Activities of Sergey LAGODINSKY related to 2020/2023(INI)

Legal basis opinions (0)

Amendments (63)

Amendment 17 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F
F. whereas as a third country, the UK cannot be subject to the same obligations, have the same rights and enjoy the same benefits as a member and the situation in both the EU and the UK will therefore change significantly as of January 2021;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital I
I. whereas the EU and UK agreed in the Political Declaration that the future relationship should be underpinned by shared values such as the respect for and safeguarding of human rights and fundamental freedoms, democratic principles, the rule of law and support for non-proliferation, and that these values are an essential prerequisite for cooperation within the framework of the Political Declaration; whereas the future relationship should incorporate the United Kingdom’s continued commitment to respect the framework of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)and the UN Charter, principles of disarmament, peace and security as well as sustainable development;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 54 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3 a. Calls on the Commission to conduct negotiations transparently; urges the Commission to ensure in this respect public consultation and constant dialogue with social partners and civil society, as well as with national parliaments;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 56 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 c (new)
3 c. Is of the opinion that an agreement can only be concluded if based on and fully compliant with the social, environmental and human rights standards enshrined in the relevant European and international Treaties and Agreements, including the continued adherence to the European Convention on Human Rights and its monitoring and enforcement mechanisms;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 81 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 b (new)
3 b. Notes the substantial divergences between both Parties, including on the scope and the legal architecture of the text to be negotiated; expresses deep concern at the limited scope of the future partnership envisaged by the UK Government, and points out that the UK’s proposals fall short of its commitments under the Withdrawal Agreement and the Political Declaration; Insists that any agreement on a new relationship between the EU and the UK must be coherent and adapted to the geographical proximity of both parties, on the one hand, and to the high level of interconnectedness of both parties’ economies; rejects in this regard any ‘cherry-picking’ of various elements from different legal and trade frameworks applicable in the context of relations between the EU and various other third countries; In particular rejects the exclusion of sectors such as subsidies, competition policy, trade and labour, trade and environment, and taxation from the Agreement’s dispute resolution mechanism, and the proposal of separate agreements with specific governance mechanisms in areas such as law enforcement and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, nuclear cooperation, or political dispute resolution mechanisms in areas related to data exchange for law enforcement purposes, and operational cooperation between law enforcement authorities;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 86 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Underlines the fact that from the EU’s perspective, the aim of the negotiations is to establish a new partnership with the UK that is comprehensive and covers the areas outlined in the Political Declaration: trade and economic cooperation, law enforcement and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, foreign policy, security and defence, and thematic areas of cooperation such as cooperation on sustainable development;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 102 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6 a. Regrets the insufficient efforts taken by the UK and the EU-27 Member States to raise awareness among citizens on the effects of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and to initiate or step up targeted information campaigns to inform all citizens covered by the Withdrawal Agreement of their rights and any possible changes to their status, including the application of the social security coordination rules. Recalls that citizens affected by the UK’s withdrawal rely on timely and reliable information regarding their rights and status and urges both the EU27 and UK to prioritize this matter;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 112 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 b (new)
6 b. Recalls that Article184 of the Withdrawal Agreement stipulates that the Union and the United Kingdom shall use their best endeavours, in good faith and in full respect of their respective legal orders, to take the necessary steps to negotiate expeditiously the agreements governing their future relationship; notes with concern that substantial divergences between both Parties persist at this stage of the negotiations, including on the scope and the legal architecture of the text to be negotiated; regrets, in this regard, the UK’s lack of willingness to engage in a wide number of critical issues; is furthermore concerned about theCOVID- 19 pandemic’s negative impact on the timeline planned for the conclusion of the negotiations on a comprehensive future partnership before the end of the transition period on 31st December 2020; warns that these factors increase the risk of a cliff-edge scenario in which the lack of agreement on a comprehensive future partnership ensuring a smooth transition and all the necessary institutional arrangements will lead to additional economic damage on top of the COVID- 19 crisis; reiterates in this context the possibility set out in Article 132 of the Withdrawal Agreement for the Joint Committee to adopt a decision extending the transition period beyond 31 of December 2020; recalls that such a decision to extend the transition period must be taken by 1 July2020.
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 114 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 c (new)
6 c. Recalls that serious threats to health-such as those due to outbreaks of infectious diseases, pandemics or other environmental factors transcend borders; therefore calls on both parties to cooperate over the long term to prevent, detect, prepare for and respond to established and emerging threats to health security; calls in this regard, for ongoing cooperation between the EU and UK to effectively combat to COVID-19 pandemic; Stresses the importance of preventing shortages of medicinal products and medical devices; urges national authorities and stakeholders to ensure that the process of redistributing nationally authorised medicinal products is concluded by the end of the transition period; considers it essential that the UK and the EU maintain a coordinated Europe-wide approach in areas such as emergency preparedness, risk assessment, management and communication, the development of new antimicrobials, vaccines and other medicines; considers that should one of the Parties not take adequate measures to address a health threat, the other party may adopt unilateral measures to protect public health;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 115 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 d (new)
6 d. Underlines the importance of stepping up preparedness and contingency measures well ahead of the transition period, especially in the event of a stalemate in negotiations; stresses that such contingency measures should be temporary and unilateral;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 116 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 e (new)
6 e. Calls in particular for targeted actions to ensure continued and rapid access to safe medicines and medical devices for patients; considers that in order to ensure patient safety, the EU and UK should work towards the mutual recognition of professional qualifications to ensure the mobility of medical and health professionals; underlines the need to properly finance preparedness actions and give priority to health and safety aspects, particularly with respect to pharmaceuticals and medical devices;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 117 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 f (new)
6 f. Stresses the need to include a stand-alone ICC clause in the future agreement, with a view to commit both parties to cooperate in the fight against impunity and the promotion of international justice; both sides should reaffirm therein their support for the International Criminal Court and its work, agree to cooperate to promote the universality and integrity of the Rome Statute and related instruments and agree to strengthen their dialogue on and cooperation with the ICC and its work;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 126 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Insists on having solid guaranteStresses that the UK wifull implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement effectively and in, including the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, its entirety before the end of the transition periodan essential pre-condition and basic element to ensure the trust needed for a successful future partnership between the EU and the UK, in order to prevent disruption and to provide legal certainty for citizens and economic agents ; stresses that monitoring its implementation should be an integral part of the work on the future relations;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 129 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 a (new)
8 a. Reminds that the Withdrawal Agreement provides for reciprocal protection for Union citizens and British citizens, including their family members; demands that both EU and British citizens be provided with all the necessary information with regard to their rights and to the procedures to be followed to continue living, working and traveling in/to their country of residence; reiterates that citizens' rights will remain an absolute priority and calls for the continuation of the citizens’ rights guaranteed under the Withdrawal Agreement for both EU and UK citizens and their families ; recalls its commitment to monitor EU-27 implementation of part two of the Withdrawal Agreement and reiterates that a consistent and generous approach in protecting the rights of UK citizens resident in the EU-27 is essential;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 138 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Recalls that under the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, after the end of the transition period the UK, while being a third country, will have the task of implementing parts of the Union Customs Code, which will require unprecedented structures to be set up even before the end of the transition period, necessitating due consideration for the issue of proper implementation and enforcement; calls on the Commission to carry out efficient checks and controls; notes that the term goods ‘at risk of subsequently being moved into the Union’ used in Article 5 of that Protocol is unclear and depends on subsequent decisions of the Joint Committee which are exempt from formal European Parliament scrutiny; requests to be kept fully informed on the application of that Article and any proposals for decisions of the Joint Committee in that regard; expresses concern at the UK Government public statements showing lack of political will to fully comply with its legal commitments under the Withdrawal Agreement, namely regarding checks on goods in the Irish Sea;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 157 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 a (new)
11 a. Considers that the devolved administrations should be fully informed and included in the decisions related to the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement and in the decisions taken by the Joint Committee;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 165 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Takes note that the UK has chosen to establish its future economic and trade partnership with the EU on the basis of a ‘Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement’ as laid down in the UK’s Approach to Negotiations; emphasises that, while the European Parliament is supportive of the EU constructively negotiating a balanced, ambitious and comprehensive FTA with the UK, by its nature an FTA will never be equivalent to ‘frictionless’ trade; shares the Commission’s negotiating position whereby the scope and ambition of an FTA that the EU would agree to is conditional on the UK agreeing to comprehensive, binding and enforceable provisions related to the level playing field, given the geographical proximity and integration of markets, as well as on the conclusion of an sustainable and balanced agreement on fisheries;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 167 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12 a (new)
12 a. Reiterates its support for a broad and ambitious free-trade agreement, with zero tariffs and zero quotas, but only if the United Kingdom commits to “zero dumping”; stresses in particular that the fight against climate change, halting and reversing biodiversity loss, promoting sustainable development, environment, and major health issues, social and labour rights and the precautionary principle should constitute essential elements of the envisaged partnership;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 172 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12 b (new)
12 b. Strongly believes that any agreement reached with the United Kingdom should be fully conditional on respect for the Paris Agreement; recalls the Commission’s commitment to make the respect of the Paris Agreement an essential element of all future comprehensive trade agreements; further considers that both Parties should not only uphold the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, but also the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification; stresses that the respect of these international agreements should be binding and enforceable;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 180 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 – point i
(i) reciprocal arrangement for mutually beneficial market access for goods, services, public procurement, recognition of professional qualifications and where relevant foreign direct investment to be negotiated in full compliance with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules; underlines moreover the need for stable, reliable and sustainable value chains;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 183 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 – point i a (new)
(i a) Considers that in order to be fully in line with the European Green Deal and in particular, the recycling targets set by the Circular Economy Action Plan for 2030, the future EU-UK partnership should allow for the application of quantitative limits,performance measures and other restrictions including local content and local ownership in certain cases;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 184 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 – point ii
(ii) commitment by both parties to continue working together for strong, rules-based free and fair, fair and sustainable development-oriented trade in international fora, with a view to achieving effective multilateralism;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 187 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 – point iii
(iii) while striving for the widest possible trade in goods, the Commission should evaluate possible quotas and tariffs for the most sensitive sectors as well as the need for safeguard clauses to protect the integrity of the EU single market; reiterates, moreover, that for instance with respect to food and agricultural products, access to the single market is conditional on strict compliance with all EU laws and standards, including requirements relating to production processes, particularly in the fields of food safety, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), pesticides, geographical indications, animal welfare, labelling and traceability, sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards, and human, animal and plant health; further considers that any SPS measures applied by the Parties to protect human, animal or plant health should be based on risk assessments, with full respect for the precautionary principle;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 195 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 – point iv
(iv) rules of origin should mirror the most recent EU FTAs and be based on the interests of EU producers; the Agreement should safeguard the framework of existing commercial relationships between the EU and third countries and avoid any free- riding by ensuring consistency in keeping a tuned tariff and quota system and rules of origin for products vis-à-vis third countries; stresses, in addition, that rules of origin for food products in particular should be fully respected and that clear rules in relation to the transformation of food products in the United Kingdom should be defined to avoid the circumvention of EU requirements, especially in the context of possible Free Trade Agreement signed by the UK with other countries;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 201 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 – point vi
(vi) commitments on services should be made with the aim of delivering a level of liberalisation in trade in services well beyond the parties’ WTO commitments, building on recent EU FTAs, while safeguarding the high quality of the EU’s public servicesensuring that standstill and ratchet clauses do not apply and excluding current and future EU Services of General Interest as well as services of General Economic Interest in accordance with the TFEU and in particular Protocol 26 on Services of General Interest; audio-visual services should also be excluded from provisions related to liberalisation; reiterates that under an FTA market access for services is limited and always subject to exclusions, reservations and exceptions; all modes of supply of services should be covered, including commitments on the movement of natural persons across borders (Mode 4) and provisions, linked to EU rules and the respect for equal treatment of workers and recognition of professional qualifications; the arrangements should include provisions on market access and national treatment under host state rules to ensure that EU service providers are treated in a non- discriminatory manner, including with regard to establishment as well as regulatory coordination platforms; the new arrangements should allow for the temporary entry and stay of natural persons for business purposes with the aim of providing services;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 206 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 – point vii
(vii) there should be opportunities for access to public procurement markets beyond WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) commitments, guaranteeing market access for EU companies in strategic sectors at all levels of government and a degree of openness equal to the EU’s public procurement markets provided that there is a level playing field; regrets the fact, in this regard, that the UK’s initial negotiating position does not cover public procurement; stresses that ecological and social criteria, including corporate environmental and human rights due diligence, gender equality, local benefit and local content should also apply in awarding public procurement contracts instead of the sole use of lowest price criterion;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 213 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 – point viii
(viii) strong and enforceable measures covering the recognition and high-level protection of intellectual property rights, such as copyright and related rights, trademarks and industrial designs, geographical indications, patents and trade secretsincluding Geographical indications (GI), based on the current and future EU legal framework, ensuring the same level of protection as that provided for by the Withdrawal Agreement; Stresses that GI protection enshrined in the Withdrawal Agreement is not negotiable;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 218 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 – point x
(x) for a trade agreement to be comprehensive, it must include provisions to ensure continued regulatory alignment of the UK with the EU in the future; in order to facilitate trade, cross-cutting disciplines on regulatory coherence and non-tariff barriers should be negotiated, mindful of the voluntary nature of regulatory cooperation and the right to regulate in the public interests, while preserving the regulatory autonomy and parliamentary rights, and recalling that provisions on regulatory cooperation in a trade agreement cannot fully replicate the same frictionless trade as provided for by membership of the single market; In this respect, underlines that any future partnership with the UK should include robust prudential carve-outs in order to legally guarantee both parties’ rights to regulate in the public interest; regulatory alignment on the market surveillance of products and on robust product standards should be an essential and irreplaceable part of the FTA to ensure a level playing field for EU businesses and a high level of protection for EU consumers;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 222 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 – point xii
(xii) ambitious provisions allowing for the development of digital trade, and to address unjustified barriers to trade by electronic means, and ensure an open, secure and trustworthy online environment for businesses and consumers, and regulating cross-border data flows, including principles such as fair competition and ambitious rules for cross- border data transfers, in full compliance with, and without prejudice to, the EU’s current and future data protection and privacy rules; Horizontal and ambitious legal safeguards in terms of data protection and privacy should apply to the entire future agreement;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 232 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13 – point xiii a (new)
(xiii a) regrets that the EU legal text does not contain an ambitious chapter on trade and gender equality, as requested by the European Parliament, and recalls that the consequences of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU on gender equality should be taken into account, including by ensuring a level playing field for EU actions protecting and advancing the role of women in economy, for instance in terms of measures combatting the gender pay gap;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 236 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Regrets the UK’s negotiating position with the EU of hitherto not engaging in detailed negotiations on the level playing field; points out that this position does not reflect paragraph 77 of the Political Declaration signed by both sides; Stresses that an ambitious and comprehensive LPF chapter, subject to binding and enforceable provisions, is a necessary condition for the European Parliament to give its consent to a trade agreement with the UK; Deplores strongly that the UK refuses that provisions on labour law in the future FTA should be subject to the Agreement's dispute resolution mechanism, but does not specify what sort of dispute settlement mechanism would apply in this area. Recalls that dispute settlement mechanisms must be available for all elements of the Agreement;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 242 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Reiterates that given the UK’s 15. geographic proximity and economic interdependence with the EU, the breadth and depth of the agreement on a level playing field will be essential in determining the extent of the overall future EU-UK relationship; considers, therefore, that a level playing field must be ensured and EU standards safeguarded in order to avoid a ‘race to the bottom’, with a view to dynamic alignment of policies and legislation; stresses the need to ensure that the UK does not gain an unfair competitive advantage through the undercutting of levels of protection and to prevent regulatory arbitrage by market operators;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 244 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15 a (new)
15 a. Reiterates that, with a view to preserving the integrity of the EU and its single market, of citizens’rights, the customs union and the indivisibility of the four freedoms, it is crucial to ensure that the level of quota and duty free access to the world’s largest single market fully corresponds to the extent of regulatory convergence and the commitments taken with respect to observing a level playing field for open and fair competition with a view to dynamic alignment; underlines that it requires a combination of substantive rules and measures, including non-regression clauses and mechanisms to ensure effective implementation, enforcement and dispute settlement;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 248 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16 – introductory part
16. Recalls its determination to prevent any kind of ‘dumping’ in the framework of the future EU-UK relationship; considers that a key outcome of the negotiations is to guarantee a level playing field through robust commitments and enforceable provisions on:
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 251 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16 – point ii
(ii) relevant tax matters, including the fight against tax evasion and avoidance and money laundering as well as financial services ;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 257 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16 – point iv
(iv) environmental protection and climate change related standards, including on sustainable finance and the promotion of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals; insists that these as well as food standards, biodiversity and fight against climate change are crucial parts of the LPF;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 261 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16 – point vi a (new)
(via) responsible business conduct, including measures aimed towards full implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 262 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Points out that these provisions should ensure that standards are not lowered, while empowering both parties to modify commitments over time to lay down higher standards or include additional areas; stresses that a ‘ratchet clause’ for future levels of protection is not sufficient, as it does not provide for a level playing field nor incentives to raise ambition levels, and considers that should a Party increase its level of protection in any of the LPF areas, the other Party should ensure that its standards and targets offer at least an equivalent level; stresses, moreover, that commitments and provisions should be enforceable by autonomous interim measures, a solid dispute settlement mechanism and remedies, with a view to dynamic alignment;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 274 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Reiterates the need to maintain high standards and a level playing field in the areas of medicinal products, medical devices, food safety and labelling, and veterinary, phytosanitary, and environmental policy and standards; In particular, stresses the importance that the United Kingdom remains dynamically aligned on Pharmaceuticals, medical devices, chemical safety legislation, including endocrine disrupting chemicals and REACH, in order for UK companies to continue to have access to the Single Market;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 279 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12 c (new)
12c. Highlights the importance of the two parties increasing their 2030targets as a necessary step towards their commitment to decarbonisation by 2050; considers that the UK should fully align itself with the EU’s current and future climate policy framework, including revised 2030 and 2040 targets and trajectories to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 as well as commitments made under the Paris Agreement;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 281 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 28 b (new)
28b. Welcomes the United Kingdom's standing commitment to combat climate change in full respect of the goals of the Paris Agreement. Emphasises the importance of cooperation between the UK and the EU to strengthen and implement those commitments. Reiterates that ambitious climate and environmental policy targets are under pressure world- wide and urges the UK and EU to work together to make these global commitments a reality. Considers that such mutually beneficial cooperation must be systematic, continuous and part of the aforementioned Foreign Policy Framework.
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 291 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Regrets the fact that the UK negotiating objectives published on 27 February stated that foreign policy will be determined merely within a framework of broader friendly dialogue and cooperation between the UK and the EU;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 302 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
23. Deplores the fact that the UK is showing no ambition for relreluctant to agree on a deep cooperations with the EU in the field of foreign policy, peace, security and defence and that these were explicitly not covered by the UK mandate and therefore do not form part of the 11 negotiating tables;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 311 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24
24. Recalls that both the EU and the UK share principles, values and interests and a commitment to promoting global prosperity, security and effective multilateralism; stresses that it is in both sides’ interest to maintain an ambitious, close and lasting cooperation that serves the security of Europe and it citizens and contributes to global stability, the protection of human rights and peace in line with the objectives and principles set out in Article 21 of the TEU as well as the UN Charter;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 313 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Observes that a deeply integrated and coordinated international cooperation between UK and the EU is of an unparalleled asset for both Treaty parties and for the global world order in general as both sides share a longstanding experience of joint international actions as well as similar approaches and shared interests in effective multilateralism, safeguarding peace, security and sustainability as well as defending and implementing human rights. Expresses its wish that the concept of deep and preferential foreign policy cooperation, providing for less mutual obligations than a Union membership, but more coordination than a mere neighbourhood, would be the right way to capitalize on common experience and shared values
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 314 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 b (new)
1b. Proposes that such coordination in international arena should be governed by a joint UK-EU Foreign Policy Framework (FPF), offering both sides a systematic platform for high level consultations and coordination on foreign policy issues
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 316 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24 a (new)
24a. States the EU’s strong interest in such a foreign affairs and security partnership, given mutual benefits resulting from the UK’s and France’s permanent seat in the Security Council, UK’s and EU members’ highly performant diplomatic service, and the fact that the UK possesses the most powerful armed forces in Europe;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 317 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24 b (new)
24b. Proposes to base the future partnership on a very close and regular cooperation and coordination in the UN, in particular the UN Security Council and the UN Human Rights Council;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 321 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25
25. Underlines the fact that the EU is an important partner for the UK in foreign and security policy, as the need for common responses to address foreign, security and defence policy challenges is crucial to both sides; reminds that both the UK and the EU face the same threats, risks and challenges; encourages the exchange of information and intelligence as well as close cooperation in the areas of counter-terrorism, space policy, cyberwarfare and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) defence;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 329 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26
26. Emphasises that as of 1 January 2021, if there is no agreement on cooperation in foreign and security policy, the UK will be considered a third country, which will have an impact on existing cooperation in foreign and security policy;deleted
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 333 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 28 a (new)
28a. Calls on both the EU and UK to strengthen international peace and stability in particular at UN level and by developing joint strategies on how to strengthen UN peacekeeping efforts; Emphasizes the importance of continuing a longstanding intense cooperation in crisis prevention, women’s and gender rights, global climate protection, and worldwide protection of human rights and democracy and anti-discrimination standards and rule of law; Calls on systematic preferential cooperation in peace keeping operations;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 343 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 27
27. Considers that it is in the common interest of the UK and the EU to cooperate on the development of effective and genuinely interoperable defence capabilities, including within the European Defence Agency, and to continue the highly valuable partnerships within NATO and EU programmes on defence and external security, such as the European Defence Fund, Galileo and cyber-security programmes; calls on both the EU and UK to develop a joint approach to standardisation of defence technology;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 348 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 28
28. Recalls that a number of restrictive measures (sanctions regimes) are currently in force in the UK under EU legislation; underlines the fact that the UK will still be bound to apply UN sanctions regimes following its withdrawal; recognises the effective use of sanctions for human rights, democracy, rule of law in accordance with the UN Charter; calls for the establishment of a proper coordination mechanism for sanctions between both parties in order to maximise their impact and to ensure convergence and that mutual interests are pursued and met in the promotion of common values; believes that both sides should work on a joint strategy on how to improve the effective implementation of sanctions, also by third parties;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 356 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 29
29. Encourages the UK to participate in EU crisis management operations and in CSDP missions and operations, through the signing of a framework participation agreement, as well as in projects under Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), with the corresponding rights and obligations of third countries and based on effective reciprocity;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 358 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24 c (new)
24c. Invites the UK to take a prominent role in EU crisis management actions by contributing to civilian and military CSDP operations;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 360 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 29 a (new)
29a. Stresses the mutual importance between security and development; encourages both the EU and the UK to closely cooperate on sustainable development and humanitarian aid; recalls both parties the importance to commit on achieving the 0.7 % ODA/GNI target and to support the principle of Policy Coherence for Development; Believes that the post-Cotonou partnership and the EU-Africa Strategy can benefit from an effective cooperation with the UK which address high social, human rights and environmental protection standards, in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Paris agreement;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 361 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 30
30. Recalls that effective international arms control, disarmament and non- proliferation regimes are a cornerstone of global and European security; recalls the importance of a coherent and credible European strategy for multilateral negotiations at global level and on regional de-escalation and confidence-building measures; calls on the UK to commit to remain compliant with the criteria of Common Position 2008/944/CFSPP12 reminds the important role the UK played as regards the development and establishment of such norms, institutions and organisations; invites the UK to develop a joint strategy with the EU as regards this policy areas; calls on the UK to commit to remain compliant with the criteria of Common Position 2008/944/CFSPP12 and jointly with the EU, promote the universalisation and strict implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty, the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the renewal of the New START; _________________ 12 OJ L 335, 13.12.2008, p. 99.
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 371 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 32
32. Points out that the entire Agreement with the UK as a third country, including provisions on the level playing field, should include the establishment of a coherent and solid governance system as an overarching framework, covering the joint continuous supervision and management of the Agreement as well as transparent dispute settlement and enforcement mechanisms with sanctions and interim measures where necessary with respect to the interpretation and application of the Agreement’s provisions; is of the opinion that a single, comprehensive and horizontal governance mechanism along these lines should be applicable to the future relation with the UK as a whole, while ensuring consistency with the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement; points out that the conflict resolution mechanism will need to be robust, and that such a mechanism will need to ensure effective, rapidly actionable and dissuasive remedies; Emphasises that the European Parliament will continue to be vigilant regarding the implementation of all provisions; Recalls that the UK, as a former Member State, has developed important institutional cooperation and dialogue structures with the EU that should facilitate making such horizontal arrangements operational;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 381 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Welcomes the provisions of the draft text of the Agreement aiming to preserve the autonomy of the EU legal order, including the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union as the ultimate organ for interpreting of EU law;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 382 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 33 a (new)
33a. Considers that both parties must have in place a functioning system for the effective monitoring of the enforcement of the agreement by an adequately resourced independent body; stresses the importance that the independent body have the right to bring legal action, including against the government, before a competent court or tribunal in an appropriate judicial procedure, with a view to seeking an adequate remedy including sanctions;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 383 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 33 b (new)
33b. Highlights the need to establish a scrutiny system at EU level which allows Parliament and Council to activate through the Commission a dispute settlement system where they consider the UK in breach of the Agreement; stresses that the dispute settlement system should provide for gradual sanctions as well as remedies when it is determined that one of the Parties is in breach of the Agreement; stresses that it will not give its consent to any agreement which may directly or indirectly weaken the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union on questions of Union law;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 385 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34
34. Emphasises that the Agreement in its entirety should be covered by provisions on civil society dialogue, stakeholder involvement and consultation by both parties; insists on the establishment of domestic advisory groups supervising the implementation of the Agreement; Considers that clearer details on the functioning of the Civil Society Forum should be provided, in particular on the way the dialogue and consultation between the Forum and the Council Partnership will be organised;
Committee: AFETINTA
Amendment 387 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34 a (new)
34a. Emphasises that the Agreement should provide the legal basis for provisions enabling the institutional set- up of a joint parliamentary body under the Agreement, endowed with the right to adopt resolutions, recommendations and opinions, including suggestions on amendments to the Agreement in order to uphold a maximum level of duty free quota free market access for both sides, on the status of its implementation to the partners of the Agreement, which, in turn, shall provide a reasoned answer to the joint parliamentary body, explaining which measures it intends to take.
Committee: AFETINTA