15 Written explanations of Wajid KHAN

2016 Report on Turkey (A8-0234/2017 - Kati Piri)

. ‒ Today, Labour MEPs voted in favour of suspending accession with Turkey if it goes ahead with constitutional reforms that threaten the rule of law and separation of powers. Importantly, this report makes it clear that if accession talks are suspended, any accession funding that the EU currently provides should go directly to the NGOs and civil-society organisations that are under threat in an increasingly authoritarian Turkey.
EU action for sustainability (A8-0239/2017 - Seb Dance)

The EU is fully committed to be a frontrunner in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. I supported this report because it devises a strategic approach to achieving sustainable development in Europe and integrating the SDGs in the European policy framework.
EU-Kosovo Framework Agreement on the general principles for the participation of Kosovo in Union programmes (A8-0207/2017 - Ulrike Lunacek)

I voted in favour of the EU-Kosovo Framework Agreement because it will enable the gradual opening and the reinforced participation in certain European Union programmes for Kosovo.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2017/001 ES/Castilla y León mining (A8-0248/2017 - Monika Vana)

I voted in favour of mobilising the EGF for Spain, to support the reintegration in the labour market of workers made redundant in several mining enterprises.
European standards for the 21st century (A8-0213/2017 - Marlene Mizzi)

I voted in favour of this report because it rightfully points out that the successful transition to a digital society requires a strategic approach to standardisation. Europe needs an agile, sustainable and inclusive standardisation system, with the participation and contributions of not only big industry and public authorities, but those of SMEs, consumers and citizens as well.
Towards a pan-European covered bonds framework (A8-0235/2017 - Bernd Lucke)

Due to the divergences in the national system, it is important to ensure, through EU legislation, that all covered bonds in the EU are of high quality, close to risk-free and sustainable in the long run. With this report, we called on the Commission to come forward with a proposal for a more integrated framework of national systems.
The role of fisheries-related tourism in the diversification of fisheries (A8-0221/2017 - Renata Briano)

This report aims to get the European Commission to look at ways of supporting fishers benefit from tourism to coastal communities, and will bring economic and social benefits to fishing villages. I supported this report because when actions are taken on encouraging fisheries-related tourism, employment opportunities will also grow.
Limitation periods for traffic accidents (A8-0206/2017 - Pavel Svoboda)

I voted in favour because this report calls for greater legal certainty at EU level and the simplification of existing national frameworks for the rules of limitation and prescription periods for traffic accidents.
Common minimum standards of civil procedure (A8-0210/2017 - Emil Radev)

As many EU citizens today reside or travel abroad, it is increasingly common for a citizen to come into contact with the justice system of another Member State. I supported this report because it aims at establishing minimum standards across the EU by strengthening the mutual recognition of judgements, cooperation between competent authorities and the judicial protection of individual rights.
Macro-financial assistance to Moldova (A8-0185/2017 - Sorin Moisă)

I voted in favour of granting macrofinancial assistance to Moldova because the EU is willing to assist countries on their path towards building an effective democratic system. We will continue to monitor the Moldovan Government to ensure that those democratic principles are implemented and upheld.
Introduction of temporary autonomous trade measures for Ukraine (A8-0193/2017 - Jarosław Wałęsa)

Autonomous trade measures (ATMs) are an important signal of support to Ukraine. I voted for this report because SMEs and ordinary citizens will benefit from further trade with the EU.
A longer lifetime for products: benefits for consumers and companies (A8-0214/2017 - Pascal Durand)

I voted in favour because this report rightfully points out that the modern ‘use-and-dispose’ culture is not sustainable: we must move to more environmentally friendly economic models, and extending product lifetimes could have a key role to play. Our Group strongly supports the call to move towards more sustainable production and consumption of goods.
Addressing human rights violations in the context of war crimes, and crimes against humanity, including genocide (A8-0222/2017 - Cristian Dan Preda)

Labour MEPs voted in favour of the report, which addresses human rights violations in context of war crimes, genocide and gender-based violence. The report reaffirms the support for the International Criminal Court, as well as urging the EU to engage more with third countries to stop human rights violations. We will now scrutinise the Commission in how it acts as a result of this report.
Private security companies (A8-0191/2017 - Hilde Vautmans)

I supported this report because it recommends further regulation of private security companies, proper and effective control and the implementation of clear and strict rules for PSCs both in Europe and globally.
Working conditions and precarious employment (A8-0224/2017 - Neoklis Sylikiotis)

I voted in favour of this report because it calls for better working conditions and for policies that encourage more stable forms of employment. It defines ‘decent work’ as work that provides a living wage, respect of collective bargaining, workers’ participation in company matters, equal treatment of workers, workplace health and safety, social security protection for workers and their dependents, provisions on working and rest time, protection against dismissal, access to training and lifelong learning and support to work-life balance for all workers.