13 Amendments of Valérie HAYER related to 2023/0200(COD)

Amendment 79 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 10
(10) Given that as long as the Russian war in Ukraine lasts, tax revenues collected by the Ukrainian government will continue to be largely allocated to the war effort, and that a residual gap remains in Ukraine’s financing needs for at least until 2027, significant and flexible support to the Ukrainian government to maintain its functions as well as to support the recovery, reconstruction and modernisation of the country has to be mobilised quickly.
Committee: AFETBUDG
Amendment 86 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 11
(11) Given the damage from Russia’s war of aggression to the Ukrainian economy, society and infrastructure, the support to the country to maintain its functions, as well as short relief, fast recovery, reconstruction and modernisation of Ukraine will require comprehensive support to rebuild the economy, to create the foundations of a free and prosperous country, anchored in European values, well integrated into the European and global economy, and progressing wactivelly on its path of accession to the European Union.
Committee: AFETBUDG
Amendment 102 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 19
(19) The Facility should tie the recovery, reconstruction and modernisation closely to the Union perspective, by linking financial support to the fulfilment of reforms and investments in view of accession without unduly restricting access to essential financial aid in times of war.
Committee: AFETBUDG
Amendment 143 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 35
(35) Strengthening the rule of law, including the independence of the judiciary, the fight against corruption (and notably grand corruption, understood as the abuse of high-level power that benefits the few, and causes serious and widespread harm to individuals and society1a), money laundering and organised crime, as well as transparency, good governance at all levels, safeguarding the free and pluralistic media and fighting disinformation, strengthening public administration reform, including in the fields of public procurement, competition and State aid, remain key challenges and are essential for Ukraine to come closer to the Union and to prepare to fully assume the obligations of Union membership. In view of the longer-term nature of the reforms pursued in those areas and the need to build up track records, support under the Ukraine Facility should address those issues as early as possible. _________________ 1a ECA special report 23/2021: "Reducing grand corruption in Ukraine: several EU initiatives, but still insufficient results"
Committee: AFETBUDG
Amendment 202 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 71
(71) The Plan should also include an detailed explanation of Ukraine’s system along with specific measures to effectively prevent, detect and correct irregularities, corruption and notably grand corruption, fraud and conflicts of interests, when using the funds provided under the Facility, and the arrangements that aim to avoid double funding from the Facility and other Union programmes as well as other donors. Measures under the Plan should, where appropriate, contribute to ensuring an efficient management and control system. Such measures should be implemented by Ukraine by an indicative date which could be set, as appropriate depending on each measure, over the course of the lifetime of the Facility. Compliance with this plan will be instrumental to both preserve the financial interests of the Union and integrate the acquis communautaire into Ukraine's internal legal order, which will actively bring Ukraine closer to EU membership.
Committee: AFETBUDG
Amendment 209 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 78
(78) It is important to guarantee both flexibility and programmability as well as stability in providing Union support to Ukraine. For that purpose, payments under the Facility should occur according to a fixed quarterly schedule, subject to availability of funding, based on a payment request submitted by Ukraine and following verification by the Commission of the satisfactory fulfilment of the relevant conditions. In case a condition is not fulfilled in accordance with the indicative timeline set in the decision approving the Plan, the Commission should deduct from the payment an amount corresponding to those conditions. The disbursement of the corresponding withheld funds could take place during the nexa subsequent payment window and up to twelve months after the original deadline set out in the indicative timeline, provided the conditions have been fulfilled.
Committee: AFETBUDG
Amendment 240 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 91 a (new)
(91a) Following recommendation 3 of the ECA Special Report on Reducing grand corruption in Ukraine2a and to ensure that the financial support provided under the Facility does not perpetuate or reinforce distorsions to the proper functioning of the market, the Commission should be responsible for establishing, in close cooperation with the Ukrainian authorities, a register of companies under oligarchic influence and identified as potentially hampering free and fair competition on the market. Entities identified on this register should not be eligible to receive funds under the Facility. This register will be prepared within six months of the entry into force of the present regulation, and updated quarterly. _________________ 2a ECA special report 23/2021: "Reducing grand corruption in Ukraine: several EU initiatives, but still insufficient results"
Committee: AFETBUDG
Amendment 294 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point d
(d) further strengthen the rule of law, democracy, the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including through promoting an independent judiciary, reinforced security, the fight against fraud, corruption and grand corruption, organised crime and money laundering, tax evasion and tax fraud; compliance with international law; strengthen freedom of media and academic freedom and an enabling environment for civil society; foster social dialogue; promote non- discrimination and tolerance, to ensure and strengthen respect for the rights of persons belonging to minorities and the promotion of gender equality; reinforce the effectiveness of public administration and support transparency, structural reforms and good governance at all levels, including in the areas of public financial management and public procurement and State aid; support initiatives and bodies involved in supporting and enforcing international justice in Ukraine;
Committee: AFETBUDG
Amendment 398 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 2 – point h
(h) an detailed explanation of Ukraine’s system along with specific measures to effectively prevent, detect and correct irregularities, fraud, corruption and grand corruption and conflicts of interests, when using the funds provided under the Facility, and of the arrangements that aim to avoid double funding from the Facility and other Union programmes or donors;
Committee: AFETBUDG
Amendment 403 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 17 – paragraph 1
1. The Ukraine Plan shall be prepared by Ukraine. Ukraine shall strive to submit the Plan to the Commission by two months after entry into force of this Regulation. At the request of the government of Ukraine, the Commission shall provide a one-time technical and administrative assistance based on already existing programmes, with the view to accelerating the preparation of the Plan. Ukraine may submit a draft Plan to the Commission.
Committee: AFETBUDG
Amendment 456 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 25 – paragraph 6
6. Where the Commission concludes that Ukraine has not taken the necessary measures within a period of twelve months from the initial negative assessment referred to in paragraph 5, the Commission shall reduce the amount of the non-repayable financial support and of the loan proportionately to the part corresponding to the relevant qualitative and quantitative steps. Ukraine may present its observations within two months from the communication of the Commission’s conclusions.deleted
Committee: AFETBUDG
Amendment 468 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 26 – paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. The Commission shall prepare, in close cooperation with the Ukrainian authorities, a register of companies under oligarchic influence identified as potentially hampering free and fair competition on the market. Entities identitied on this register will not be eligible to receive funds under the Facility. This register will be prepared within six months after the entry into force of the regulation and updated quarterly.
Committee: AFETBUDG
Amendment 496 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 32 – paragraph 4
4. Assistance under this Chapter shall support the creation and strengthening of Ukrainian authorities responsible for ensuring appropriate use of funds and effective fight against mismanagement of public funding, in particular fraud, corruption and grand corruption, conflict of interests and irregularities incurred in relation to any amount spent to achieve the objectives of the Facility.
Committee: AFETBUDG