4 Amendments of Giuseppe FERRANDINO related to 2022/0140(COD)

Amendment 1230 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 33 – paragraph 4
4. Electronic health data entailing protected intellectual property and trade secrets from private enterprises shall be made available for secondary use. Where such data is made available for secondary use, all measures necessary to preserve the confidentiality of IP rights and trade secrets shall be taken.deleted (One of the fundamental principles of intellectual property and commercial property is that they can only be used by the owner or by others with the owner's permission only. In terms of trade secret law, the trade secret holder must take appropriate steps to prevent the disclosure of relevant information and data. It appears that the proposal requires the owner to grant others permission to use their intellectual property or commercial property, including the disclosure of trade secrets.)
Committee: ENVILIBE
Amendment 1347 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 34 – paragraph 1 – point h
(h) providing personalised healthcare consisting in assessing, maintaining or restoring the state of health of natural persons, based on the health data of other natural persons.; analyze general trends and patterns in population health status to develop more competitive rates for insurance products
Committee: ENVILIBE
Amendment 1369 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 35 – paragraph 1 – point a
(a) a) taking decisions detrimental to a natural person based on their electronic health data, including but not limited to offers of employment, offering less favourable terms in the provision of goods or services; in order to qualify as “decisions”, they must produce legal effects or similarly significantly affect those natural persons;
Committee: ENVILIBE
Amendment 1375 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 35 – paragraph 1 – point b
(b) taking decisions in relation to a natural person or groups of natural persons to exclude them from the benefit of an insurance contract or to modify their contributions and insurance premiums; except for purposes consistent with scientific research activities, such as the analysis of general trends and patterns in the state of population health, and the development and innovation of products and services in the health or care sector, including in particular the purposes set forth in Article 34 points (e), (f), and (h)
Committee: ENVILIBE