5 Reports of Hedy d'ANCONA

Report on the report, including key elements of a post-1999 EU drugs strategy, from the Council to the European Council on activities on drugs and drugs-related issues under the UK Presidency - Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs PDF (37 KB)
Dossiers: 1998/2132(COS)
Documents: PDF(37 KB)
Second Report containing a proposal for a European Parliament reccomendation to the Council on European Cooperation in the Framework of the extraordinary session of the UN General Assembly on Drugs (UNGASS) - Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs PDF (44 KB)
Dossiers: 1998/2017(COS)
Documents: PDF(44 KB)
Report on the draft Council Act drawing up the Convention concerning the establishment of 'Eurodac' for the comparison of fingerprints of applicants for asylum and the Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, concerning the establishment of 'Eurodac' for the comparison of fingerprints of applicants for asylum - Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs PDF (44 KB)
Dossiers: 1997/0915(CNS)
Documents: PDF(44 KB)
Report containing a proposal for a European Parliament Recommendation to the Council on harmonisation of the Member States' laws on drugs - Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs PDF (36 KB)
Dossiers: 1998/2017(COS)
Documents: PDF(36 KB)
Report on the draft Resolution on minimum guarantees for asylum procedures - Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs
Dossiers: 1995/2220(COS)