8 Amendments of Klemen GROŠELJ related to 2019/2213(BUD)

Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Regrets that the Member States have so far not managed to reach an agreement on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 and the reform of the own resources system, which puts at risk the timely start of the new programmes and thus the Union’s ability to achieve its political priorities; notes that the MFF is the basis for the annual budget and that, in the absence of an MFF regulation, guidelines on the 2021 budget can only reflect Parliament’s general position on the MFF;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Emphasises the need to increase the funding for the Western Balkan countries and the countries of the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood in order to support political and economic reforms, with a focus on the most committed partners; stresses the need to particularly support pro-European and pro- democratic forces in these regions, thereby fostering the development of EU values and respect for the rule of law;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 24 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Underlines that the new Heading 1 (‘Single Market, Innovation and Digital’) will be instrumental for boosting innovation-led, sustainable economic growth and contributing to the transition towards a climate-neutral society in line with the Paris Agreement; highlights furthermore the importance of the new Heading 5 (‘Security and Defence’), which includes the new European Defence Fund and essential funds for nuclear safety and decommissioning;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 35 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5 a. calls for increased transparency and scrutiny of EFI funding in recipient countries, so as to ensure that financial resources are used to the most efficient and effective degree possible; calls for increased cooperation and consultation with local beneficiaries throughout the budgetary planning and implementation phases; stresses the need to promote the visibility of EFIs by raising awareness of their positive impact and benefits;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 38 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Recalls Parliament’s position on the overall financial envelope for Horizon Europe of EUR 120 billion (in 2018 prices); calls on the Commission in this regard to present the 2021 draft budget accordingly to ensure that research and innovation activities will continuebe ambitiously funded without disruption, including in areas that are essential for the EU’s strategic autonomy and benefit its citizens and society, such as digital transformation, healthcare and space; recalls in this context the importance of fundamental research;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 58 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Underlines that all areas of the budget, including its revenue side, need to contribute to the overall goals of the European Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals; recalls in this context the importance of the introduction of a Just Transition Fund to address societal, socio-economic and environmental impacts on workers and communities adversely affected by the transition from coal and carbon dependence, and calls for solid financing of the fund in order to maximise the leverage effect, but not at the expense of other EU programmes;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 71 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Underlines the need for an ambitious draft budget, in particular forwhich needs to become operational as soon as possible in order to help make the EU more competitive; recognises in particular the important role of new programmes such as the Digital Europe Programme, which needaims to become operational oost investments in vital future areas soonuch as possible in order to help make the EU more competsupercomputing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and advanced digital skills, thereby maximising the benefits of digitalisation and strengthening the EU’s technological capacitives;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 78 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Underlines the importance of SMEs as an essential part of the EU economy, as they provide a high number of jobs in the EU, account for a majority of new jobs created and play a vital role in research and innovation and in the uptake of R&I results; urges the Commission therefore to ensure a smooth transition from COSME to the new Single Market Programme and from the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) and other financial instruments to InvestEU; stresses the need to facilitate access to finance for SMEs and recalls in this context the role of the European Innovation Council (EIC) in supporting top class innovators, entrepreneurs and small companies;
Committee: ITRE