171 Written questions of Cindy FRANSSEN
Shortages of medicines in the European Union
Working conditions of non-EU workers in the EU's road transport sector
Better access to public transport for wheelchair users
Measures against carcinogens in baby milk
Lack of up-to-date data on violence against women
Prices of train tickets
Exploitation of tomato pickers in southern Italy
Shortages of medicinal products in the European Union
Measures against carcinogens in baby milk
European measures against exposure to harmful substances in the workplace
Combating homelessness
Development of a unified EU brain health strategy
Evacuation of people with disabilities in case of fire
Harmful substances in bamboo eating utensils
Fighting child labour in cobalt mines and battery production
Monitoring of posted workers from countries outside the European Union
Social security contributions of seasonal workers in agriculture and horticulture
Monitoring of the issuing of A1 documents for posted workers
Transparency in the pricing of medicines
Inclusion of adolescents and young adults as a separate group in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan
Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and a non-toxic circular economy
The need for coordinated European travel advice when disasters occur
Possible impact of wind turbines on health
Homelessness and Covid-19
Use of European funds in Belgium
Use of ESF and ERDF in Belgium
Impact of COVID-19 on citizens and families facing energy poverty
Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and coronavirus
Rare diseases and employability
Sustainable food systems in developing countries
Rise in domestic violence due to COVID-19 measures
Forest fires in the Chernobyl region
Mental health and the new Occupational Health and Safety Strategy
Digital taxes – trade war
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Erasmus+ programme
Decent work in the retail sector — including after the impact of COVID-19
Zero tolerance for child labour
Counterfeit medicines in the European Union
Disability focal points
Disability focal points
Action plan for asbestos-free Union
Exposure to asbestos fibres.
Increased cancer risk from sunbeds
Traceability of chemical substances in the event of serious fires or accidents
Supporting innovation and ensuring a level playing field for European companies that substitute substances of very high concern
Assessment of botanicals under Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 1925/2006
Teleworking for people with disabilities
Impact of air pollution on public health
Implementation of Directive (EU) 2018/957 concerning the posting of workers
Task Force on Equality
Inappropriate terms used by Eurostat
International sanctions imposed on Cuba during the COVID-19 pandemic
Creation of an EU access board
Mainstream homelessness programmes
Ratification and implementation of the Istanbul Convention
Revision of directive on carcinogens and mutagens
Protection against reprotoxic substances
Raising awareness during the renovation wave of the dangers of asbestos
Data on people with disabilities in the EU
The impact of COVID-19 on cancer diagnoses and screening in the EU
Implications of the Indian Government decision to amend the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)
Transparency of research and development costs of medicines
The Commission’s most recent plans to strengthen European health and the European Health Union
Follow-up parliamentary question: letter of formal notice regarding transposition by the Member States of Directive (EU) 2018/957 amending the directive on the posting of workers
The European Schools
Phthalates in toys on the European market
The presence of phthalates in toys from third countries
Need for the mainstreaming of policies to tackle homelessness
Support for Member State projects from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF)
Istanbul Convention - preventing and combating violence against women
Transparency of vaccine purchase contracts
Questions for written answer to the Commission (Rule 138)
European social security number
European Globalisation Adjustment Fund applications
Second revision of the Carcinogens Directive
Harmful substances in face masks
European Disability Card
Political advertising
Digital levy
Sustainability impact assessment of the EU-Mercosur trade agreement
Poverty reduction objectives for 2030
CO2 emissions from cars
Providing equal possibilities for the sequencing of coronavirus genomes in the Member States
The temporary Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (SURE) instrument and the European unemployment benefit reinsurance scheme
Immediate adoption of a tax on financial speculation by pioneering countries to win climate, employment and health battles
Teleworking cross-border workers
Transposition of Biological Agents Directive 2000/54/EC
Recognition of breast cancer in men as a rare disease
Risk management regarding the use of electric vehicles
Updating the information requirements for endocrine‑disrupting chemicals
Protection of persons with disabilities from discrimination outside employment
Situation of women and girls with disabilities
Industrial accidents involving posted workers
Minimum ergonomic standards for workstations at home
PFAS pollution
Third revision of the Carcinogens Directive
EU web accessibility for persons with disabilities
Use of hazardous substances such as FBSA in the EU
Discharges of hazardous substances such as FBSA
Follow-up parliamentary question: letter of formal notice regarding transposition by the Member States of Directive (EU) 2018/957 amending the directive on the posting of workers
Transposition of the second revision of Directive (EU) 2019/130
Transposition of the first revision of Directive (EU) 2019/130
Transposition of the third revision of Directive (EU) 2019/130
EGF support in 2021
Revision of Biological Agents Directive
Booster shots for 12- to 17-year-olds and possible obstruction of free movement of persons
Protection against hearing damage at work - review of Directive 2003/10/EC
Social dumping by P&O Ferries
EU-ratification of the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190)
Ratification of the protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Gender gap regarding pensions
Presence of harmful substances in perfumes
Follow-up question on teleworking for cross-border workers
Monitoring Regulation (EU) 2020/1054 on driving times and rest periods
Monitoring of Regulation (EU) 2020/1055 concerning rules for access to the profession of road transport operator
Transposition of Directive (EU)2020/1057
Fight against poverty 2030
Child oncological refugees from Ukraine
Rising demand for food aid
Housing First
Pursuit of 2030 target for increasing number of adults in training
Need to assess implementation of Web Accessibility Directive
AccessibleEU – state of play
Inventory of accessibility infrastructure on the railways
Clarifications on the uptake of NAMs in the context of the update of REACH information requirements
Request for information on Draft Commission Implementing Act D080345 (SANTE/10146/2022)
EU restriction on harmful chemicals in single-use diapers
Action plan to eliminate all non-essential uses of per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS)
Transposition of the Work-Life Balance Directive
Follow-up concerning the objective of increasing the employment rate by 2030
Chromium (VI) and interpretation of what constitutes hazardous waste
European tracking service for pensions
European care strategy
Transposition of the directive on accessibility
Follow-up question regarding the lack of data on violence against women
European funds allocated to Belgium
Follow-up question on access to public transport for wheelchair users
Need for academic pathway for cell therapy cancer treatment
European disability card (EDC)
European social security card
Follow-up question on social security contributions of seasonal workers in agriculture and horticulture
Revision of the directive on safety and health for the workplace
Ratification of ILO Conventions 155 and 187
Revision of the directive on chemical agents at work to incorporate new limit values for diisocyanates and lead
Revision of the directive on safety and health regarding work with display screen equipment
Occupational safety and health summit in 2023
Campaign on psychosocial and ergonomic risks
Revising public procurement legislation to stop the publicly financed race to the bottom on working conditions
Ratification of ILO Convention No 190 on violence and harassment (2019)
Follow-up question (E-001534/2022): Ratification of the protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Follow-up question (E-003484/2022): Ratification of ILO Conventions 155 and 187
Transposition of the fourth revision of Directive (EU) 2022/431
Follow-up question: E-000923/2022 (E-000923/2022(ASW)): Protection against hearing damage at work - review of Directive 2003/10/EC
Follow-up question (E-000088/2022): Transposition of the third revision of Directive (EU) 2019/130
Follow-up question (E-003482/2022): Revision of the directive on safety and health regarding work with display screen equipment
Follow-up question to the Council (E-001535/2022) on the ratification by the EU of ILO Convention No 190 on violence and harassment
Follow up to question P-003289/2022 on the transposition of the directive on accessibility
Follow up to question E-003485/2022 on the revision of the directive on safety and health for the workplace
The international fight against poliomyelitis
Legislative proposal on the screening and registration of asbestos in buildings
Follow-up question: inventory of accessibility infrastructure on the railways
Follow-up question: Transposition of the Work-Life Balance Directive
Combating poverty 2030
Transposition of the Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions
Objective of increasing the rate of adult participation in training
Objective of increasing the employment rate by 2030
Transposition of the directive on aviation’s contribution to the emission reduction target
Transposition of the directive on the European emissions trading system
Transposition of the directive on reducing the environmental impact of plastic
Ageism in cancer-related healthcare
ESF+ funds for tackling homelessness