2 Amendments of Julie LECHANTEUX related to 2019/0101(COD)
Amendment 10 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 3
Recital 3
(3) The type-approval requirements relating to emissions from motor vehicles have been gradually and significantly tightened through the introduction and subsequent revision of Euro standards. While vehicles in general have delivered substantial emission reductions across the range of regulated pollutants, this was not the case for NOx emissions from diesel engines or particles for gasoline direct injection engines, installed in particular in light-duty vehicles. Actions to correct this situation are therefore needed; however, taking into account the differences in NOx emission parameters relating to conditions of use, a distinction should be made between light commercial vehicles and passenger cars and measures should be taken in line with driving conditions and the use to which the vehicles are put.
Amendment 28 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 9
Recital 9
(9) In order to allow manufacturers to comply with the Euro 6 emission limits in the context of RDE test procedure, the compliance criteria for RDE should be introduced in two steps. During the first step, upon the request of the manufacturer, a temporary conformity factor should apply, while as a second step only the final conformity factor should be used. The Commission should keep under review the final conformity factors in light of technical progress, bearing in mind the actual conditions of vehicle use.