1 Amendments of Hannes HEIDE related to 2019/2055(DEC)

Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Reaffirms its support for the Commission's multimedia activities, which contribute to independent reporting on EU affairs in the media and to the promotion of a European public sphere; is alarmed, however, by the conclusions of the rapid case review conducted by the European Court of Auditors on Euronews, which highlight the lack of transparency and accountability in the arrangements for the provision by the Commission of financial support to Euronews and the insufficiently robust nature of the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms; urges the Commission, furthermore, to increase transparency in respect of the budget for multimedia activities and to improve accountability for expenditure, in particular by creating separate budget lines for the various activities and by carrying out a comprehensive audit of fund use;
Committee: CULT