1 Amendments of Emmanouil KEFALOGIANNIS related to 2019/2157(INI)

Amendment 146 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Emphasises that the EU’s forests are multifunctional and characterised by great diversity, including differences in ownership patterns, size, structure, biodiversity, resilience and challenges; points out, in addition, that forests offer society a wide variety of ecosystem services including raw materials, renewable energy1a, improved air quality, clean water, erosion control, and protection from droughts, floods and avalanches; _________________ 1aBioenergy is the largest renewable energy source in Europe (covering alone 10.3% of EU energy demand in 2017). Biomass is sourced mainly locally from forestry residues and low value streams. The key role of forests in providing renewable energy should be taken into account.
Committee: AGRI