7 Amendments of David CORMAND related to 2023/2123(INI)

Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Recital A
A. whereas the EU budget must continue to pave the way forbe a central tool in achieving climate neutrality by 2050; whereas renewable hydrogen has untapped potential that could contribute to achieving this objective;could contribute to achieving this objective by playing an important role in the decarbonisation of hard-to-abate sectors, where no more energy or cost efficient alternatives are available; whereas that 99% of hydrogen produced in 2022 was fossil fuels-based according to the International Energy Agency,1a ; _________________ 1a emission-fuels/hydrogen
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Recital B
B. whereas the EU hydrogen strategy and REPowerEU include an objective of producing 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen in the EU by 2030 and importing the same amount; whereas the total investment required is estimated at almost EUR 1 trillion; whereas these objectives should be in line with the emission reduction pathway developped by the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change2a; _________________ 2a European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change of 15 June 2023 entitled ‘Scientific advice for the determination of an EU-wide 2040 climate target and a greenhouse gas budget for 2030-2050’
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Recalls that a budget of EUR 3 billion was announced for the EHB in the 2022 State of the European Union address; takes note that a budget of EUR 800 million is expected for the first EU pilot auction for renewable hydrogen production; calls onexpects the Commission to detail what further funding will be made available;ere will the funding for this auction come from, and what further funding will be made available; takes note of the announcement of the President of the Commission on 9th October of the first auctions in November 20233a; expects clarifications on the budgetary implementation and mechanisms; calls for the pricing of the premiums to be reviewed and updated if needed in each auctioning period, and for the fixed premiums to be updated in each cycle in order to guarantee the premium is constantly above production costs, to establish a predictable clawback mechanism and to ensure maximum production; _________________ 3a ner/detail/en/speech_23_4866
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 25 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Welcomes the ambition of EHB pillar 1 to spur the development of a domestic market for renewable hydrogen; calls on the Commission to ensure a level playing field when conducting auctions, including by considering support for; recalls that producing renewable hydrogen based on renewable sources from other bidding zones than the production zone; agrees that a well-functioning domestic market requires cross-border hydrogen infrastructure; regrets the fact close as possible to its end use is the most efficient, in particular taking into account the very significant energy loss in transportation; insists on the fact that co-location of production and use for renewable hydrogen projects should be prioritised and transportation should be minimised, and insists that resources should not contribute to infrastructure lock-in; Notes that the Commission’s proposal for the revision of the multiannual financial framework (MFF) did not include an increase in funding for the Connecting Europe Facility;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 31 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Calls on the Commission to assess potential fossil lock-in effects of building pipelines for the transport of hydrogen and its costs;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 34 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Takes note that there is no financing instrument to support the implementation of EHB pillar 2; regrets the fact that the Commission did not submit a proposal in this regard as part of the MFF revision; calls on the Commission to quickly address this concerned that the import of significant amounts of renewable hydrogen could compromise renewable-uptake in partner countries as well as impacts on land and water use and lead to sub-optimal climate and energy policies both within the EU and in partner countries and expects this aspect to be fully considered in the Impact Assessment;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 37 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Stresses the need for dedicated staff to pursue the operations of the EHB and asks for adequate funding in this respect, within the existing institutional framework; underlines the need for additional skilled workers in the field, requiring significant financial investment in re-skilling and upskilling the workforce;
Committee: BUDG