2 Amendments of Jan Marinus WIERSMA related to 2008/2020(INI)

Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Observes with concern that profiling is widely applied while significant questions remain with regard to definition, legal standards, and safeguards; stresses the need for adequate democratic scrutiny of investigative practices and data- processing procedures in order to ensure full compliance with national, European and international legal obligations; notes that doubts about the value of ethnic profiling have been raised even from within law- enforcement services;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Stresses that close international cooperation is indispensable in the fight against terrorism and serious crime; emphasises that such cooperation needs to be in line with international law as well as European norms and values; considers that the EU should avoid investigative approaches that could unnecessarily harm diplomatic relations, hamper such international cooperation in the fight against terrorism and serious crime, or damage its image in the world and its credibility as a promotor of international law; believes that European standards for equal treatment, non-discrimination and legal protection should continue to set an example;
Committee: AFET