83 Written questions of Caroline ROOSE
Threat to fish stocks in the Channel
Conditions of detention and detainees’ fundamental rights in the European Union
The Commission’s decision to award a contract to BlackRock to oversee the development of ESG factors in the EU banking sector and corporate investment policies
Recruitment of Federica Mogherini as Rector of the College of Europe
Invasion of desert locusts in East Africa and COVID-19
Cases of SARS-CoV-2 on mink farms
Farm to Fork Strategy: exclusion of meat and dairy-related measures from the final roadmap
Audit 2019-6898 carried out by DG SANTE in Romania to evaluate animal welfare during transport by livestock vessel to non-EU countries
Offshore drilling in marine protected areas
Green Deal compatibility criteria for Projects of Common Interest
CRII and CRII+ in the light of the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities
Mandate on US trade negotiations and GMO risk assessment
TEN-E revision, TYNDP and 5th PCI list
Recovery of the European eel
Detailed opinion — Article 10 of the law on transparency of information on agricultural and food products (France)
Mass arrest of LGBTI activists in Poland
Granting of a licence by the German Government for electric pulse fishing
Compatibility of fattening by gavage with EU and European regulations on protecting animals kept for farming purposes
Protection of shortfin mako sharks in the framework of International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
CETA and hormone-treated beef: ‘failures’ in checking Canadian beef imports to Europe
Management and monitoring plans for the Natura 2000 marine sites
French compliance with the Natura 2000 directives
Health issues of people living next to large-scale animal farms
Concrete measures to avoid or overcome the funding gap in the 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy
Senegalese fishing licences and foreign vessels
Food safety risks of imported meat from stolen and unidentified horses from Argentina
Transparency of contracts for COVID-19 vaccines
Effectiveness of the Gulf of Lion fisheries restricted area
Cases of SARS-CoV-2 on mink farms
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and live animal transport
State of play of the Commission’s response to ‘LGBT-free zones’ in Poland
The contribution of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project to climate action
Animal abuse and breaches of Directive 2010/63/EU at Vivotecnia, Spain
(Re-)distribution of EU funds in Hungary
WTO negotiations and harmful fuel subsidies
Sustainability impact assessment on the trade agreement between the EU and Mercosur
EU data on shortfin mako shark discards in the framework of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
Mass slaughter of dolphins and whales in the Faroe Islands and the role of Danish authorities
New Implementing Protocol to the EU-Gabon Fisheries Partnership (2021-2026): concerns for marine ecosystems and coastal communities in Gabon
Bottom trawling in the EU’s marine protected areas
The Commission is ignoring the welfare of sentient marine invertebrate animals during its revision of EU animal welfare laws
Bycatches of dolphins in the bay of Biscay
Seismic research for oil exploration in Hellenic trench threatens marine mammals and sea turtles
Access to safe abortion for women fleeing the war in Ukraine
EU action tackling China’s distant‑water fleet, which is involved in human rights abuses, illegal fishing and bottom trawling
The illegal fishing activities of China’s fleet in foreign countries: the role of EU sustainable fisheries partnership agreements in ensuring transparency and a level playing field
Renewable hydrogen – an added value for partner countries?
Inclusion of detailed rules on fish transport in the upcoming review of Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005
Octopus farm planned by Nueva Pescanova in las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
Conservation of shortfin mako sharks in the South Atlantic within the framework of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
Fish slaughter – stunning before slaughter
The Commission’s stance on banning live-bait fishing
Animal welfare in the report on the functioning of the common fisheries policy
EU action to ensure Member States identify and sanction EU nationals supporting or engaged in illegal, unreported or unregulated (IUU) fishing
Legal protection of at least 30 % of the EU’s land and sea areas
Implementation of Article 17 of the common fisheries policy
The ongoing evaluation and upcoming review of the Environmental Liability Directive
EU fishing industry exporting shark fins to California
Importation of non-human primates into the EU for research and toxicity testing purposes and Commission plans for a phase-out
Removing the minimum liver weight requirement for foie gras production
Putting effective means in place to stop the proliferation of sargassum in the outermost regions
EU certificates for intra-EU transfers allowing exemptions from the prohibitions laid down in Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97
Monitoring the effective enforcement of bottom trawling rules in the Mediterranean
Phasing out fossil gas by 2040
Article 17 of the CFP Regulation as a tool to support the energy transition of EU fisheries
Haiti sanctions regime
Monitoring the effective enforcement of bottom trawling rules in the Mediterranean – request for information concerning Member States
Call to strengthen the European food aid support programme
Commission, where is the promised animal welfare legislation?
Taking climate objectives into account during the implementation of EU funds
Action to end overfishing in the North-East Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea
Compatibility between the declaration of public interest for the ‘Cigéo’ radioactive waste disposal project in Bure, France, and Directive 2011/92/EU
Transparency concerning the Commission’s analysis of the conformity of France’s measures transposing Directive (EU) 2019/944
France and Spain’s struggle to comply with Habitats Directive and the common fisheries policy to avoid by-catches of protected species by fishing vessels
Biodiversity mainstreaming in the MFF and Global Europe Instrument
Mass PFAS pollution in Salindres caused by a Belgian company that makes fluorinated products
Accusations of forced labour levelled against companies supplying seafood to the European institutions
Atrocities committed by African Parks rangers against the Baka in the EU-funded Odzala-Kokoua National Park (Republic of Congo)
Illegal fishing of undersized sardines and swordfish in Italy
Difficulties encountered by Pointe de Bretagne handline fishers in accessing pollack quotas and failure to apply Article 17 of the Common Fisheries Policy Regulation
Memorandum of understanding with Rwanda in a context of escalating violence in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ban on hunting marmots in the European Union
Protection of shellfish waters under the Water Framework Directive