Activities of Helga STEVENS related to 2018/0191(COD)
Shadow opinions (1)
OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing 'Erasmus': the Union programme for education, training, youth and sport and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1288/2013
Amendments (49)
Amendment 72 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 1
Recital 1
(1) In a context of rapid and profound changes induced by technological revolution and globalisation, investing in learning mobility, cooperation and innovative policy development in the fields of education, training, youth and sport is key to building inclusive, cohesive and resilient societies and sustaining the competitiveness of the Union, while contributing to strengthening European identity and to a more democratic Union.
Amendment 81 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 2
Recital 2
(2) In its Communication on Strengthening European Identity through Education and Culture of 14 November 2017, the Commission put forward its vision to work towards a European Education Area by 2025, in which learning would not be hampered by borders; a Union, where spending time in another Member State for purposes of studying and learning in any form or setting would become the standard and where, in addition to one's mother tongue, speaking two other languages would become the norm; a Union in which people would have a strong sense of their identity as Europeans, of Europe's cultural heritage and itsEurope's unity in diversity. In this context, the Commission emphasised the need to boost the tried-and- tested Erasmus+ programme in all categories of learners that it already covers and reaching out to learners with fewer opportunities.
Amendment 82 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 4
Recital 4
(4) The European Pillar of Social Rights, solemnly proclaimed and signed on 17 November 2017 by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, lays down, as its first key principle, that everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and lifelong learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable them to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market. Its seventeenth principle states that people with disabilities have the right to income support that ensures living in dignity, services that enable them to participate in the labour market and society, and a work environment adapted to their needs.
Amendment 86 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 7
Recital 7
(7) The open public consultation on Union funding in the areas of values and mobility confirmed these key findings and emphasised the need to make the future programme a more inclusive programme and to continue to focus priorities on modernising education and training systems as well as strengthening priorities on fostering European identity, active citizenship and participation in democratic life.
Amendment 87 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 8
Recital 8
(8) In its Communication on 'A modern budget for a Union that protects, empowers and defends - the multiannual financial framework for 2021-2027'26 adopted on 2 May 2018, the Commission called for a stronger “youth” focus in the next financial framework, notably by more than doubling the size of the 2014-2020 Erasmus+ Programme, one of the Union’s most visible success stories. The European Parliament called for the Erasmus+ envelope to be at least tripled in the next MFF. The mid-term evaluation confirmed that budget for Erasmus+ is consistently absorbed in full, and that the available funds are insufficient to cover the strong demand. The focus of the new Programme should be on inclusiveness, and to reach more young people with fewer opportunities. This should allow more young people to move to another country to learn or work. _________________ 26 COM(2018) 321 final. COM(2018) 321 final.
Amendment 96 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 11
Recital 11
(11) The Programme is a key component of building a European Education Area, while fully respecting Member States' competences. It should be equipped to contribute to the successor of the strategic framework for cooperation in education and training and the Skills Agenda for Europe28 with a shared commitment to the strategic importance of skills and competences for sustaining jobs, growth and competitiveness. It should support Member States in reaching the goals of the Paris Declaration on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education29 . _________________ 28 29COM(2016) 381 final. COM(2016) 381 final. 29 [Reference]. [Reference].
Amendment 105 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 15
Recital 15
(15) Synergies with Horizon Europe should ensure that combined resources from the Programme and the Horizon Europe Programme33 are used to support activities dedicated to strengthening and modernising European higher education institutions. Horizon Europe will, where appropriate, complement the Programme's support for the European Universities initiative, in particular its research dimension as part of developing new joint and integrated long term and sustainable strategies on education, research and innovation. Synergies with Horizon Europe will help to foster the integration of education and research in higher education institutions. _________________ 33 COM(2018) [ ].
Amendment 108 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 16
Recital 16
(16) The Programme should be more inclusive by improving its outreach to those with fewer opportunities, including through more flexible learning mobility formats, and by fostering participation of small organisations, in particular newcomers and community-based grassroots organisations that work directly with disadvantaged learnerlearners with fewer opportunities of all ages. Virtual formats, such as virtual cooperation, blended and virtual mobility, should be promoted to reach more participants and complement the accessibility of the Programme, in particular those with fewer opportunities and those for whom moving physically to a country other than their country of residence would be an obstacle. Local and national structures should be better equipped to support and facilitate people with fewer opportunities, including people with disabilities, to have full and equal access to the Programme. Given that the EU and all its Member States have ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities the Erasmus- Programme should be in line with its principles.
Amendment 114 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 17
Recital 17
(17) In its Communication on Strengthening European identity through education and culture, the Commission highlighted the pivotal role of education, culture and sport in promoting active citizenship and common values amongst the youngest generations. Strengthening European identity and fFostering the active participation of individuals in the democratic processes is crucial for the future of Europe and our democratic societies. Going abroad to study, learn, train and work or to participate in youth and sport activities contributes to strengthening thise European identity in all its diversityvalues and the sense of being part of a cultural community while respecting its diversity as well as to fostering such active citizenship, among people of all ages. Those taking part in mobility activities should get involved in their local communities as well as engage in their host country local communities to share their experience. Activities linked to reinforcing all aspects of creativity in education, training and youth and enhancing individual key competencies should be supported.
Amendment 119 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 20
Recital 20
(20) The Programme should reinforce existing learning mobility opportunities, notably in those sectors where the Programme could have the biggest efficiency gains, to broaden its reach and meet the high unmet demand. This should be done notably by increasing and facilitating mobility activities for higher education students, school pupils and learners in vocational education and training. Mobility of low-skilled adult learners should be embedded in partnerships for cooperation. Mobility opportunities for youth participating in non-formal learning activities should also be extended to reach more young people. Mobility of staff in education, training, youth and sport should also be reinforced, considering its leverage effect. In line with the vision of a true European Education Area, the Programme should also boost mobility and exchanges and promote student participation in educational and cultural activities by supporting digitalisation of processes, such as the European Student Card. This initiative can be an important step in making mobility for all a reality first by enabling higher education institutions to send and receive more exchange students while still enhancing quality in student mobility and also by facilitating students' access to various services (library, transport, accommodation) before arriving at the institution abroad.
Amendment 128 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 22
Recital 22
(22) The Programme should offer young people more opportunities to discover Europe through qualitative learning experiences abroad. Eighteen year olds, in particular those with fewer opportunities, should be given the chance to have a first- time, short-term individual or group experience travelling throughout Europqualitative learning experience in another Member State in the frame of an informal educational activity aimed at fostering their sense of belonging to the European Union and discovering itdiscovering Europe's cultural diversity. The Programme should identify bodies in charge of reaching out and selecting the participants and support activities to foster the learning dimension of the experience.
Amendment 133 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 23
Recital 23
(23) The Programme should also enhance the learning of languages, including sign languages, in particular through widened use of accessible online tools, as e-learning offers additional advantages for language learning in terms of access and flexibility.
Amendment 140 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 25
Recital 25
(25) In its Conclusions of the 14 of December 2017, the European Council called on Member States, the Council and the Commission to take forward a number of initiatives to elevate European cooperation in education and training to a new level, including by encouraging the emergence by 2024 of 'European Universities', consisting in bottom-up networks of universities across the Union. The Programme should support these European Universities.
Amendment 143 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 27
Recital 27
(27) To increase the use of virtual cooperation activities, the Programme should support a more systematic and accessible use of the online platforms such as eTwinning, the School Education Gateway, the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe, the European Youth Portal and the online platform for higher education.
Amendment 144 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 28
Recital 28
(28) The Programme should contribute to facilitating transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications, as well as the transfer of credits or units of learning outcomes, to foster quality assurance and to support validation of non-formal and informal learning, skills management and guidance. In this regard, the Programme should also provide support to contact points and networks at national and Union level that facilitate cross-European exchanges as well as the development of flexible and inclusive learning pathways between different fields of education, training and youth and across formal and non-formal settings.
Amendment 148 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 30
Recital 30
(30) As a way to ensure cooperation with other Union instruments and support to other policies of the Union, mobility opportunities should be offered to people, including persons with disabilities, in various sectors of activity, such as the public sector, agriculture and enterprise, to have a learning experience abroad allowing them, at any stage of their life, to grow and develop professionally but also personally, in particular by developing an awareness of their European identity and an understanding of European cultural diversity. The Programme should offer an entry point for Union transnational mobility schemes with a strong learning dimension, simplifying the offer of such schemes for beneficiaries and those taking part in these activities. The scaling-up of Erasmus projects should be facilitated; specific measures should be put in place to help promoters of Erasmus projects to apply for grants or develop synergies through the support of the European Structural and Investment Funds and the programmes relating to migration, security, justice and citizenship, health and culture.
Amendment 151 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 31
Recital 31
Amendment 153 #
(32a) Reflecting the importance of promoting equal opportunities for and of inclusion of persons with disabilities in line with the Union's commitments to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and achieve the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals, this Programme will contribute to mainstream inclusion and equal opportunities in the Union's policies. Relevant actions will be identified during the Programme's preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review process.
Amendment 157 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 34
Recital 34
(34) Within a basic envelope for actions to be managed by the national agencies in the field of education and training, a breakdown indicative distribution of minimum allocation per sector (higher education, school education, vocational education and training and adult education) should be defined in order to guarantee a critical mass of appropriations to reach the intended output and results in each of these sectors. The Programme should however always be implemented taking into account the actual needs, in the interest of the added European value.
Amendment 167 #
(46) Member States should endeavour to adopt all appropriate measures to remove legal and administrative obstacles to the proper functioning of the Programme. This includes resolving, where possible, and without prejudice to Union law on the entry and residence of third-country nationals issues that create difficulties in obtaining visas and residence permits. In line with Directive (EU) 2016/801 of the European Parliament and of the Council39, Member States are encouraged to establish fast-track admission procedures. _________________ 39 Directive (EU) 2016/801 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purposes of research, studies, training, voluntary service, pupil exchange schemes or educational projects and au pairing (OJ L 132, 21.5.2016, p. 21).
Amendment 171 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 49
Recital 49
(49) In order to simplify requirements for beneficiaries, simplified grants in the form of lump-sums, unit-costs and flat-rate funding should be used to the maximum possible extent. The simplified grants to support the mobility actions of the Programme, as defined by the Commission, should take into account the living and subsistence costs of the host country, and where applicable, the additional costs incurred by persons with disabilities on the basis of their disability. The Commission and national agencies of the sending countries should have the possibility to adjust these simplified grants on the basis of objective criteria, in particular to ensure access to people with fewer opportunities. In accordance with national law, Member States should also be encouraged to exempt those grants from any taxes and social levies. The same exemption should apply to public or private entities awarding such financial support to the individuals concerned.
Amendment 175 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 57
Recital 57
(57) Since the objective of this Regulation cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States but can rather, by reason of its transnational character, the high volume and wide geographical scope of the mobility and cooperation activities funded, its effects on access to learning mobility and more generally on Union market integration, as well as its reinforced international dimension, be better achieved at Union level, the Union may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve that objective.
Amendment 177 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 1
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 1
(1) 'lifelong learning' means learning in all its forms (formal, non-formal and informal learning) taking place at all stages in life, including early childhood education and care, general education, special education, vocational education and training, higher education, and adult education, and resulting in an improvement in knowledge, skills and attitudes or participation in society in a personal, civic, cultural, social and/or employment-related perspective, including the provision of counselling and guidance services;
Amendment 179 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 2
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 2
(2) 'learning mobility' means moving physically to a country other than the country of residence, in order to undertake study, training or non-formal or informal learning; It may be accompanied by measures such as language support, including sign languages, and training and/or be complemented by accessible online learning and virtual cooperation. In some specific cases, it may take the form of learning through the use of accessible and/or specially adapted information technology and communications tools;
Amendment 181 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 3
(3) 'non-formal learning' means voluntary learning which takes place outside formal education and training through purposive and inclusive/accessible activities (in terms of objectives, methods and time) and with some form of learning support;
Amendment 185 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 10
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 10
(10) 'school pupil' means any person enrolled in a learning capacity at an institution providing general or special education at any level from early childhood education and care to upper secondary education, considered by the national authorities as eligible to participate in the Programme, in their respective territories;
Amendment 188 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 17
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 17
(17) 'virtual cooperation' means any form of cooperation using accessible and/or specially adapted information technology and communications tools;
Amendment 192 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 20
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 20
(20) 'youth participation activity' means an accessible out-of-school activity carried out by informal groups of young people and/or youth organisations, and characterised by a non-formal learning approach;
Amendment 198 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 25
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 25
(25) 'people with fewer opportunities' means people facing obstacles that preventhinder them from having full and effective access to opportunities under the Programme for economic, social, cultural, geographical or health reasons, a migrant background or for reasons such as disability and educational difficulties;
Amendment 206 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 1
Article 3 – paragraph 1
1. The general objective of the Programme is to support the educational, professional and personal development of people in education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, jobs and social cohesion and to strengthening European identity. As such, the Programme shall be a key instrument for building an accessible and inclusive European education area, supporting the implementation of the European strategic cooperation in the field of education and training, with its underlying sectoral agendas, advancing youth policy cooperation under the Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027 and developing the European dimension in sport.
Amendment 213 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 a (new)
Article 3 – paragraph 3 – subparagraph 3 a (new)
All actions in the Programme shall be fully accessible and contribute to the inclusive implementation of the Programme.
Amendment 223 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point b
Article 5 – paragraph 1 – point b
(b) partnerships for excellence, in particular European universities, Centres of vocational excellence and joint master degrees;
Amendment 228 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point a
Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point a
(a) the preparation and implementation of the Union general and sectoral policy agendas in inclusive education and training, including with the support of the Eurydice network or activities of other relevant organisations;
Amendment 233 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point f
Article 6 – paragraph 1 – point f
(f) accessible dissemination and awareness- raising activities about European policy outcomes and priorities as well as on the Programme.
Amendment 234 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point a
Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point a
(a) the mobility of young people, including those with disabilities;
Amendment 235 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point c
Article 8 – paragraph 1 – point c
Amendment 255 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 1
Article 14 – paragraph 1
1. The financial envelope for the implementation of the Programme for the period 2021-2027 shall be EUR 30 00041 097 000 000 in curreonstant prices.
Amendment 256 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 2 – introductory part
Article 14 – paragraph 2 – introductory part
2. The Programme shall be implemented according to the following indicative distribution, always taking into account the actual needs, in the interest of the added European value:
Amendment 272 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 4
Article 14 – paragraph 4
4. The amount referred to in paragraph 1 may be used for technical and administrative assistance for the implementation of the Programme such as preparatory, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities, including corporate information technology systems as well as accessibility assistance and monitoring.
Amendment 280 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 18 – paragraph 2
Article 18 – paragraph 2
2. When implementing the Programme, inter alia in the selection of participants and the award of grants, the Commission and the Member States shall ensure that efforts are made to promote social inclusion and improve outreach to people with fewer opportunities. Additional costs for accessibility and inclusiveness cannot by itself justify the rejection of a project.
Amendment 283 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 22 – paragraph 1
Article 22 – paragraph 1
1. National agencies referred to in Article 24 shall develop a consistent strategy with regard to the effective outreach as well as dissemination and exploitation of results of activities supported under the actions they manage within the Programme, shall assist the Commission in its general task of disseminating accessible information concerning the Programme, including information in respect of actions and activities managed at national and Union level, and its results, and shall inform relevant target groups about the actions and activities undertaken in their country.
Amendment 287 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 22 – paragraph 4
Article 22 – paragraph 4
4. The Commission shall implement accessible information and communication actions relating to the Programme, and its actions and results. Financial resources allocated to the Programme shall also contribute to the corporate communication of the political priorities of the Union, as far as they are related to the objectives referred to in Article 3.
Amendment 288 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 22 – paragraph 4 a (new)
Article 22 – paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. The national agencies and the Commission shall specifically target people with fewer opportunities, which implies at least that all relevant information shall be accessible.
Amendment 289 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 23 – paragraph 2
Article 23 – paragraph 2
2. The Member States shall take all necessary and appropriate measures to remove any legal and administrative obstacles to the proper functioning of the Programme, including, where possible, measures aimed at resolving issues that give rise to difficulties in obtaining visas.
Amendment 295 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 24 – paragraph 1 – point b
Article 24 – paragraph 1 – point b
(b) have the adequate management capacity, staff and infrastructure to fulfil its tasks satisfactorily, ensuring efficient and effective, inclusive and accessible management of the Programme and sound financial management of Union funds;
Amendment 296 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 24 – paragraph 2
Article 24 – paragraph 2
2. The national agency shall be responsible for managing all stages of the project lifecycle of the actions that shall be described in the work programme referred to in Article [19], in conformity with [points (c)(v) and (vi) of Article 58(1)] of the Financial Regulation. The national agency shall ensure that projects are easily accessible and contribute to the qualitative and inclusive implementation of the Programme.
Amendment 298 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 25 – paragraph 4
Article 25 – paragraph 4
4. The Commission shall set the requirements for the national agency work programme, with particular attention for the qualitative and inclusive nature of this Programme. The Commission shall not make Programme funds available to the national agency until the Commission has formally approved the national agency's work programme.
Amendment 299 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 25 – paragraph 7
Article 25 – paragraph 7
7. Regular meetings shall be organised with the network of national agencies in order to ensure coherent implementation of the Programme across all Member States and all third countries referred to in Article 17. The Commission fosters the sharing of good practices and the exchange of information, especially with regard to accessibility and reasonable accommodation measures.
Amendment 303 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex I – paragraph 1 – point 1
Annex I – paragraph 1 – point 1
(1) High quality and inclusive learning mobility for people from diverse backgrounds, including people with fewer opportunities