85 Amendments of Stéphane BIJOUX related to 2020/0104(COD)
Amendment 4 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 4
Recital 4
(4) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the Union and in the world, calling for an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the enormous economic and social consequences for all Member States. The challenges linked to the demographic context have been amplified by COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic is far more than a health crisis, and while its economic and social impact will vary from country to country, it will most likely increase poverty and inequalities within the European Union. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. The medium and long-term consequences of the COVID-19 crisis will critically depend on how quickly Member States’ economies will recover from the crisis, which in turn depends on the fiscal space Member States have available to take measures to mitigate the social and economic impact of the crisis, and on the resilience of their economies. Reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies back on a sustainable recovery path and avoid further widening of the divergences in the Union.
Amendment 7 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 5
Recital 5
(5) The implementation of reforms contributing to achieve a high degree of resilience of domestic economies, strengthening adjustment capacity and unlocking growth potential are among the Union’s economic policy priorities. TheyHowever we cannot repeat the mistakes of our response to the last global financial crisis which resulted in a deep and damaging economic and social divergence. The implementation of reforms are therefore crucial to set the recovery on a sustainable path and support the process of upward economic and social convergence. This is even more necessary in the aftermath of the pandemic crisis to pave the way for a swift recovery.
Amendment 12 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 6
Recital 6
(6) Past experiences have shown that investment is often drastically cut during crises. However, it is essential to support investment in this particular situation to speed up the recovery and strengthen long- term growth potential. Investing in green and digital technologies, capacities and processes aimed at assisting clean energy transitionthe transition to clean, affordable and renewable energy, boosting energy efficiency in housing and other key sectors of the economicy are important to achieve sustainable growth and help create jobs. It will also help make the Union more resilient and less dependent by diversifying key supply chains. Among the many inequalities exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital divide is a serious one, affecting in particular less developed regions, women, elderly people and people living in the Outermost regions and rural, remote and depopulated areas. In times when both work and education are taking place online, the digital divide is undoubtedly threatening to deepen regional inequalities. Digital inequality poses a danger for people that are unable to work remotely and students that are threatened to fall behind due to limited access to education content. Greater investment is needed in digitalisation, digital innovation and digital connectivity, which will enable a fair and equal transition towards a more digital economy and a digital online education system, accessible to all citizens, especially the most vulnerable in society.
Amendment 17 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 6 a (new)
Recital 6 a (new)
(6 a) As the COVID-19 pandemic has affected regions and municipalities within Member States differently, the involvement of regional and local authorities, economic and social partners and civil society is crucial for the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of crisis repair supported by the Recovery and Resilience Facility. Member States should consult with all partners when drawing up its recovery and resilience plan. Partnership and multi-level governance in Member States should be strengthened and closely monitored by the European Commission.
Amendment 19 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 6 b (new)
Recital 6 b (new)
(6 b) The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented challenge for healthcare systems in the European Union. It has shown that in the face of rapid socioeconomic transformation, a very important task ahead for the EU is to build resilience, and to use all possible budgetary means in order to strengthen the European health infrastructure. Investment under the Recovery and Resilience Facility should address the widely existing health inequalities throughout the EU, while guaranteeing equal protection with specific attention to the most vulnerable in society.
Amendment 25 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 9
Recital 9
(9) The types of financing and the methods of implementation under this Regulation should be chosen on the basis of their ability to achieve the specific objectives of the actions and to deliver results, taking into account, in particular, the costs of controls, the administrative burden, and the expected risk of non- compliance. This should include consideration of the use of lump sums, flat rates and unit costs, as well as financing not linked to costs as referred to in Article 125(1)(a) of the Financial Regulation. At the same time, the Facility represents a significant amount of additional resources to be spent in a relatively short amount of time, increasing the pressure on control systems. It is therefore encouraged to adopt and apply effective anti-fraud measures through existing anti-fraud agencies at Member States and EU level, such as the EPPO, ECA and OLAF.
Amendment 33 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 12
Recital 12
(12) In order to implement these overall objectives, relevant actions will be identified during the Facility’s preparation and implementation, and reassessed in the context of the relevant evaluations and review processes. Also, due attention should be paid to the impact of the national plans submitted under this Regulation on fostering not only the green transition, but also the digital transformation. They will both play a priority role in relaunching and modernising our economy. In order to help identify programmes with a high positive environmental impact eligible under the Facility, the EU taxonomy on environmentally sustainable economic activities shall be used.
Amendment 39 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 13 a (new)
Recital 13 a (new)
(13 a) In accordance with the Community method, the European Parliament, the only directly elected EU institution and the budgetary authority together with the Council, should exercise both ex ante democratic scrutiny and ex post verification that money provided under the Facility is well spent, is in the interests of EU citizens and EU, provides genuine EU added value and supports economic and social resilience. Full transparency of all final beneficiaries shall be ensured and Commissioners responsible for the Facility shall be fully accountable to Parliament.
Amendment 40 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 14
Recital 14
(14) The Facility’s general objective should be the promotion of economic, social and territorial cohesion. For that purpose, it should contribute to improving the resilience and adjustment capacity of the Member States, mitigating the social and economic impact of the crisis, and supporting the green and digital transitions aimed at achieving a climate neutral Europe by 2050, as well as the intermediate climate and energy targets for 2030, thereby restoring the growth potential of the economies of the Union in the aftermath of the crisis, fostering employment creation and to promoting sustainable growth. In order to ensure that no one is left behind, special attention should be given to the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on the most vulnerable segments of the population, which can trigger worsening inequality. The Facility shall contribute to the promotion of equality between women and men in accordance with Article 8 TFEU. Gender equality objectives and the economic independence of women shall be ensured in all dimensions and in all stages of the preparation, monitoring, implementation and evaluation of programmes financed under the Recovery and Resilience Facility in a timely and consistent manner.
Amendment 49 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 16
Recital 16
(16) To ensure its contribution to the objectives of the Facility, the recovery and resilience plan should comprise measures for the implementation of reforms and public investment projects through a coherent recovery and resilience plan. The recovery and resilience plan should be consistent with the relevant country- specific challenges and priorities identified in the context of the European Semester, with the national reform programmes, the national energy and climate plans, the just transition plans, and the partnership agreements and operational programmes adopted under the Union funds, while they shall allow additional investment in national health services to support the modernisation of health infrastructure and to improve the efficiency of health systems in the EU. To boost actions that fall within the priorities of the European Green Deal and the Digital Agenda, the plan should also set out measures that are relevant for the green and digital transitions. The measures should enable a swift delivery of targets, objectives and contributions set out in national energy and climate plans and updates thereof. All supported activities shouldall be pursued in full respect of the climate and environmental priorities of the Union. In order to protect citizens, support local economies, make local communities resilient to crises and create a sustainable future, Member States shall prepare their recovery and resilience plan together with local and regional authorities, as well as relevant bodies representing civil society, in accordance with the partnership principle. Attention should be paid both to urban areas as drivers of green and digital transformation and to regions suffering from natural or demographic handicaps.
Amendment 57 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 19
Recital 19
(19) In order to ensure a meaningful financial contribution commensurate to the actual needs of Member States to undertake and complete the reforms and investments included in the recovery and resilience plan, it is appropriate to establish a maximum financial contribution available to them under the Facility as far as the financial support (i.e. the non- repayable financial support) is concerned. That maximum contribution should be calculated on the basis of the population, the inverse of the per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the relative unemployment rate of each Member State, in particular the percentage of young people neither in employment nor in education or training (NEET), the territorial inequalities within Member States and the at-risk-of-poverty rate of each Member State.
Amendment 62 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 20
Recital 20
(20) It is necessary to establish a process for the submission of proposals for recovery and resilience plans by the Member States, and the content thereof. With a view to ensuring the expediency of procedures, a Member State should submit a recovery and resilience plan at the latest by 30 April, in the form of a separate annex of the National Reform Programme. To ensure a fast implementation, Member States should be able to submit a draft plan together with the draft budget of the forthcoming year, on 15 October of the preceding year. Recovery and resilience plans submitted by Member States shall be publicly available.
Amendment 64 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 21
Recital 21
(21) In order to ensure the national ownership and a focus on relevant reforms and investments, Member States wishing to receive support should submit to the Commission a recovery and resilience plan that is duly reasoned and substantiated. The European Parliament should have access to all information on the negotiations between Commission and member states on individual recovery and resilience plans at all stages of the process, including timely access to the draft cost estimates for reforms and investments. The recovery and resilience plan should set out the detailed set of measures for its implementation, including targets and milestones, and the expected impact of the recovery and resilience plan on growth potential, job creation and economic and social resilience, as well as on the promotion of gender equality and intergenerational equality; it should also include measures that are relevant for the green and the digital transitions; it should also include an explanation of the consistency of the proposed recovery and resilience plan with the relevant country- specific challenges and priorities identified in the context of the European Semester. Close cooperation between the Commission and the Member States should be sought and achieved throughout the process.
Amendment 67 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 3
Recital 3
Amendment 71 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 4
Recital 4
(4) The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 changed the economic outlook for the years to come in the Union and in the world, calling for an urgent and coordinated response from the Union in order to cope with the enormous economic and social consequences for all Member States. The challenges linked to the demographic context have been amplified by COVID-19. The current COVID-19 pandemic as well as the previous economic and financial crisis have shown that developing sound and resilient economies and financial systems built on strong economic and social structures, including social protection systems ensuring decent living standards for all, helps Member States to respond more efficiently to shocks and recover more swiftly from them. The medium and long-term consequences of the COVID-19 crisis will critically depend on how quickly Member States’ economies will recover from the crisis, which in turn depends on the fiscal space Member States have available to take measures to mitigate the social and economic impact of the crisis, and on the resilience of their economies. Reforms and investments to address structural weaknesses of the economies and strengthen their resilience will therefore be essential to set the economies back on a sustainable recovery path and avoid further widening of the divergences in the Union. These reforms and investments will also have to take into account the measures necessary to promote public health, an employment market providing quality jobs across the board and focusing on youth employment, and accessible, affordable and quality public services, ensuring decent living standards and social protection for all, as well as high level of lifelong learning.
Amendment 74 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 22
Recital 22
(22) The Commission should assess the recovery and resilience plan proposed by the Member States and should act in close cooperation with the Member State concerned. The Commission will fully respect the national ownership of the process and will therefore take into account the justification and elements provided by the Member State concerned and assess whether the recovery and resilience plan proposed by the Member State is expected to contribute to effectively address challenges identified in the relevant country-specific recommendation addressed to the Member State concerned or in other relevant documents officially adopted by the Commission in the European Semester; whether the plan contains measures that effectively contribute to the green and the digital transitions and to addressing the challenges resulting from them; whether the plan is expected to have a lasting impact in the Member State concerned; whether the plan is expected to effectively contribute to strengthen the growth potential, job creation and economic and social resilience of the Member State, mitigate the economic and social impact of the crisis and contribute to enhancing economic, social and territorial cohesion; whether the justification provided by the Member State of the estimated total costs of the recovery and resilience plan submitted is reasonable and plausible and is commensurate to the expected impact on the economy and employment; whether the proposed recovery and resilience plan contains measures for the implementation of reforms and public investment projects that represent coherent actions; and whether the arrangement proposed by the Member State concerned are expected to ensure effective implementation of the recovery and resilience plan, including the proposed milestones and targets, and the related indicators.
Amendment 76 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 23
Recital 23
(23) Appropriate guidelines should be set out, as an annex to this Regulation, to serve as a basis for the Commission to assess in a transparent and equitable manner the recovery and resilience plans and to determine the financial contribution in conformity with the objectives and any other relevant requirements laid down in this Regulation. In the interest of transparency and efficiency, a rating system for the assessment of the proposals for recovery and resilience plans should be established to that effect. These guidelines should include a methodology to track the use and impact of EU public funding on climate and the environment and to ensure the Union’s 2030 targets for climate and energy are reached as well as a climate neutral economy is achieved by 2050.
Amendment 76 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 5
Recital 5
(5) The implementation of reforms contributing to achieve a high degree of resilience of domestic economies, strengthening adjustment capacity and unlocking growth potential are among the Union’s policy priorities. They are therefore crucial to set the recovery on a sustainable path and support the process of upward economic and social convergence. This is evenall the more necessary in the aftermathwake of the pandemic crisis to pave the way for a swift recovery. rapid recovery, accompanied by measures to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights, the sustainable development goals and the Paris Agreement. The fallout from the pandemic is being compounded by the fundamental economic and social transformation being wrought in Europe by climate change, environmental challenges, globalisation, digitalisation and demographic shifts. The reforms will have to respond to simultaneous challenges now arising on many fronts.
Amendment 82 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 6
Recital 6
(6) Past experiences have shown that investment is often drastically cut during crises. However, it is essential to support investment in this particular situation to speed up the recovery and strengthen long- term growth potential. Investing in green and digital technologies, capacities and processes aimed at assisting clean energy transition, and efforts to combat fuel poverty, boosting energy efficiency in housing and other key sectors of the economicy are important to achieve sustainable growth and help create quality jobs. It will also help make the Union more resilient and less dependent by diversifying key supply chains.
Amendment 84 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 32
Recital 32
(32) For the purpose of sound financial management, specific rules should be laid down for budget commitments, payments, suspension, cancellation and recovery of funds. To ensure predictability, it should be possible for Member States to submit requests for payments on a biannual basis. Payments should be made in instalments and be based on a positive assessment by the Commission of the implementation of the recovery and resilience plan by the Member State. Suspension and cancellation of the financial contribution should be possible when the recovery and resilience plan has not been implemented in a satisfactory manner by the Member State. Appropriate contradictory procedures should be established to ensure that the decision by the Commission in relation to suspension, cancellation and recovery of amounts paid respects the right of Member States to provide observations. The Commission shall communicate to the European Parliament and the Council its decision to suspend or cancel financial contributions to a Member State. For effective monitoring of implementation, the Member States should report on a quarterly basis within the European Semester process on the progress made in the achievement of the recovery and resilience plan. Such reports prepared by the Member States concerned should be appropriately reflected in the National Reform Programmes, which should be used as a tool for reporting on progress towards completion of recovery and resilience plans.
Amendment 90 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 34
Recital 34
(34) For the purposes of transparency, the recovery and resilience plans adopted by the Commission should, as well as a full list of final beneficiaries shall be communicated to the European Parliament and the Council, and communication activities should be carried out by the Commission as appropriate.
Amendment 91 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 36
Recital 36
(36) Pursuant to paragraphs 22 and 23 of the Interinstitutional Agreement for Better Law- Making of 13 April 2016, there is a need to evaluate the Recovery and Resilience Facility established by this Regulation on the basis of information collected through specific monitoring requirements, while avoiding overregulation and administrative burdens, in particular on Member States. These requirements, where appropriate, should include measurable indicators, as a basis for evaluating the effects of the instruments on the ground. The Commission shall include the list of indicators used for the evaluation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in the guidelines, annexed to this Regulation.
Amendment 92 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 37
Recital 37
(37) It is opportune that tThe Commission providesshall present an annual report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the Facility set out in this Regulation. This report should include information on the progress made by each Member States under the recovery and resilience plans approved; it should also include information on the volume of the proceeds assigned to the Facility under the European Union Recovery Instrument in the previous year, broken down by budget line, and the contribution of the amounts raised through the European Union Recovery Instrument to the achievements of the objectives of the Facility. The Parliament shall adopt a resolution on the annual report published by the Commission. For the purposes of transparency, the Commission shall publish a full list of final beneficiaries.
Amendment 92 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 11
Recital 11
(11) Reflecting the European Green Deal as Europe’s sustainable growth strategy and the translation of the Union's commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Ssustainable Ddevelopment Ggoals, the Facility established by this Regulation will contribute to mainstreaming climate actions and environmental sustainability, and tos well as the achievement of a just transition that leaves no one behind and of an overall target of 25 37% of the EU budget expenditures supporting climate objectives.
Amendment 93 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 39
Recital 39
(39) The recovery and resilience plans to be implemented by the Member States and the corresponding financial contribution allocated to them should be established by the Commission by way of implementing act. In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of this Regulation, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. The implementing powers relating to the adoption of the recovery and resilience plans and to the payment of the financial support upon fulfilment of the relevandelegated act. Following the Commission’s approval of recovery and resilience plans, the Parliament will either adopt a resolution specifying that it mwilestones and targets should be exercised by the Commission in accordancl not object to the Commission’s decision or exercise with Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council, under the examination procedure thereof13 s veto against the delegated act. After the adoption of an implementing delegated act, it should be possible for the Member State concerned and the Commission to agree on certain operational arrangements of a technical nature, detailing aspects of the implementation with respect to timelines, indicators for the milestones and targets, and access to underlying data. To allow the continuous relevance of the operational arrangements in respect of the prevailing circumstances during the implementation of the recovery and resilience plan, it should be possible that the elements of such technical arrangements may be modified by mutual consent. Horizontal financial rules adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on the basis of Article 322 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union apply to this Regulation. These rules are laid down in the Financial Regulation and determine in particular the procedure for establishing and implementing the budget through grants, procurement, prizes, indirect implementation, and provide for checks on the responsibility of financial actors. Rules adopted on the basis of Article 322 TFEU also concern the protection of the Union’s budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States, as the respect for the rule of law is an essential precondition for sound financial management and effective EU funding. _________________ 13 Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission’s exercise of implementing powers (OJ L 55, 28.2.2011, p. 13).
Amendment 94 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 39 a (new)
Recital 39 a (new)
(39 a) Horizontal financial rules adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on the basis of Article 322 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union apply to this Regulation. These rules are laid down in the Financial Regulation and determine in particular the procedure for establishing and implementing the budget through grants, procurement, prizes, indirect implementation, and provide for checks on the responsibility of financial actors. Rules adopted on the basis of Article 322 TFEU also concern the protection of the Union’s budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States, as the respect for the rule of law is an essential precondition for sound financial management and effective EU funding, while the protection of final beneficiaries is crucial to enable public investments and reforms to make them more resilient, and better prepared for the future. Local and regional authorities, civil society organisations, NGOs or SMEs cannot lose their funding as a consequence of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States. If necessary, the European Commission should, on agreement with the European Parliament and the Council, temporarily, directly - or indirectly- manage funds with recipients without the involvement of national governments violating the rule of law.
Amendment 96 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 40
Recital 40
(40) In accordance with the Financial Regulation, Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council14 , Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2988/9515 ,Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/9616 and Council Regulation (EU) 2017/193917 , the financial interests of the Union are to be protected through proportionate measures, including the prevention, detection, correction and investigation of irregularities and fraud, the recovery of funds lost, wrongly paid or incorrectly used and, where appropriate, the imposition of administrative sanctions. In particular, in accordance with Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 and Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) may carry out administrative investigations, including on- the-spot checks and inspections, with a view to establishing whether there has been fraud, corruption or any other illegal activity affecting the financial interests of the Union. In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1939, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) may investigate and prosecute fraud and other criminal offences affecting the financial interests of the Union as provided for in Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the European Parliament and of the Council18 . In accordance with the Financial Regulation, any person or entity receiving Union funds is to fully cooperate in the protection of the Union’s financial interests, to grant the necessary rights and access to the Commission, OLAF, the EPPO and the European Court of Auditors and to ensure that any third parties involved in the implementation of Union funds grant equivalent rights to the Commission, OLAF, the EPPO and the European Court of Auditors. At the same time, strong mechanisms to avoid possible fraud and corruption shall be put in place by Member States such as enhanced cooperation with the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. _________________ 14Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 September 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (Euratom) No 1074/1999,(OJ L248, 18.9.2013, p. 1) 15 Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 of 18 December 1995 on the protection of the European Communities financial interests (OJ L 312, 23.12.95, p.1) 16 Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 of 11 November 1996 concerning on-the-spot checks and inspections carried out by the Commission in order to protect the European Communities’ financial interests against fraud and other irregularities (OJ L292,15.11.96, p.2) 17Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 of 12 October 2017 implementing enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (‘the EPPO’) (OJ L283, 31.10.2017,, p.1) 18 Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2017 on the fight against fraud to the Union’s financial interests by means of criminal law (OJ L 198, 28.7.2017, p. 29)
Amendment 97 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 13
Recital 13
(13) In order to enable measures to be taken that link the Facility to sound economic governance, with a view to ensuring uniform implementing conditions, the power should be conferredto adopt acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the CoFuncil to suspend, on a proposal from the Commission and by means of implementing acts,tioning of the European Union should be delegated to the Commission in respect of suspending or lifting the waiver with regard to the period of time for the adoption of decisions on proposals for recovery and resilience plans and, to suspendtally or partially, payments under this Facility, in the event of significant non-compliance in relation to the relevant cases related to the economic governance process laid down in the Regulation (EU) No XXX/XX of the European Parliament and of the Council [CPR] (…). The power to lift those suspensions by means of implementing acts, on a proposal from the Commission, should also be conferredIt should be recalled that, as long as the general waiver clause is in effect and the economic and social fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic persists, the measures linking the Facility to sound economic governance no longer apply. The Facility should also be linked to the climate objectives set out in Regulation (EU) XXX/XX of the European Parliament and of the Council [Framework for achieving climate neutrality and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 (European Climate Law)] (...) and the European Pillar of Social Rights. In the event of significant non- compliance with climate objectives and/or the European Pillar of Social Rights, the power to adopt acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the CoFuncil in relation to the same relevant cases. tioning of the European Union should be delegated to the Commission in respect of suspending or lifting the waiver of the period of time for the adoption of decisions on proposals for recovery and resilience plans and, totally or partially, payments under this Facility.
Amendment 100 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 14
Recital 14
(14) The Facility’s general objectiveoals should be theo promotion ofe economic, social and territorial cohesion. For that purpose, the Union’s strategic autonomy, achievement of the United Nations sustainable development goals and the Union’s climate targets and implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. For those purposes, it should contribute to improving the resilience and adjustment capacity of the Member States, mitigating the social and economic impact of the crisis, particularly for the most vulnerable and the young and supporting the green and digital transitions aimed at achieving a climate neutral Europe by 2050, thereby restoring the growth potential of the economies of the Union in the aftermath of the crisis, fostering quality employment creation and to promoting sustainable growth.
Amendment 101 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 1 a (new)
Article 3 – paragraph 1 a (new)
Investment shall not be allowed in activities which could harm the achievement of the objectives of the Recovery and Resilience Facility. In order to respect the ‘do not harm’ principle, the Facility shall not provide financial support to the excluded activities defined in point B of Annex V of the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the InvestEU Programme.1a _________________ 1a 2020/0108 (COD), Brussels, 29.5.2020 COM(2020) 403 final.
Amendment 102 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 a (new)
Article 3 a (new)
Article 3 a No investment under the Recovery and Resilience Facility shall harm the environmental objectives of the Sustainable Finance Taxonomy as laid out in the Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2018 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment, and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/2088. Where investments refer to environmental sustainability they shall meet the technical screening criteria of the EU taxonomy.
Amendment 106 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 4 – paragraph 1
Article 4 – paragraph 1
1. The general objective of the Recovery and Resilience Facility shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesion by improving the resilience and adjustment capacity of the Member States, mitigating the social and economic impact of the crisis, while tackling social inequalities and supporting the green and digital transitions, thereby contributing to restoring the growth potential of the economies of the Union, fostering employment creation in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, and promoting sustainable growth.
Amendment 107 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 16
Recital 16
(16) To ensure its contribution to the objectives of the Facility, the recovery and resilience plan should comprise measures for the implementation of reforms and public investment projects through a coherent recovery and resilience plan. The recovery and resilience plan should contribute to the Union’s strategic autonomy, achievement of the United Nations sustainable development goals and the Union’s climate targets, as well as implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and be consistent with the relevant country- specific challenges and priorities identified in the context of the European Semester, in the field of social policy and employment for example, with the national reform programmes, the national energy and climate plans, the just transition plans, and the partnership agreements and operational programmes adopted under the Union funds. To boost actions that fall within the priorities of the European Green Deal and the Digital Agenda, the plan should also set out measures that are relevant for the green and digital transitions. The measures should enable a swift deliver of targets, objectives and contributions set out in national energy and climate plans and updates thereof. All supported activities should be pursued in full respect of the climate and environmental priorities of the Union.
Amendment 118 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 21
Recital 21
(21) In order to ensure the national ownership and a focus on relevant reforms and investments, Member States wishing to receive support should submit to the Commission a recovery and resilience plan that is duly reasoned and substantiated. The recovery and resilience plan should set out the detailed set of measures for its implementation, including targets and milestones, and the expected impact of the recovery and resilience plan on growth potential, quality job creation and economic and social resilience; it should also include measures that are relevant for the green and the digital transitions; it should also include an explanation of the consistency ofextent to which the proposed recovery and resilience plan contributes to achievement of the United Nations sustainable development goals and the Union’s climate objectives, as well as the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the extent to which it is consistent with the relevant country- specific challenges and priorities identified in the context of the European Semester, with regard to social policy and employment, for example. Close cooperation between the Commission and the Member States should be sought and achieved throughout the process.
Amendment 123 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 22
Recital 22
(22) The Commission should assess the recovery and resilience plan proposed by the Member States and should act in close cooperation with the Member State concerned. The Commission will fully respect the national ownership of the process and will therefore take into account the justification and elements provided by the Member State concerned and assess whether the recovery and resilience plan proposed by the Member State is expected to contribute to effectively address challenges identified in the relevant country-specific recommendation addressed to the Member State concerned or in other relevant documents officially adopted by the Commission in the European Semester; whether the plan contains measures that effectively contribute to the green and the digital transitions and to addressing the challenges resulting from them; whether the plan contributes to the Union’s strategic autonomy, achievement of the United Nations sustainable development goals and the Union’s climate targets and to implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights; whether the plan is expected to have a lasting impact in the Member State concerned; whether the plan is expected to effectively contribute to strengthen the growth potential, quality job creation and economic and social resilience of the Member State, mitigate the economic and social impact of the crisis, especially for the most vulnerable and the young, and contribute to enhancing economic, social and territorial cohesion and upward social and economic convergence; whether the justification provided by the Member State of the estimated total costs of the recovery and resilience plan submitted is reasonable and plausible and is commensurate to the expected impact on the economy and employment; whether the proposed recovery and resilience plan contains measures for the implementation of reforms and public investment projects that represent coherent actions; and whether the arrangement proposed by the Member State concerned are expected to ensure effective implementation of the recovery and resilience plan, including the proposed milestones and targets, and the related indicators.
Amendment 126 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 9 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
Article 9 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
1. In the event of significant non- compliance in relation to any of the cases laid down in Article 15(7) of the Regulation laying down common provisions on the […)][CPR], the Council shall, on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt a decision by means of an implementing act to suspend the time period for the adoption of the decisions referred to in Articles 17(1) and 17(2) or to suspend payments under the Recovery and Resilience Facility.
Amendment 129 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 10 – paragraph 1
Article 10 – paragraph 1
A maximum financial contribution shall be calculated for each Member State for the allocation of the amount referred to in Article 5(1)(a), using the methodology set out in Annex I, based on the population, the inverse of the per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the relative unemployment rate of each Member State, in particular the percentage of young people neither in employment nor in education or training (NEET), the territorial inequalities within Member States and the at-risk-of-poverty rate of each Member State.
Amendment 144 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 1 a (new)
Article 14 – paragraph 1 a (new)
1 a. The Recovery and Resilience Facility is intended to help the EU tackle the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, implying a territorial diversification of investments, therefore regional authorities, professional associations and NGOs are essential to identify and assess specific investment needs in the recovery and resilience plans. The Commission shall put forward a Code of Conduct on partnership setting minimum standards for the involvement of the competent local and regional authorities, professional and relevant civil society organisations, in line with the partnership principle.
Amendment 145 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 2
Article 14 – paragraph 2
2. The recovery and resilience plans shall be consistent with the relevant country-specific challenges and priorities identified in the context of the European Semester, in particular those relevant for or resulting from the green and digital transition, including investment in digitalisation, digital innovation and digital connectivity in particular internet connectivity to keep all citizens connected, especially the most vulnerable in society, while in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, they shall allow additional investment in national health services in order to support the modernisation of health infrastructure and to improve the efficiency of health systems in the EU. Investment in the health care system will help Member States become more resilient and strengthen the entire stability of the Union. The recovery and resilience plans shall also be consistent with the information included by the Member States in the national reform programmes under the European Semester, in their national energy and climate plans and updates thereof under the Regulation (EU)2018/199921 , in the territorial just transition plans under the Just Transition Fund22 , and in the partnership agreements and operational programmes under the Union funds. _________________ 21Regulation (EU)2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action. 22 […] 22[…]
Amendment 147 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 4 – paragraph 1
Article 4 – paragraph 1
1. The general objective of the Recovery and Resilience Facility shall be to promote the Union’s economic, social and territorial cohesioncontribute to the Union’s strategic autonomy, achievement of the United Nations sustainable development goals and the Union’s climate objectives and implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights by improving the resilience and adjustment capacity of the Member States, mitigating the social and economic impact of the crisis, especially for the most vulnerable and the young, and supporting the green and digital transitions, thereby contributing to restoring the growth potential of the economies of the Union, fostering quality employment creation in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, and promoting sustainable growth.
Amendment 148 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 2 a (new)
Article 14 – paragraph 2 a (new)
2 a. The Commission and Member States shall ensure that recovery and resilience plans as well as any future programmes financed under the Facility contribute to the respect and the promotion of equality between women and men in accordance with Article 8 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Evaluations have shown the importance of taking the gender equality objectives aspect into account in all dimensions and in all stages of the preparation, monitoring, implementation and evaluation of operational programmes, in a timely and consistent manner while ensuring that specific actions are taken to promote gender equality and the principle of equal pay for equal work of equal value, the economic independence of women, education and skills upgrading and the reintegration of female victims of violence into the labour market and into society.
Amendment 154 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 – paragraph 2
Article 15 – paragraph 2
2. The recovery and resilience plan presented by the Member State concerned shall constitute an annex to its National Reform Programme and shall be officially submitted at the latest by 30 April. A draft plan mayshall be submitted by Member States starting from 15 October of the preceding year, together with the draft budget of the subsequent year.
Amendment 159 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point b
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point b
(b) an explanation of how the plan strengthens the growth potential, job creation and economic and social resilience of the Member State concerned, mitigates the economic and social impact of the crisis, and itsstrengthens equality, in particular the equality between women and men and intergenerational equality, fights discrimination and contributiones to enhanced economic, social and territorial cohesion and convergence, including how territories with geographical specificities will be targeted;
Amendment 160 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 9 – title
Article 9 – title
Measures linking the Facility to soungood economic governance, climate objectives and the European Pillar of Social Rights
Amendment 161 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 9 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
Article 9 – paragraph 1 – introductory part
1. In the event of significant non- compliance in relation to any of the cases laid down in Article 15(7) of the Regulation laying down common provisions on the […)][CPR], the Council shall, on a proposal from the Commission,mmission shall adopt a decision by means of an implementdelegated act ing actcordance with Article 27a to suspend the time period for the adoption of the decisions referred to in Articles 17(1) and 17(2) or to suspend payments under the Recovery and Resilience FacilityFacility in full or in part.
Amendment 163 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 9 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 a (new)
Article 9 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 1 a (new)
The decision to suspend the payments referred to in paragraph 1 shall not apply as long as the general waiver clause is in force and the severe economic and social fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic persists.
Amendment 164 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 9 – paragraph 1 a (new)
Article 9 – paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. In the event of significant non- compliance in relation to climate goals set out in the European Climate Law1a and/or the European Pillar of Social Rights, the Commission shall adopt a decision by means of an delegated act in accordance with Article 27a to suspend the time period for the adoption of the decisions referred to in Articles 17(1) and 17(2) or to suspend recovery and resilience payments under the Facility in full or in part. __________________ 1a Regulation (EU) No XXX/XX of the European Parliament and of the Council [framework for achieving climate neutrality and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 (European Climate Law)] (…)
Amendment 166 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 9 – paragraph 2 – introductory part
Article 9 – paragraph 2 – introductory part
2. In the event of occurrence of any of the cases referred to in Article 15(11) of the Regulation laying down common provisions on the […], the Council shall, on a proposal from the Commission, shall adopt a decision by means of an implement delegated act ing actcordance with Article 27a to lift the suspension of the time period or of payments referred to in the previous paragraph.
Amendment 167 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point c
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point c
(c) an explanation of how the measures in the plan are expected to contribute to the green and the digital transitions or to the challenges resulting from them; this explanation shall include the measures Member States take to ensure that the Union’s 2030 targets for climate and energy are reached as well as achieving a climate neutral economy by 2050.
Amendment 171 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point d
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point d
(d) envisaged milestones, targets and indicators which allow the measurement of those targets and an indicative timetable for the implementation of the reforms over a maximum period of four years, and of the investments over a maximum period of seven years;
Amendment 175 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 14 – paragraph 2
Article 14 – paragraph 2
2. The recovery and resilience plans shall be consistent with the relevant country-specific challenges and priorities identified in the context of the European Semester, in particular those relevant for or resulting from the green and digital transitioncontribute to the Union’s strategic autonomy, achievement of the United Nations sustainable development goals and the Union’s climate targets, as well as implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and be consistent with the relevant country-specific challenges and priorities identified in the context of the European Semester, in the field of social policy and employment for example, with the national reform programmes, the national energy and climate plans, the just transition plans, and the partnership agreements and operational programmes adopted under the Union funds. The recovery and resilience plans shall also be consistent with the information included by the Member States in the national reform programmes under the European Semester, in their national energy and climate plans and updates thereof under the Regulation (EU)2018/199921, in the territorial just transition plans under the Just Transition Fund22 , and in the partnership agreements and operational programmes under the Union funds. __________________ 21Regulation (EU)2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action. 22 […]
Amendment 179 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 1
Article 16 – paragraph 1
1. When assessing the recovery and resilience plan, the Commission shall act in close cooperation with the Member State concerned, including/and consulting the local and regional authorities and professional and relevant civil society organisations. The Commission may make observations or seek additional information. The Member State concerned shall provide the requested additional information and may revise the plan if needed, prior to its official submission.
Amendment 181 #
2. When assessing the recovery and resilience plan and in the determination of the amount to be allocated to the Member State concerned, the Commission shall take into account the analytical information on the Member State concerned available in the context of the European Semester including the information available on the level of corruption as well as the justification and the elements provided by the Member State concerned, as referred to in Article 15(3), and any other relevant information including, in particular, the one contained in the National Reform Programme and the National Energy and Climate Plan of the Member State concerned and, if relevant, information from technical support received via the Technical Support Instrument.
Amendment 182 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point a
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point a
(a) an explanation of the way the relevant country-specific challenges and priorities identified in the context of the European Semester, especially with regard to social policy and employment, are expected to be addressed;
Amendment 185 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point b
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point b
(b) an explanation of how the plan strengthens the growth potential, quality job creation and economic and social resilience of the Member State concerned, mitigates the economic and social impact of the crisis, especially for the most vulnerable and the young, and its contribution to enhance economic, social and territorial cohesion and convergence, as well as the Union’s strategic autonomy;
Amendment 187 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point a
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point a
(a) whether the recovery and resilience plan is expected to contribute to effectively address challenges identified in the relevant country-specific recommendations, including those on rule of law and corruption addressed to the Member State concerned or in other relevant documents officially adopted by the Commission in the European Semester;
Amendment 189 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b
(b) whether the plan contains measures that effectively contribute to the green and the digital transitions or to addressing the challenges resulting from them;se transitions, in order to ensure that the Union’s 2030 targets for climate and energy are reached as well as achieving a climate neutral economy by 2050.
Amendment 192 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point d
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point d
(d) whether the recovery and resilience plan is expected to effectively contribute to strengthen the growth potential, job creation, and economic and social resilience of the Member State, to promote equality in particular between women and men, as well as intergenerational equality, to fight discrimination and mitigate the economic and social impact of the crisis, and contribute to enhance economic, social and territorial cohesion;
Amendment 195 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point c a (new)
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point c a (new)
(ca) an explanation as to how the plan contributes to achievement of the United Nations sustainable development goals and to implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights;
Amendment 199 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point c b (new)
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point c b (new)
(cb) an explanation showing that at least 37% of the recovery and resilience plan contributes to the fight against climate change;
Amendment 201 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 17 – paragraph 1
Article 17 – paragraph 1
1. The Commission shall adopt a decision within fourone months of the official submission of the recovery and resilience plan by the Member State, by means of an implementing delegated act. In the event that the Commission gives a positive assessment to a recovery and resilience plan, that decision shall set out the reforms and investment projects to be implemented by the Member State, including the milestones and targets, and the financial contribution allocated in accordance with Article 11.
Amendment 213 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point a
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point a
(a) whether the recovery and resilience plan is expected to contribute to effectively address challenges identified in the relevant country-specific recommendations, especially regarding social policy and employment, addressed to the Member State concerned or in other relevant documents officially adopted by the Commission in the European Semester;
Amendment 214 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 19 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1
Article 19 – paragraph 4 – subparagraph 1
The suspension shall be lifted where the Member State has taken the necessary measures to ensure a satisfactory implementation of the milestones and targets referred to in Article 17(1) and guaranteed that funds spent in a non- satisfactory manner will be reimbursed.
Amendment 218 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b a (new)
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b a (new)
(ba) whether the recovery and resilience plan contributes to achievement of the United Nations sustainable development goals and implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights;
Amendment 220 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point c
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point c
(c) whether the recovery and resilience plan is expectedlikely to have a lasting impact oin the Member State concerned and whether least 37% of the recovery and resilience plan contributes to combating climate change;
Amendment 222 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point d
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point d
(d) whether the recovery and resilience plan is expected to effectively contribute to strengthen the growth potential, quality job creation, and economic and social resilience of the Member State, mitigate the economic and social impact of the crisis, especially for the most vulnerable and the young, and contribute to enhanceing economic, social and territorial cohesion and the Union’s strategic autonomy;
Amendment 223 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 21 – paragraph 1
Article 21 – paragraph 1
1. The Commission shall transmit the recovery and resilience plans as approved in the implementing act of the Commission in accordance with Article 17 to the European Parliament and the Council without undue delay. The Member State concerned may request the Commission to redact sensitive or confidential information, the disclosure of which would jeopardise public interests of the Member State. Such a request shall not be interpreted extensively.
Amendment 224 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 21 – paragraph 2
Article 21 – paragraph 2
2. The Commission may engage in communication activities to ensure the visibility of the Union funding for the financial support envisaged in the relevant recovery and resilience plan, including through joint communication activities with the national authorities concerned, regional and local authorities as well as with professional and relevant civil society organisations.
Amendment 228 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 23 – paragraph 2
Article 23 – paragraph 2
2. The performance reporting system shall ensure that data for monitoring the implementation of the activities and results are collected efficiently, effectively, and in a timely manner. In order to address the widely existing gender data gap in the field of cohesion policy and urban planning, Member States should introduce data collection methods corresponding to gender data. To that end, proportionate reporting requirements shall be imposed on recipients of Union funding.
Amendment 232 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 26 – paragraph 1 a (new)
Article 26 – paragraph 1 a (new)
Amendment 233 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 26 – paragraph 1 b (new)
Article 26 – paragraph 1 b (new)
1 b. In its communication activities, the Commission should leverage local stakeholder networks to ensure that funds swiftly reach beneficiaries in need, and eliminate any barriers to information about available funds under the facility.
Amendment 252 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 27 a (new)
Article 27 a (new)
Amendment 1099 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point a
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point a
(a) whether the recovery and resilience plan is expected to contribute to effectively address challenges identified in the latest relevant country-specific recommendations addressed to the Member State concerned or, challenges and priorities identified in the most recent Council recommendation on the economic policy of the euro area for Member States whose currency is the euro, and in other relevant documents officially adopted by the Commission in the European Semester;
Amendment 1132 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b a (new)
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b a (new)
(b a) whether the plan contains measures that effectively strengthen the Union's strategic autonomy;
Amendment 1138 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b b (new)
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b b (new)
(b b) whether the plan contains measures that effectively contribute to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to the European Pillar of Social Rights;
Amendment 1141 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b c (new)
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b c (new)
(b c) whether the plan contains measures that effectively contribute to the climate and environmental objectives of the EU, in particular to the achievement of the Union’s updated 2030 climate targets and the objective of climate neutrality by 2050;
Amendment 1144 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b d (new)
Article 16 – paragraph 3 – point b d (new)
(b d) whether the plan contains measures to ensure that at least 37% of the amount requested for the recovery and resilience plan contribute to mainstreaming climate objectives based on the methodology provided by the Commission in accordance with Article 14(2a) and a demonstration of how the measures significantly decrease the national climate friendly investment gap;
Amendment 1226 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 17 – paragraph 1
Article 17 – paragraph 1
1. The Commission shall adopt a decision within fourtwo months of the official submission of the recovery and resilience plan by the Member State, by means of an implementing act. In the event that the Commission gives a positive assessment to a recovery and resilience plan, that decision shall set out the reforms and investment projects to be implemented by the Member State, including the milestones and targets, and the financial contribution allocated in accordance with Article 11.
Amendment 1292 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 17 – paragraph 5
Article 17 – paragraph 5
5. Where the Commission gives a negative assessment to a recovery and resilience plan, it shall communicate a duly justified assessment within fourtwo months of the submission of the proposal by the Member State.
Amendment 1321 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 18 – paragraph 2
Article 18 – paragraph 2
2. Where the Commission considers that the reasons put forward by the Member State concerned justify an amendment of the relevant recovery and resilience plan, the Commission shall assess the new plan in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 and shall take a new decision in accordance with Article 17 within fourtwo months of the official submission of the request.
Amendment 1340 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 19 – paragraph 2
Article 19 – paragraph 2
2. Payment of financial contributions to the Member State concerned under this Article shall be made in accordance with the budget appropriations and subject to the available funding. The Commission decisions referred to in this Article shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 27(2)5a.
Amendment 1392 #
Proposal for a regulation
Chapter 5 – title
Chapter 5 – title
Reporting and, Information and Discharge
Amendment 1422 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 21 a (new)
Article 21 a (new)
Article 21 a Discharge procedure Spending under the Facility shall be subject to the discharge procedure by the European Parliament.
Amendment 1481 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 24 – paragraph 4
Article 24 – paragraph 4
4. For the purpose of the reporting on the activities referred to in paragraph 2, the Commission may use the content of the relevant documents officially adopted by the Commission under the latest European Semester as appropriate, as well as the most recent Council recommendation on the economic policy of the euro area for Member States whose currency is the euro.
Amendment 1499 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 25 a (new)
Article 25 a (new)
Article 25 a Exercise of the delegation 1. The power to adopt delegated acts is conferred on the Commission subject to the conditions laid down in this Article. 2. The power to adopt delegated acts referred to in Article 4, Article 14, and Article 19 shall be conferred on the Commission until 31 December 2027. 3. The delegation of power referred to in Article 4, Article 14, and Article 19 may be revoked at any time by the European Parliament or by the Council. A decision to revoke shall put an end to the delegation of the power specified in that decision. It shall take effect the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European Union or at a later date specified therein. It shall not affect the validity of any delegated acts already in force. 4. Before adopting a delegated act, the Commission shall consult experts designated by each Member State in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement of 13 April 2016 on Better Law-Making. 5. As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it simultaneously to the European Parliament and to the Council. 6. A delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 4, Article 14, and Article 19 shall enter into force if no objection has been expressed either by the European Parliament or by the Council within a period of two months of notification of that act to the European Parliament and the Council or if, before the expiry of that period, the European Parliament and the Council have both informed the Commission that they will not object. That period shall be extended by two months at the initiative of the European Parliament or of the Council.