Proposal for a regulation
Article 13
Article 13 Database on environmental sustainability related data 1. At the latest within three years after the publication of the decision referred to in paragraph 4, the ECHA shall establish and manage, as part of the common data platform, a database containing environmental sustainability related data. 2. Where the Commission or the Agencies host or hold environmental sustainability related data in addition to the chemicals data already available in the common data platform, they shall make that data available to the ECHA without undue delay once the Commission or the Agency hosting or holding that data has completed, where relevant, validity and confidentiality assessments. The Commission and the Agencies shall provide the necessary technical cooperation to the ECHA to enable the integration of environmental sustainability related data in the database on environmental sustainability related data. 3. Where researchers or research consortia funded by Union framework programmes make available to the ECHA, under Article 5(6), any environmental sustainability data on chemicals or materials they collect or generate, the ECHA shall integrate the relevant data in the database on environmental sustainability related data. 4. By [OP please insert date: three years after the date of entry into force of this Regulation], the Commission shall adopt an implementing decision identifying existing datasets on environmental sustainability related data, other than those referred to in paragraph 2, for inclusion in the common data platform and shall design relevant related database functionalities.deleted