6 Amendments of Domènec RUIZ DEVESA related to 2019/2028(BUD)

Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Recalls that the Erasmus+ programme is a strategic investment in Europe’s young generation, social cohesion and building a European sense of belonging; reaffirms that a substantial increase in the budget for the Erasmus + programme is critical and highly expected by citizens, as demonstrated by the volume of applications received, which exceeds by far the available funding; calls therefore for an adequate increase of the funding over the draft budget for 2020 across all Erasmus+ budget lines; reiterates Parliament’s support for a tripling of the budget and beneficiaries for the Erasmus+ programme in the next multiannual financial framework (MFF) and its intention to stand up for that increase;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Acknowledges that the interinstitutional agreement on the funding of the European Solidarity Corps has been respected and an adequate budget for the functioning of the programme has been allocated; considers that the European Solidarity Corps should have considerably more funding in the next Multiannual Financial Framework, including for its promotion;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Notes the overall reduction of AMIF commitment appropriations by 15,4 % (-172 million euros) compared to 2019; regrets the decrease of commitment appropriations aimed at strengthening and developing the CEAS and enhancing responsibility-sharing between Member States (-29,5 %) compared to 2019; recalls the importance of providing adequate financial capacity to improve the reception, sheltering and integration of migrants as well as re- integration of migrants who forcibly or voluntarily returned to a third country, and to respond to emergency assistance needs of Member States under migratory pressurethat may manage considerable migratory flows, like those situated in the Mediterranean basin; expresses its disappointment at the fact that the AMIF budget does not include some financial reserves to finance the reformed Dublin legislation and the new Union Resettlement schemes in case of adoption during 2020; proposes to foresee an amount in the reserve for temporary arrangements for disembarkation in the Union and relocation of people rescued in the Mediterranean; requests, in order to free financial resources, that the EU Trust Fund for Africa and the Regional development protection programmes for North Africa that primarily support external policies of the Union are funded by Heading IV of the Union budget (Global Europe) instead of by AMIF under Heading III (Security and Citizenship);
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 9 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Emphasises the value of the Europe for Citizens programme in enhancing citizens’ understanding of the Union and fostering a sense of citizenship; therefore deplores the budget cuts proposed by the Council; asks to restore and reinforce the related budget lines in order to encourage civic engagement and democratic participation; stresses that the next Europe for Citizens programme needs proper funding in the next MFF covering the period 2021-2027, albeit under the framework of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme; considers that further strengthening should be devoted to European and global citizenship education in order to provide the information required to understand the institutional framework of the Union and to engage as active citizens in tackling world challenges and current international socio-political shifts;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Calls on the Commission to use the attention generated by the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH) to build a coherent long-term strategy on promoting and safeguarding cultural heritage in Europe and to allocate necessary funds for this purpose in 2020 and beyond; calls, in that regard, for dedicated funds to be made available through relevant MFF programmes, including research and publications on the common European cultural heritage, memory and history;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 18 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2 a. Calls for higher funding for the Europe for Citizens programme, given the fundamental role that it plays in order to strengthen the European demos and its citizenship;
Committee: LIBE