8 Amendments of Theodoros ZAGORAKIS related to 2023/2051(INL)

Amendment 158 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Considers that the arts, the broader cultural and creative sectors, entertainment and sports play a fundamental role in human flourishing and in Europe’s social cohesion and economy; underlines that CCS professionals are key to the process of European integration;
Committee: EMPLCULT
Amendment 158 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Considers that the arts, the broader cultural and creative sectors, entertainment and sports play a fundamental role in human flourishing and in Europe’s social cohesion and economy; underlines that CCS professionals are key to the process of European integration;
Committee: EMPLCULT
Amendment 243 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Recalls the importance of copyright and related rights in the cultural and creative sectors and of properly implementing them, ensuring that every type of rightholder is fairly remuneratedin particular for authors and composers, who are in a weaker contractual position vis-à-vis the major and dominant media companies that hire or commission a work to them; underlines that authors and composers need the protection provided for by EU law to ensure their fair remuneration to be able to fully benefit from the rights harmonised under Union law, ensuring that they are fairly and proportionately remunerated for each usage of their work;
Committee: EMPLCULT
Amendment 243 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10
10. Recalls the importance of copyright and related rights in the cultural and creative sectors and of properly implementing them, ensuring that every type of rightholder is fairly remuneratedin particular for authors and composers, who are in a weaker contractual position vis-à-vis the major and dominant media companies that hire or commission a work to them; underlines that authors and composers need the protection provided for by EU law to ensure their fair remuneration to be able to fully benefit from the rights harmonised under Union law, ensuring that they are fairly and proportionately remunerated for each usage of their work;
Committee: EMPLCULT
Amendment 265 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Is concerned by abusive and coercive practices that may result in unfair contractual relationships for CCS professionals; draws attention to issues relating more specifically to ‘buy-out’ contracts; requests the Commission to assess and closely monitor the situation in thand work-for-hire contracts video-on-demand platforms imposed by third countries on music authors by applying to their contracts in order to circumvent the EU laws protecting authors; requests the Commission to closely monitor the situation in that regard and propose solutions to prevent the circumvention of EU rules and principles and to ensure that intellectual property rights that have a strategic importance for Europe can be retained in the EU, while providing appropriate regard; muneration and fair working conditions for authors and composers;
Committee: EMPLCULT
Amendment 364 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
21. Is concerned by the lack of career transition support systems in place for artists and CCS professionals in need of retraining; calls on the Member States to invest in upskilling and reskilling via skills development programmes, technical and vocational education, technical and vocational training systems and lifelong learning schemes, allowing those interested to develop new skills either within or outside the cultural and creative sectors;
Committee: EMPLCULT
Amendment 429 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 27
27. Believes that the entertainment sector, including the sports sector, brings the peoples of Europe closer together through the lived experiences of Union competitions and by the cohesive function of grassroots sports;deleted
Committee: EMPLCULT
Amendment 509 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex I – Recommendation 4 – paragraph 1 – indent 5
- to develop tools, such as guidelines for application, handbooks of good practices and shared principles, for improving the situation in all the areas covered under its scope and to evaluate experiences with relevant tools; to prevent buy-outs imposed by third countries based platforms and to protect the strategic interests of European CCS professionals, in particular that of authors and composers, further legislation is to be considered;
Committee: EMPLCULT