmemente que hay que dar pasos urgentes de cara a mejorar el bienestar animal, previamente se debe dar un amplio debate en torno a la cunicultura en la Unión y a los métodos de cría de los conejos teniendo en cuenta a todas las partes implicadas.