5 Amendments of Markéta GREGOROVÁ related to 2022/2082(DEC)

Amendment 29 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25 c (new)
25c. Welcomes the proposal from the Secretary-General to enable the Bureau to debate draft decisions on important matters and decide on those at its following meeting; invites the Bureau and Quaestors to implement that practice;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 100 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 62 a (new)
62a. Calls on the Parliament to actively encourage Members and Parliamentary staff not to hold any meetings or participate in lobby activities with organisations, which are not registered in the EU Transparency Register and do not publish annual accounts, as well as the legal persons financing its activities;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 112 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 65 a (new)
65a. Considers roll call votes (RCV) to be a key instrument for transparency and accountability towards the Union’s citizens; calls for introducing automatic RCV to any final vote except for secret ballots, and for increasing the number of RCV that are possible for a political group to ask for per part-session in Rule 190-2, or exempting legislative files from that limitation;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 134 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 75 a (new)
75a. Highlights the Parliament’s dependence for communications on social media on platforms with main establishment outside the EU, with poor track records with regards to data protection, privacy, freedom of information and freedom of expression; recalls in particular the 2018 Facebook- Cambridge Analytica scandal, the YouTube recommendation algorithm promoting extremist content, and the 2022 Twitter scandal regarding the suspension of journalists and the swift and opaque changes of verification policies; calls the Parliament to champion and support alternative social media, which are more in line with the European values, such as open-source, decentralised and interoperable networks;
Committee: CONT
Amendment 202 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 112 a (new)
112a. Recalls that in 2019 the Parliament launched a project to automate the registration of attendance with biometric technology in the central attendance register and signed a contract for this project at the end of 2020; stresses that the large-scale processing of biometric data should be avoided; again asks the Bureau to develop an alternative solution that does not involve the processing of biometric data and ensures that only Members entitled to the daily subsistence allowance actually receive it; regrets that this project is still being pursued despite the European Data Protection Supervisor’s adverse opinion at the end of March 2021 and reiterated in its Annual Report 2021, where it was stated that Parliament should consider less intrusive alternatives with regard to data protection;
Committee: CONT