16 Written questions of Henrike HAHN
Conditions of detention and detainees’ fundamental rights in the European Union
Green Deal compatibility criteria for Projects of Common Interest
CRII and CRII+ in the light of the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities
TEN-E revision, TYNDP and 5th PCI list
Subsidising Estonia's oil shale industry with co-firing biomass does not merit state aid
Equivalence of European School results at national level
Recognition in Germany of European Baccalaureate results
Prosecution of NGOs in Greece
Renegotiation of the Energy Charter Treaty: alignment with the Paris Agreement before the 2021 COP and next steps envisaged by the EU
Energy Charter Treaty renegotiation: the EU’s position regarding fossil fuels protection, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism and public information
How to reach climate-neutral data centres by 2030
Transparency of contracts for COVID-19 vaccines
Providing support to tackle India’s COVID-19 public health emergency
Questions about China's rare earths export restrictions
Construction of a wall on the Polish-Belarusian border in the Białowieża Forest
The human rights situation in Xinjiang, including the Xinjiang police files