2 Amendments of Olivier CHASTEL related to 2021/2151(DEC)

Amendment 3 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Notes that at the end of 2020, a total of 11 recruitments have been completed, including the Executive Director, and the selected staff are working for the Joint Undertaking; notes from the Court’s report that as the need for key administrative staff has yet to be addressed, it presents risks in terms of weaknesses in financial, budgetary and staff management, and in internal control processes for operational payments and in-kind contributions, and that the high proportion of contractual staff (74 %) may result in a significant level of staff turnover in the near future, further increasing the risks to its management systems; points out that it could negatively affect the Joint Undertaking’s overall performance, such as the retention of key competences, unclear accountability channels, and lower staff efficiency; calls on the Joint Undertaking to report to the discharge authority of any development in that regard;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 9 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. Notes from the Court’s report that at the end of 2020, the Joint Undertaking had neither developed reliable procedures for the validation and certification of in- kind contributions declared by its private members and Participating States, nor established an appropriate accounting procedure for the recognition of these in- kind contributions; highlights that this situation impedes Joint Undertaking’s ability to manage, monitor and report on the achievement of the minimum level of in-kind contributions to be made by these Private Members and Participating States; calls on the Joint Undertaking to report to the discharge authority in that regard;
Committee: CONT